Midterm Exam Flashcards
What is the religion of the Hebrew people and what is their code of morality and ethics?
Judaism and their code of morality and ethics is the Ten Commandments.
What religion was developed from the teachings of Jesus?
Christianity was the religion developed from the teachings of Jesus.
What items were exchanged west (brought TO the Americas) during the Columbian exchange?
What items were exchanged west (brought TO the Americas) during the Columbian exchange?
Food, plants, animals, and diseases. Transfers from Europe, Africa, and Asia, grains; wheat rice barley oats, foods; citrus fruit, grape, banana, sugar cane, honeybee, onion, olive turnip, coffee, bean, peach, and pear, livestock; cattle, sheep pig horse, disease; smallpox, influenza, typhus, measles, malaria, diphtheria, whooping cough. Transfers from America pumpkin, turkey, quinine, pineapple, cacao bean, beans, vanilla, corn, tomato, potato, peanut, cassava, peppers, avocado, sweet potato, squash, tobacco.
What is ‘divine right’ and what kind of government did it support?
The divine right supports the idea that monarchs represent God on earth. It supported the absolute monarchy, which had complete power.
Why did Peter the Great build St. Petersburg?
He built St. Petersburg to use it as a seaport, base for navy, and place for education and growth.
What was the political purpose of the Palace at Versailles?
The Palace of Versailles served as the home of all government officials, he could live in luxury, pass laws there, and these things all showed his power.
Why was Ivan IV known as Ivan the Terrible?
Ivan blamed the boyars for poisoning his wife so he killed boyers and their families. He also killed his son after a violent quarrel.
Who proposed the heliocentric theory and what is it?
The heliocentric theory is the idea that the sun is the center of the solar system and all of the planets revolve around the sun. Nicholas Copernicus originally proposed the idea.
What did Isaac Newton explain?
The laws of gravity:
1. An object will stay in motion unless a force acts on it.
2. The force of the object is equal to the mass times its acceleration.
3. When two objects interact they apply force to each other.
Who influenced the American Bill of Rights?
John Locke stated that humans have the natural rights of life, liberty and property, Voltaire believed that the state should be separate from the church and Rousseau believed that there should be a social contract between the people and the government. All of this influenced the Bill of Rights
What ideas did the Enlightenment promote?
Liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.
What percentage of the population belonged to the First Estate? Second Estate? Third Estate?
The 1st Estate was one percent of the population, the 2nd Estate was two percent of the population, and the 3rd Estate was ninety seven percent of the population.
What is Bastille Day?
The day that a French mob stormed the prison of Bastille on July 14 and took it over. It is celebrated like the Fourth of July in the United States.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
A statement of ideas for the revolution adapted from the Declaration of Independence. This statement expresses the importance of the natural rights to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.
What was the Reign of Terror? Who imposed it?
A period after the French Revolution when Maximilien Robespiere ruled France for a year. He killed thousands of people under the guillotine who were suspected as non supporters of the revolution.
What were the goals of the Congress of Vienna?
The goal of the Congress of Vienna was to establish peace and stability in Europe after Napoleon’s rule and to weaken France.
What was Napoleon’s Continental System? How did Britain react to it?
The Continental System was the economic plan to strengthen Europe and weaken Britain. Napoleon planned to do this by blockading Britain, but then Britain responded with their own blockade and started alliances with other countries against Napoleon.
What was the result of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia?
Napoleon lost 410,000 of his soldiers from the invasion. Because of this his army was weak and his enemies took advantage of this by taking him off the throne.
Describe Napoleon
Smart man, was a military leader but let his anger get the best of him.
What strategy did Czar Alexander I use to defeat Napoleon?
Czar Alexander used the scorched earth policy against Napoleon. Where they burned all the food and shelter, so that Napoleon’s army would have nothing.
Who was Jose de San Martin?
He was a creole who was a general and the leader of Argentina’s revolutionary forces.
Who was Miguel Hidalgo?
Miguel Hidalgo was a priest who led the independence movement in Mexico.
What is nationalism?
Nationalism is the belief that people’s loyalty should be to their nation who share a common culture and history. Nationalism united Nations together(Italy), but also destroyed many cultures when trying to unite them all(Russia).
What did Mary Shelley write?
She wrote the famous gothic book Frankenstein.
What were the achievements of Otto von Bismark?
Otto von Bismark was the prime minister of Prussia, united all of Germany by fighting France for land, was crowned kaiser(emperor), and created Germany under Prussian dominance.
What were the achievements of Camillo di Cavour?
He united Italy as the prime minister and drove Austria out of Northern Italy. Worked to increase the power of Sardinia with diplomacy.
Compare and contrast the liberation of Mexico and Brazil
In Brazil a member of the royal family helped the revolution and there was no war, just a petition signed by Brazilian citizens. In Mexico however there was a war in which the leader of the rebellion died. However both countries gained their independence and they were both colonies being ruled from a distance.
Describe nationalism
The belief that people’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history.
What were the goals of impressionism?
To show life as it should be, where artists used pure and shimmering colors to capture a moment. Discovered that music can make mental images.
Describe realism
Showing or believing in life as it is, not as it should be.
Compare the unifications of Italy and Germany
Italy took a longer time period to unite than Germany. Germany united through a constitution, while Italy united over many battles. However both countries had two people who mainly led the unification Otto von Bismark and Cavour, they were also both united through nationalism, by sharing a common culture.
What was the Industrial Revolution?
The shift in the 18th century from making goods by hand to them being made by machines.
What was the agricultural revolution and why did it lead to the Industrial Revolution?
The agricultural revolution was when people started thinking about better, more productive ways to farm. This led to the industrial revolution because the produce and population began to rise, but also people began to think in new ways and farmers fled to the city from being bought by large landowners.
What are the three factors of production?
The three factors of production are land, labor, and capital.
How did Britain try to keep industrial secrets from getting to other countries?
Britain wouldn’t let engineers, toolmakers, and mechanics leave the country. Britain threatened these people and their families with death. This is because these people knew the blueprints to the machines used in the industrialization. If Britain was the only country who knew how to make these goods at that fast of a pace they controlled the trade.
What is ‘laissez-faire’ and how did it influence early industrialists?
An economic policy of letting owners of industry and business set working
conditions without interference from the government. This made it so the businesses could make workers work for however long they wanted and for as little pay as possible.
What was the impact of the steam engine on the production of British goods?
The steam engine powered machines made goods a lot faster than making them handmade.
What is a free market system?
A system where the government has no regulations where the owners can do what they like. Owners can do whatever they want with workers, there are no set hours or wages.
What impact did technological advances have on industry?
Made better faster machines, new equipment, transportation, better buildings, etc. This made goods produce at a faster rate, so that things became cheaper.
What were the long term effects of The Communist Manifesto?
Changes in worker rights, social services and labor unions, and caused some countries to become communists.
What does the term “Jewel in the Crown” mean?
Britain used this term to describe India as the most valuable of all the British colonies. So that is what it means, the most valuable.
Why did imperialism lead to a food shortage in Africa?
All the food being made went into trading for the European countries that controlled the African countries. This led to the Africans producing more food, but eating less.