Midterm #2 Flashcards
define intelligence
the ability to learn, to meet the demands of the environment effectively and ti understand ones mental activities.
define metacognition
the ability to think about ones own thinking
charles spearman
helped develop a tool for analyzing intelligence, called factor analysis.
factor analysis & person
-charles spearman’s statisical method for determining whether different items on a test correlate highly with one another, thus forming a cluster of iteams (ppl do good in both vocab & verbal skills)
the g factor and person
charles spearman
underlies all distinct clusters of mental activity. part of the two fctor theory
the s factor and person
charles spearman
the specific factor, tied to that particular area of functioning. part of the two factor theory
thurstones 7 factors of intelligence
- verbal comprehension
- word fluency
- numerical skill
- spatial ability
- associative memory
- perceptual speed
verbal comp & theory person
thurstones 7 factor theories of intelligence
vocab, reading, comprehension, verbal analogies, etc
word fluency & theory and person
thurstone 7 factor theory of intelligence
the ability to quickly generate and manipulate a large number of words with specific characteristics. as in anagrams or rhyming tests
numerical skill theory and person
thursone 7 factor theory of intelligence
the ability to quickly and accurately carry out mathamatical operations
spatial ability and person and theory
thurstone 7 factor theory
skill in spatial visualization as well as the ability to mentallyy transform spatial figures
associative memory and person and theory
thrustones 7 factor theory of intelligence
- rote memory
perceptual speed and person and theory
thurstone 7 factor theory of intelligence
quickness in perceiving visual details, anamalies, similarties
reasoning theory and person
thurstone 7 factor theory of intelligence
skill in varitey of inductive, deductive and arithmetic reasoning tasks
primary mental activities and person
seven distinct mental abilities identified by thurstone as the basic components of intelligence. he was the first to criticize spearmans theory
theory of multiple intelligences and person
Howard gardner, he was influenced in part by thurstone
this theory argues that there is not a single unified intelligence. instead gerdner believes that there are several independent intelligences arising from different areas of the brain
how does thurstone and gardner theories differ
- thurstone identified collectively constitue intelligence
- gardner believes that various intelligences are best emasured in the contexts in which they occur (real-world eampinations vs paper and pen, real-world is more useful.)
- gardners def of multiple intelligences includes an important cultural component
Gardners multiple intelligences
- linguistic
- logical/mathematical
- musical
- spatial
- bodily/kinesthetic
- interpersonal
- naturalistic
- existentialist
linguistic def and person and possible job
sensitivity to the sounds and meaning of words
- authroy, jounalist, teacher, blogger
logical/ mathematical def, person and job
capacity for scientific analysis and logical and mathematical problem solving
- scientist, engineer, mathematician, video game developer
musical def and person and job
sensitivity to sounds and rhythm; capacity for musical expression
- musician. composer, singer
spatial def and person and job
ability to accurately percieve spatial relationships
- architect, navigator, sculptor, athlete
bodily/kinesthetic def and person and job
ability to control body movements and manipulate objects
- athelete, dancer, surgeon
intrapersonal def and person and job
sensitivity to the emotions and motivations of others, skillful at managing others
-manager, therapist, teacher, twitter influencer
naturalistic def person and job
ability to understand patterns and processes in nature
-biologist, naturalist, ecologist, farmer
existentialist def and person and job
ability to understand religious and spiritual ideals
- philospher, religious scholars
triarchic theory of intelligence and person
robert sternberg
made up of three interacting components: internal, external, and experiential
internal def and person
(analytic) this component of intelligence relates to the internal processing of intfo/ aquiring info, planning, monitoring and evaluating problems or carrying out directions. This is the ort of intelligence that is needed for striaghtforward tasks and problems confronted with at work or school.
external def and person
(creative) some tasks require a special way of thinking. a mroe creative way of thinking which also relates to the internal part of thinking.
Ex making it through cutoms at an airport that you do not speak their langauge.
experiential def and person
helps us adapt to our enviroment and improve it.
ex: you just moved to a new town and you find that you cant sleep at night because the hood is noisy. First you move to a diff bedroom, then you try to soundproof the room. if that doesnt work you move to a new house.