Lesson 4 and 5 Flashcards
Pertains to belief that one’s native culture is superior to or most natural among other culture
they sees and weighs another culture based upon the values and standards of his/her own.
Ethnocentric person
It id the deliberate imposition of one’s own culture belief on another culture.
Culture Imperialism
It is to find difficult to adapt to the new cultures and may feel severe confusion and disturbance.
Culture Shock
It usually has high regard for other culture but disdains his/her own or is embarrassed by them
It is a process by which develop from earlier beings.
They are the first to use stone tools for survival
They have expanded brains, enlarged bodies, less sexual, dimorphism, narrower limb proportions reduced to the size of cheek, teeth, and crania.
The first hominid discovered by anthropologist Richard Leakey and Meave Leakey in Kenya in 1972
Homo Rudolfensis
First identified building — a wide break of stones has been found.
Homo Habilis
First wooden spear, earliest container, a wooden bowl, hunting, discovered fire (volcanic activity; some friction)
Homo Erectus
who were deemed to be the first to bury their dead and had the idea of formal burials.
Homo Neandethalensis
First species to alter their environment and utilize their resources. They learned how to farm and herd animals. Settle food production.
Homo Sapiens
the golden era of Homo genus when the entire planet is developed to adjust to the need and want of modern humans.
Homo Sapiens
They exhibited similar mental sophistication by wearing animal skins and fur to protect them from changing weather conditions.
Homo Neandethalensis
in his books “On The Origin Of Species”(1859) and The Descent Of Man (1871), the British naturalist defined evolution as the process by which develop from earlier beings
Charles Darwin