Midterm Week 6 Flashcards
lat. Jin Yin Hua
Lonicerae Flos
what kinds of situations were considered “toxic” in ancient Chinese medicine?
heat accumulation in the body– toxic
microbial infections causing fever & often with inflammation or abscesses– heat toxin, fire toxin
Jin Yin Hua
herbs that clear heat and relieve toxicity
Jin Yin Hua
properties, taste and temperature:
Jin Yin Hua
sweet, cold
Jin Yin Hua
none noted
key characteristic:
Jin Yin Hua
disperses heat
resolves toxicity
cools the blood
stops bleeding (if charred)
fx 1 of 3:
Jin Yin Hua
1 Clears heat and resolves fire toxicity
- for hot, painful sores and swellings in various stages of development, especially of the breast, throat or eyes.
also for intestinal abscess.
- sim. to bohe for its usage on red eyes
fx 2 of 3:
Jin Yin Hua
2 vents and disperses externally contracted wind-heat
- for the early stages of warm-heat patho diseases with such symptoms as fever, slight sensitivity to wind, sore throat, and headache.
- also for externally contracted summerheat
- sim. bohe, chai hu
fx 3 of 3:
Jin Yin Hua
3 clears damp-heat from the lower burner
- for damp-heat dysenteric disorder or painful urinary dribbling
main fx
Jin Yin Hua
treats toxicity primarily in breast, throat and eyes and intestinal abscesses
lat. Lian Qiao
Forsythiae Fructus
Lian Qiao
clear heat and relieve toxicity
Lian Qiao
properties, taste and temperature:
Lian Qiao
bitter, slightly acrid, slightly cold
key characteristics:
Lian Qiao
- cools and vents heat, particularly in the HT and upper burner
- resolves toxicity
- disperses clumps
Lian Qiao
within normal dosage range no side effects are expected
fx. 1 of 2:
Lian Qiao
1 clears heat and resolves toxicity
- for externally-contracted wind-heat with pronounced fever, slight chills, sore throat, and headache
fx 2 of 2:
Lian Qiao
2 reduces abscesses and dissipates clumps
- toxic clumps such as external sores, internal abscesses, scrofula or throat painful obstruction
main fx:
Lian Qiao
has a connection to the HT and can protect HT from heat
what are the two chief herbs in Yin Qiao San?
Jin Yin Hua and Lian Qiao
what is the deputy from Cool Acrid Release the Exterior
in Yin Qiao San?
Bo He
what is the main action of Lian Qiao San?
disperses wind-heat, clears heat and resolves toxicity
- relatively strong at releasing the exterior and clearing heat
- classic formula for protective level warm-febrile disease
what kind of indications does Lian Qiao San treat?
tonsillitis, sore throat (bensky: fever, slight or no chills, h/a, thirst, cough, sore throat, red-tipped tongue, thin white or thin yellow tongue coat, floating/rapid pulse)
heat pathogen enters through the mouth and throat
what are herbs that clear heat from deficiency used for?
- for LV and KI Yin deficiency (xu) with deficiency heat
- also in later stage heat patterns (wen bing) with injury to the Yin
what are deficiency heat s/s?
5 center heat, night sweats, fever worse at night, tidal or afternoon fever, thin/rapid pulse, spermatorrhea, red/scarlet tongue iwth no coat or thin and peeling, malar flush, continuous, mild thirst, steaming bone disorder
what are 2 parts of the treatment principle for clear heat from deficiency?
nourish LV and KI Yin
clear deficiency heat
lat. Qing Hao
artemisiae annuae herba
Qing Hao
clear heat from deficiency
Qing Hao
one of the shao yang channel with wood in 5 phase
properties, taste and temperature:
Qing Hao
bitter, cold
Qing Hao
those with weak digestion or watery diarrhea
key characteristics:
Qing Hao
clears all types of yin level heat without injuring the qi, blood or yin
fx 1 of 4:
Qing Hao
1 clears summerheat
- especially for summerheat with low fever, headache, dizziness, and a stifling sensation in the chest
- sim to Bo He, Xi Gua, Lian Qiao
fx 2 of 4:
Qing Hao
2 clears fever from deficiency
- for fevers from either blood deficiency or as the sequelae of a febrile disease. especially useful when steaming bone patterns are marked by an absence of sweating
fx 3 of 4:
Qing Hao
3 cools the blood and stops bleeding
- for purpuric rashes or nosebleed due to heat in the blood
fx 4 of 4:
Qing Hao
4 checks malarial disorders and resolves heat
- for the alternating fever and chills of malarial disorders
3 categories of downward draining herbs
purgative, moist laxative, harsh expellant
c/i of downward braining herbs
pregnancy, during menses, prolapse, qi and yang deficiency
what are three categories in Downward Draining Herbs?
purgative, moist laxative, harsh repellant
what are c/i for downward draining herbs?
pregnancy– forcefully down moving
during menses– causes too much bleeding
qi and yang deficiency
what are patterns used for purgative herbs?
interior excess
1-interior heat : constipation due to accumulation of heat
2-interior cold : constipation due to accumulation of cold
Da Huang
Rhei Radix et Rhizoma
Da Huang
downward draining– purgative
Da Huang
properties & dosage
bitter. cold.
3-15g internally *add at the end of decocting
Da Huang
- weak ST because it can injure ST Qi
- avoided with patients with qi and blood deficiency without significant accumulations or blood stasis
- caution during menstruation, pregnancy and lactation
Da Huang
- Drains heat and purges accumulations
- Drains fire
- Clears heat, transform dampness, and promotes urination
- Drains heat from the blood (IMPORTANT HERB because it can stop bleeding WITHOUT causing blood stasis
- Invigorates the blood and dispels blood stasis
- Clears heat and reduces fire toxicity
IND. fx 1 drains heat and purges accumulations
Da Huang
High fever, profuse sweating, thirst, constipation, abdominal distention & pain, delirium, yellow tongue coating & full pulse– intestinal heat excess or yangming organ-stage of the 6 stages
IND. fx 2 drains fire
Da Huang
Excess fire leading to intense fever, sore throat, hot, swollen and painful eyes, or fire toxin sores due to heat excess obstructing the blood level, particularly when accompanied by constipation.
IND. fx 3 clears heat, transform dampness and promotes urination
Da Huang
For damp-heat leading to such problems as edema, jaundice, painful urinary dribbling as well as acute, hot, dysenteric disorders.
IND. fx 4 drains heat from the blood
Da Huang
For blood in the stool either from bleeding hemorrhoids or heat accumulating in the intestines. Also for chaotic movement of hot blood that overflows, manifested in vomiting blood or nosebleed accompanied by constipation.
Can be powered and given orally for bleeding in upper digestive tract.
IND. fx 5 invigorates the blood and dispels blood stasis
Da Huang
important herb for treating both recent and log-term blood stasis as it can eliminate static blood that is outside the vessel via the bowels and clear the heat that often develops from stasis.
For amenorrhea, fixed abdominal masses or fixed pain due to blood stasis.
Also for blood stasis due to traumatic injury or intestinal abscess.
Both internally and externally.
IND. fx 6 Clears heat and reduces fire toxicity
Da Huang
Used either topically or internally for burns or skin lesions due to heat.
key characteristics
Da Huang
Purges clumped heat in the intestines
Cools the blood
Removes blood stasis
In its charred form, it can stop bleeding
Da Huang
Active constituents are broken down by boiling, which will reduce the purging effect.
- Cooking for short for purgative effect
- Cooking for long for other functions such as cooling blood
What is the chief herbs for Da Cheng Qi Tang?
Da Huang; along wih Mang Xiao, Zhi Shi, Hou Po
What is the main action of Da Cheng Qi Tang?
- Vigorously purges heat accumulation:
4 types of abdominal disharmony- focal distention, fullness, dryness, excess
*representative formula for the Yang Ming Organ Pattern
Huo Ma Ren
cannabis semen
Huo Ma Ren
downward draining herbs– moist laxative
Huo Ma Ren
Huo Ma Ren
sweet. neutral
Huo Ma Ren
excessive consumption can lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Huo Ma Ren
- Nourish and moisten the intestines
- Nourish the yin
- Clear heat and promote healing of sores
IND fx 1 Nourish and moisten the intestines
Huo Ma Ren
For constipation in the elderly, in the aftermath of a febrile disease, postpartum, and in cases of blood deficiency
IND fx 2 Nourish the yin
Huo Ma Ren
Mildly tonifies the yin and primarily used in cases of yin deficiency with constipation
IND fx 3 Clear heat and promote healing of sores
Huo Ma Ren
As an auxiliary herb for sores and ulcerations, taken orally or applied TOPICALLY
characteristics of MOIST LAXATIVE
- either seeds or nuts
- lubricate the intestines and facilitate the expulsion of stool
- in concert with other appropriate herbs, use for constipation due to blood, yin or qi deficiency
- often used for the elderly and debilitated
characteristics of HARSH EXPELLENTS (cathartics)
- for constipation due to stagnation of fluids in the thoracic or abdominal cavities or for poor water metabolism
- drive out excess water; pattern characterized as one of interior excess, and in biomedicine, pleurisy or ascites
- can injure yin and qi
- only for short period of time
Gan Sui
kansui radix
Gan Sui
downward draining– cathartics
Gan Sui
properties & dosage
Gan Sui
bitter. sweet. cold. TOXIC
0. 5 - 1.5 g
key characteristics
Gan Sui
Drives pathogenic water downward
Gan Sui
Only used for ascites or other excess-type disorders, and then only for a short time.
Gan Sui
1. Drains water downward and drive out thin mucus
2. Drives out phlegm
3. Clears heat and reduces swelling
IND. fx 1 Drains water downward and drive out thin mucus
Gan Sui
For draining of severe accumulation of fluids in the chest and abdomen.
Also for generalized edema, facial edema, and abdominal distention.
This is a violent, cathartic herb that causes one to pass water anally.
IND fx 2 Drives out phlegm
Gan Sui
For seizures from wind-phlegm or
withdrawal-mania from recalcitrant phlegm congealing and clumping
IND fx 3 Clears heat and reduces swelling
Gan Sui
Used topically for swollen, painful,
nodular skin lesions due to damp-heat.
Most appropriate during the early stages of
this disorder.
Herbs that clear heat and resolve toxicity
should be given orally at the same time.
Huo Ma Ren
crush before decocting