Midterms L7 Flashcards
He says that it primarily consists of processes and techniques observed by members of the society towards an “acceptable, proper, and desirable way of living”
He defined personality as an organization of forces-consistent attitudes, values, and modes of perception-within an individual which results in his/her consistent behavior.
Victor Barnouw
they percept of personality as the interrelation of an individual’s ideas, actions, and attitudes with the many nonhuman aspects of his/her environment and heritage.
R. Dewey’s and W.J. Humber’s
body of a person. The person acquired that body since his/her conception, and he/she has no or less chances of changing it completely. It is his/ her thumbmark, the symbol of his/her being, the major evidence that he/she exists.
Identity may be likened to sense of fashion. A person’s sense of fashion is the piece that is observed by the other people’s eyes. It is what others mostly remember of him/ her. A person may have adapted it from a friend, a colleague, or a family, and he/she may change it if he/she wills to.
According to ____, et al. (1994), personality is determined by both nature and nurture. In their book, they enumerated two major determinants.
the genetic characteristics of one’s parents have something to do with his/her personality. Genes provide “raw materials” from which personality is formed
Environment can also influence personality formation and development.
This determinant can be further subdivided into three.
Geographic Environment
Cultural Environment
Social Environment
The location, climate, topography, and natural resources in one’s society are all parts of his/her environment.
Geographic Environment
learned ways of living the norms, values, and beliefs one gets accustomed to in a society.
Cultural Environment
Interactions happening in a particular group are all parts of a person’s social environment. One’s social role is also a contributing factor in developing one’s personality.
Social Environment
discusses the possible causes of a person’s identity crisis, or a period of confusion over one’s identity typically due to a change in his/her roles in society.
Erik Erikson (1950)
in his Identity Status Theory, stated that there are four statuses of identity
James Marcia
four statuses of identity
Identity Diffusion
Identity Foreclosure
Identity Moratorium
identity achievement
a person has not resolved his/her identity crisis yet, and had not committed to achieving specific goals, aspirations, and life direction.
Identity Diffusion
a person merely follows the values and roles set for them by other people or institutions without exploring what suits him best.
Identity Foreclosure
This provides a person opportunities to explore and discover himself/herself before finally coming to an identity achievement.
Identity Moratorium
his is the last status in Marcia’s theory that can be attained when a person has resolved his/her identity crises and has committed to certain goals, aspirations, beliefs, values, and roles after exploration.
Identity Achievement