Midterm Flashcards
Week 1-5
A theory is
Theory is a set of concepts, definitions, and propositions that projects a systematic view of phenomena by designating specific interrelationships among concepts for purposes of describing, explaining, predicating, and/or controlling phenomena.
What’s the order of the Nursing Metaparadigm?
a) Grand theories, Practice-Level and Middle Range
b)Middle Range, Grand Theories, Practice-Level
c)Grand theories, Middle Range, Practice-Level
What is Nursing?
A professional discipline
Disciplines Include…
Networks of philosophies, theories, concepts and community of scholar share that make commitments to value, knowledge and proceses
To develop a theory it involves…
Viewing is from a lens. Determining components of concepts, inter-relationships of various elements & aspects along with circumstances under which they are presented. Requires both deductive and inductive reasoning.Enables us to more accurately define & develop the focus of our professional thinking (for us, nursing’s thinking)
Paradigm is
a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated
Framework is based on
Your own thinking/lens. It provides different views
(Referred to asConceptual Models or Grand Theory
What’s the structure of Nursing Theories
Metaparadigm, Paradigm, Grand Theories, Middle Range&Practice-Level
Metaparadigm is
The framework for nursing that sets forth phenomena of interest.
Very general
Intended to reflect agreement
Most abstract level of nursing knowledge
Closely mirrors nursing beliefs
Provides a context for developing nursing knowledge
What are the four concepts of Metaparadigm?
Person or human being
The Environment(concepts) is
Human beings’ significant others and physical surroundings as well as local, regional, national and worldwide cultural social, political, and economic conditions that are associated with human beings’ health. does it also include relational elements or concepts associated with milieu
Conceptual Model/Grand Theories of Nursing is
Sets of concepts and propositions that provide perspectives on the major concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing
Extra stuff
Reflect values and beliefs of the discipline.
Reflect research and practice approaches.
Provide direction for research.
Less abstract than philosophy
More abstract than theory
Paradigm is
Worldview or Shared Perspective
Reflects the differences within the shared beliefs
More than one paradigm can be accepted within a community
Generally a consensus is usually reached within the community
Totality Paradigm is
Known as health even though you are missing something
Humans are seen as integrated human beings with distinguishable dimension
Humans are described as adapting to their environments
Health & illness viewed as states along a continuum
Simultaneity Paradigm is
Humans seen as unitary (indivisible, unable to be broken down into separate components)
Humans, as irreducible wholes, viewed as inherently connected to the universe
Humans seen as exiting in continuous mutual process with environment (rather than adapting to environment)
You don’t have everything to be whole, you aren’t considered as whole
Middle-Range Theory is
Represent least abstract level of theory development
Derived from specific grand theory in nursing
May reflect the application of theory from another discipline to nursing
May involve testing of specific relationships identified in a grand theory
May focus on exploration of a concept of particular relevance to nursing (e.g. resilience)
Practice Level is
Hands on work that the nurses do with their patients
Pertinent to a specific range of nursing situations
Provides framework for nursing practice
Predicts outcomes and impact of nursing practice
Interrelated with concepts from middle-range theories
Philosophy is
Set of ideas/knowledge. The love of wisdom
The 5 ways of knowing are
Ethical, Personal, Empirical, Esthetic, emancipatory
What equals praxis?
Nursing Theory & Nursing Practice
What is Nursing Praxis?
refers to the reciprocal relationship of theory & practice
What are the 3 dimensions of Nursing Praxis?
What’s the difference between knowing and knowledge?
Knowledge is expressed in a way that can be shared with others and may be discipline-specific having met standards of a critique across the discipline.
Knowing is internal to the knower. It’s a range of experiences that are unique to the individual. It acquires personal reflection.
Empirical knowing is
Most familiar
How nurses come to know science of nursing
Knowing actual theories, concepts, and principles
It can be verified and tested
Ethical Knowing is
Knowing what’s right or wrong
Knowing the moral practice
Duty, rights and obligations
Guides Nursing practice
Essential in day to day nursing actions
Aesthetic knowing is
Cannot be taught
Through personal practice
Your intuition with the way your care for patients
Action based
Creative and imaginative use of nursing knowledge in practice
Nurses express their art of practice through interpretation and guiding use of various theories
Personal knowing is
Understanding the knowledge ourselves
Clients based relationship
First encounter with your patient
Creating and building that therapeutic relationship
Emancipatory knowing is
Bringing it all together
Taking a stand for what is right
Advocating for your patient
integrating knowing, doing, and being
Florence Nightingale’s 5 components of environmental health are
Pure air(proper ventilation)
Pure water
Efficient drainage
Cleanliness(Including bathing & hand washing)
Peplau’s Theory is based on
Nurse-Patient Relationship
What’s the orientation phase of Peplau’s theory?
An individual has a perceived need and seeks professional assistance.
The nurse helps the patient recognize and understand his or her problem and collaboratively they determine his or her need for help.
Development of trust in the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship is central and the parameters of the relationship are negotiated.
What’s the working phase of Peplau’s Theory?
The patient identifies with those who can help him or her and attempts to derive full value from the available resources.
The nurse supports exploration of feelings to aid the patient.
The nurse facilitates development toward well-being through enactment of the roles of the nurse
Support the patient from the orientation phase
Patient is working towards independence
What’s the resolution phase of Peplau’s Theory
The patient gradually puts aside old goals and adopts new goals
Concurrently moves from dependence to independence
Nursing Process includes
Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation
The three layers include
Recognizing cues
Analyze Cues
Prioritize Hypothesis
Generates Solution
Take Action
Evaluate Outcomes
Recognizing cues is
Filtering information from different sources(Sign and symptoms)
Analyze Cues is
Linking and recognized cues to the client’s clinical presentation and establishing probable client needs, concerns or problems
Prioritize Hypothesis is
Evaluating and ranking hypothesis according to priority
Generate solutions is
Identifying expected outcomes and using hypotheses to define a set of interventions for the expected outcome
Take Actions is
Implementing the solution that addresses the highest prioritites