Midterm Week 4 Flashcards
What are qualities and characteristics of herbs that release the exterior?
pungent/spicy and acrid
light and ascending
often cooked for short periods of time
many cause diaphoresis
Herbs that Release the Exterior are broken down into what 2 categories?
Warm/acrid that treats wind cold
Cool/acrid that treat wind heat
What are the most common EPF factors treated with herbs that release the exterior?
six evils– wind, cold, fire, damp, dryness, summerheat
Tai yang channel syndromes break down into two types.
What are they and what are their different names?
Cold– taiyang excess, wind cold excess
Wind– taiyang deficiency, wind cold deficiency, wind strike
water amassment and blood amassement – taiyang organ
What is the most superficial of the six channels?
UB– taiyang channel that covers back and neck
; connects to mingmen to warm the superficial
; taiyang fu that related to inhibited urination due to accumulation of fluids in the lower jiao
LU– relation to wei qi; disperses fluids to the surface
What are the general s/s and characteristics of a Wind Cold Excess pattern?
aversion to cold, fever(fighting causes heat) & chills(chills predominant), put on extra clothes and don’t feel better, headache, general aches and body pain, clear or white secretions, no thirst
pulse: floating and tight
tongue: normal body with thin, white coat
What are the general s/s and characteristics of a Wind Cold Deficiency pattern?
Wei qi not as strong as in excess pattern, chills and fever but there is less fever than in excess pattern, chills still predominant, aversion to wind, pain and ache not so severe, clear or white secretions, sweating(pores open with loss of fluid and mild sweat), disharmony of yin and yang, edema(water metabolism problem), wind attack leads to LU qi dysfunction to Yang Shui or Yang Edema
pulse: floating and moderate
tongue: normal body with thin, white coat
what are the general s/s and characteristics of a wind cold def. pattern?
meaning… wei qi not as strong as in excess pattern.
chills and fever, but here there’s less fever than in excess pattern (body is fighting but not as strong); chill still predominant; aversion to wind; pain and ache not so severe.
pathogen wins and gets a stronger foothold, affecting the muscle layer.
floating & moderate pulse
tongue: normal body with thin and white coat
clear or white secretions.
sweating (pores open with loss of fluid and mild sweat)
disharmony of yin and yang– fluid is lost.
edema; wind attack leads to LU qi def. (this leads to yang shui or yang edema)
what is yang shui? how does it manifest?
wind attacks LU qi; dysfunctional LU not pushing fluids down.
what are other conditions this herbs can address?
it is sometimes appropriate to use these herbs to treat cough and asthma, bi syndromes and skin conditions, especially if related to an ext. pathogenic ination.
ma huang
ephedrae herba
category. channel. properties.
ma huang
warm acrid herbs that release the exterior
acrid. slightly bitter. warm.
ma huang
spontaneous sweating from ext. def.
night sweat with yin def.; KD def. asthma
not good for long term; hypertension
key characteristics
ma huang
induces sweating.
calms wheezing.
promotes urination.
what preparations were discussed of ma huang and what do they treat?
sheng ma huang (raw) induces sweating.
zhi ma huang (prep’d with honey) stops cough and asthma (but cannot use for def. asthma)
gui zhi
cinnamoni ramulus
gui zhi
warm-heat pathogen disease.
yin def. with heat.
heat in the blood with vomiting.
small dose for pregnancy or excessive menstruation.
category. channel. properties.
Gui Zhi
warm acrid that releases the exterior.
acrid. sweet. warm.
key characteristics.
gui zhi
light & warm, releases the muscle layer.
unblocks yang qi.
warms the middle.
what is the chief herb, deputy in ma huang tang?
chief: ma huang, WARE
deputy: gui zhi, WARE
other ingredients: xing ren, relieve cough and wheezing
zhi gan cao, tonigy qi
what is the major action and pattern that are treated with ma huang tang?
action: releases the ext. and arrests wheezing.
pattern: exterior excess, wind cold.
indications: fever & chills (chills predominant) without sweating, h/a, general body aches, cough and wheeze, floating & tight pulse.
what is the chief herb in gui zhi tang?
gui zhi, WARE other ingredients: deputy: bai shao, tonify blood assistant: sheng jiang, WARE envoy: da zao, tonify qi zhi gan cao, tonify qi
what is the major action and pattern treated with gui zhi tang?
action: releases pathogenic influences from the muscle layer and regulates the ying and the wei qi.
pattern: ext. def., wind cold.
indications: fever & chills unrelieved by sweating, h/a, aversion to wind, stiff neck, nasal congestion, dry heaves, no particular thirst, a thin white and moist tongue coating, floating pulse that is either moderate or frail.
what are some general s/s of wind heat?
wei qi level- the most superficial of the four levels from wen bing xue.
disease caused by heat enters through the mouth and nose.
fever & mild chills (fever dominant, more sweat), swollen red painful throat, thirst & dry throat & cough, h/a, body ache
yellow secretion, red eye (conjunctivitis), measles/rashes
pulse: floating & rapid
tongue: may have normal body, possible red tip or beginning to turn more red, thin yellow tongue coating
what are the properties of the herbs used to treat wind heat?
acrid & cool herbs that can induce sweat but not as strongly as acrid & pungent warm herbs
what channels do many of herbs that treat wind heat enter?
LU– superficial and controls the skin and pores
LV– heat symptoms, stagnation of LV qi, emotional symptoms, need to disperse and cool for free flow of qi
bo he
menthae haplocalycis herba
category. channel. properties.
bo he
cool acrid herbs that release the exterior
acrid, aromatic, cooling
bo he
can deplete qi
not to be used in debilitated patients with profuse sweating or in those with ascendant LV yang
key characteristics.
bo he
facilitates the dispersal of upper burner wind-heat. cools and clears the eyes and head. soothes the throat. facilitates the flow of LV qi. expels turbid filth.
what is turbid filth?
uncleaned water and/or food
what is the special concern in preparing bo he?
do not cook long.
decoct at the end for 5 to 10 min.
chai hu
bupleuri radix
category. channel. properties.
chai hu
cool, acrid herbs that release the exterior
bitter, acrid, cool
key characteristics.
chai hu
treats alternating chills and fever. releases heat in the muscle layer. harmonizes shao yang stage disorders. raises the clear qi of the ST and GB. relieves LV qi constraint.
chai hu
because it’s a rising and dispersing herb, it should not be used when the true win has been severely damaged, or with hyperactivity of LV yang.
what are shao yang channels?
what are the 2 types of chai hu preparation discussed?
sheng chai hu (raw)– relieves heat and ascends the yang.
zhi chai hu (frying with vinegar)– promotes qi to relieve LV qi stagnation.
what are some typical shao yang s/s?
alternating fever and chills, dry throat, bitter or sour taste in the mouth, dizziness, irritability, sensation of fullness in the chest and hypochondria (can be felt as difficulty taking a deep breath), heartburn, nausea and vomiting, reduced appetite.