About Indonesia
Largest country in Southeast Asia in terms of area
• 13,760 islands
• Capital is Jakarta, on Java
Indonesian Culture
“Unity in Diversity”
− Temples
Successive layers of religious beliefs
– Indigenous religions
– Hinduism (2nd-4th centuries A.D.)
– Buddhism (I Ching arrived, 672 A.D.) – Islam (14th century A.D.)
- Ancestor worship
* Trance and possession dance rituals
- Bhakti – Devotional movement brought by Hindu Brahmans, ~5th or 6th centuries A.D.
- Strength, austerity, self-restraint lead one closer to the divine.
~671 A.D. Buhhist pilgrim I Ching arrived
Buddhist principles reinforced ruler’s divine right
court religions
Hinduism and Buddhism were practiced in Java as
• Hindu temple at Prambanan
• Buddhist temple at Borobudur
Which Buddhist temple is famous for its carving of dancers?
“The Buddhist monument of Borobudur (c. 800) in Central Java
• Introduced by traders, 14th century A.D.
• Introduced by traders, 14th century A.D.
– Population – over 100 million
– Volcanoes
– Earthquakes, tidal waves, typhoons
Javanese Dance-drama
• Before 200 A.D. – Masked dance rituals
• Wayang kulit (shadow puppet dramas)
– Drew from Mahabarata and Ramayana – Dalang (artist, storyteller)
– Gamelon orchestra
wayang kulit
shadow puppet dramas
Performance, Yogyakarta, Java
“This court dance commemorates the ritual marriage of the sultan’s ancestor to the deity known as the Queen of the Southern Sea. The identically dressed dancers, who usually move in unison, represent aspects of a single person, concept or theme.”
The Bedoyo costume takes hours to put on. The goal of Bedoyo is to achieve a balance between body and soul.
Javanese values
unruffled composure, selflessness
wayang wong
gameleon orchestra