Midterm - Unit 1 - Intro Flashcards
Definition of Dance
“Dance is a transient mode of expression performed in a given form and style by the human body moving in space. Dance occurs through purposefully selected and controlled rhythmic movements; the resulting phenomenon is recognized as dance by both the performer and the observing members of a given group.”
multicultural elements of dance
defines and embodies culture
is a gateway to understanding culture.
is the study of all aspects of human life and culture
can be defined as the ways of life learned and shared by people in social groups.
Symbolic representation
Symbolic representation is used in cultural groups to communicate complex thoughts, to pass knowledge from one generation to the next. Symbols give meaning to everything around them – every thought, every kind of human interaction. Symbolic representations include language, art, dance, music, etc.
Franz Boas (1858-1942)
Known as the “Father of
American Anthropology”
Differences in groups of people are the result of historical, social and geographic conditions
Gertrude Kurath (1903-1992)
Dancer, choreographer,
teacher & musician
her work emphasized cross-cultural studies of music and dance within their cultural, historical, and social contexts
Dance ethnology/ethnochoreology
is defined as “the scientific study of ethnic dances in all their cultural significance, religious function or symbolism, or social place.” (Vissicaro, 15)
five premises for adopting a culturally sensitive approach to studying dance in its cultural context by Deidre Sklar
- Movement knowledge is a kind of cultural knowledge.
- Movement knowledge is conceptual and emotional, as well as kinesthetic.
- Movement knowledge is intertwined with other kinds of cultural knowledge.
- One has to look beyond movement to get at its meaning.
- Movement is always an immediate corporeal experience.
Hindu god of creation and destruction
Cross-cultural study
is the comparison of different cultural knowledge systems. It is informed by looking at cultures from two perspectives: emic vs. etic.
Insider perspective of cultural reality
outsider perspective of cultural reality, more scholarly
Personal Emic
What the researcher already knows
the arrangement of activities in the total environment that occur before, during and after the actual dancing
two types of dance events:
the contained dance event and the extended dance event.
Contained dance event is a theatrical performance or competition that has been transformed from informal to formal performance by means of rules, structure, specific purpose, etc. (i.e., pow wow dancing). The transformed event has a different purpose from the original version, though the transformed event is no less significant.
is a theatrical performance or competition that has been transformed from informal to formal performance by means of rules, structure, specific purpose, etc. (i.e., pow wow dancing). The transformed event has a different purpose from the original version, though the transformed event is no less significant.
Theatrical performance or competition (low context
The audience of a contained dance event usually does not need an in-depth background of the culture to appreciate the event.
Extended dance event
is one that “creates cultural continuity, strengthens social organization, and governs behavior before, during, and after the event.” (Vissicaro, 138)
– i.e., Potlatch (Pacific Northwest tribes)
cultural knowledge is necessary to understand the event;
meaning is specific to those sharing cultural knowledge;
– Potlatch status affirmed through speeches, gift giving, dance, song, etc.
Macro Features of Dance Events
where? when? why? how? who? what?
Micro Features of Dance Events
Laban Movement Analysis (LMA)
– Space: movement type, formation, patterns, body parts, body extensions, personal space, spatial relationships, size, design or shape of the movement, direction and level
– Time: rhythm, tempo, duration, pulse, accent, etc.
– Energy: dynamics of movement which can be categorized as sustained, percussive, swing, collapse, or vibratory
Joann Keali’inohomoku
considering ballet as a form of ethnic dance