FINAL EXAM (TONY) Flashcards
what aggravates painful joints from wind dampness?
cold damp weather
what is the major symptom of wind dampness?
painful joints
what happens when phlegm and heat mix?
vicious cycle … phlegm traps heat and the heat further dries the phlegm, making it thicker and harder to treat
compare and contrast
fu ling, fu ling pi, fu shen, chi fu ling
fu ling
fu ling pi
fu shen
chi fu ling
herbs that cool and transform phlegm heat … focus on phlegm in what part of the body?
respiratory and digestive tract
herbs that tonify qi primarily treat ____ and _____
tai zi shen is used for?
summerheat in children
tonify yang herbs primarily support of which three zang organs?
lu rong … why is it salty?
b/c it is an animal product …
functions of fu ling
1) Promotes urination and leaches out dampness;
2) Strengthens the Spleen and harmonizes the middle burner;
3) Strengthens the Spleen and transforms phlegm;
4) Quiets the Heart and calms the spirit;
indications of fu ling
1) Urinary difficulty, diarrhea, edema due to stagnation of fluids or dampness;
2) Loss of appetite, diarrhea, and epigastric distention;
3) Palpitations, headache, dizziness, and thick, greasy tongue coating;
4) Palpitations, insomnia or forgetfulness;
fu ling channels and properties
sweet and bland
fu ling c/i
yin xu
sunken spleen qi
hou po channels and properties
bitter & acrid
hou po c/i
why can fu ling be used for hot and cold presentations?
b/c it is neutral in temperature
drain damp
fu ling
aromatic, transform damp
hou po
dispel wind damp
du huo
transform phlegm heat
qian hu
transform phlegm cold
zhi ban xia
relieve cough and wheeze
xing ren
relieve food stagnation
shan zha
regulate qi
chen pi
regulate bleeding, stop bleeding
san qi
regulate blood, invigorate blood
chuan xiong AND chi shao
warm interior, expel cold
zhi fu zi
tonify qi (5 herbs!)
ren shen dang shen tai zi shen bai zhu gan cao
tonify yang
lu rong
tonify yin
mai men dong
tonify blood
shu di huang
dang gui
stabilize and bind
shan zhu yu
calm and nourish spirit
suan zao ren
calm, anchor, settle spirit
long gu
expel parasites
da suan
aromatic , open orifices
she xiang