Midterm 1 Chap 10 Flashcards
Définir l’intelligence
- difficult to conceptualise (its built by society)
-difficult to measure (risk d’erreur de réification)
La théorie de Aristote
2 dimensions :
Sagesse pratique = application des connaissance
Sagesse théorique = considération d’idées en fonction de concept
C’est quoi l’effet flynn
QI augmente avec le temps en raison de facteurs (3)
1) Alimentation
2) meilleure éducation
3) complexité de l’nvironnement (technologies)
Méthodes de mesures précoces , what are they (2)
Théorie de Galton
Mesure des tendances centrales et distribution
What is the théorie de Galton
- linked intelligence with physical attributes (hereditary) and functions but no success
- contributed in the distribution curve that we use today
Test de Binet et Simon, what is it ?
- Mesure comportemental (age mental vs chrono)
-Test mesure la direction (what and how to do things), l’adaptation (using the knowledge to something new) et le critique (reviewing and correcting my errors)
What did Terman do and how did Weschler counter react
Terman established a Standford-Binet Test. It was an adaptation from the Simon-Binet in France.
- Calculated by dividing the mental age by the chrono age then multiply by 10
Weschler did the Standardized IQ - following the Standford-Binet
Why could this type of test (Standford Binet) be a problem
Because mental age can become stagnant meanwhile chronological age is continuous. In other words, your IQ will decrease with age.
This is where Weschler comes in the picture.
What is the Test of Weschler
- La cource normal de l’intelligence (QI Standarisé)
- Le test est basé sur une distribution normale avec un score moyen de 100
-Avantages 3 : l’age nest pas affecté, test many aspects depending on content, tests de performance
-no chronological age
Things to remember about the courbe normal de Weschler
La moyenne is 100
Écart type are 15 differences
68% first écart type, 95% second écart type, 98% third écart type
Who did the Évaluation de la vitesse de traitement?
Nettleback and Lalley
Arthur Jenson
What did Nettlebeck and Lalley test?
Temps d’inspection
They measured intelligence in accordance to the speed of information treatment (even tho they can all answer the same question)
What did Arthur Jenson test?
Temps de réactions aux choix
Mesure indirectement l’intelligence - vitesses de transmission neurales
What was Sternberg’s theory (linked to speed and intelligence)
There’s steps into solving a problem. Smarter people would take more time at the beginning of their solving journey (where they will have to plan their ideas) and then fast at the end
This will speed up their solving skills
What is the con about linking intelligence to speed
Speed does not necessarily determine the level of intelligence in a person
What is Eugénisme ?
Goal of reproducing a «desired»group while discouraging the «undesired» group
Whats the link between Eugenism and these intelligence tests at the time?
There are biases (certain groups have different levels of intelligence), bias to the North american standards
What social group was affected by eugénism and QI results
Scolarité Limité
Mauvaise alimentation
Manque de soin de santé
- la langue et culture jouait également un role
WhaT ARE THE differences between men and women’s intelligence
In terms of global intelligence, there is no difference
Men are better at visuospatial
Women are better at verbal
What is état d’esprit
influenced by our vision of intelligence and auto stereotypes
Eg mary has a etat desprit rigide about intelligence becus she thinks it doesnt change
What was Sperman’s theory
Intelligence can reflect on more than one subject and there’s a reason for it
- We all have a general intelligence and then there’s a specific aspect.
He also established the analyse factorielle
What is the analyse factorielle
Il cherche la corrélation des notes/résultats entre différentes matières
What is facteur g et facteur s
Facteur g = supérieur, globale
- s’applique dans différentes domaines
Facteur s = inférieur, spécifique
- limité dans un domaine en particulier
Puisque facteur g est plus générale , comment est ce qu’elle prédit les choses
Elle prédit la réussite de la vie : performance universitaire, durée à l’école, meilleur revenue, long time of living
What did Thurstone do
Refute la théorie de Sperman by using the analyze factorielle again
- He focused more on the specific part of intelligence
- Identifie 7 capacité mentales primaire fesant partie de l’intelligence
What is the Model of Cattell
Cattell tried to reconcile (reunite) the Sperman theory with Thurston’s model by creating 2 types of intelligence general — Modele hiérarchique
On doit aussi considéré la flexibilité cognitive
What are the two intelligence general selon Cattell
Intelligence general fluide (pour les situation complexes) .. ici on n’utilise pas les connaissances acquises
Intelligence general cristallisé (fait appel aux connaissance antérieur - ancrée sur nous) - Ici on utilise les connaissances acquises
What is flexibilité cognitive
Capacité de modifier la formulation de problème et rediriger l’attention en conséquence.
Cest quoi le paradoxe de la sagesse
Wisdom paradox
By Goldberg
It is the complexe relations between intelligence general fluide et general cristallisé
À la jeunesse, on réfléchit avec souplesse pour gerer les situations complexes
Avec le temps, on développe l’intelligence cristallisé (avec expériences, pattern) et c’est lui qui domine
What is the other type of intelligence
Intelligence emotionnelle
WHat is the definition of intelligence emotionnel (4)
Percevoir l’émotion = reading verbal and non verbal expressions
Comprendre l’émotion= finding the reason behind the emotion, anticipate
Gerer l’émotion = you have to be aware to know how to manage emotion.
Utiliser l’émotion = emotion is telling me something, what should i do about it
Quelle est le lien entre l’intelligence et la créativité
Il y a des facons to pensée, soit 2 type de pensée en particulier
La pensée convergente = mène à une réponse
La pensée divergente = mène à plusieurs réponses différentes
C’est quoi la théorie de Sternberg
Wanted to focus on the process of intelligence rather than structure - les composantes de l’intelligence (3)
La théorie triarchique de Sternberg
What are the composantes d’intelligences according to Sternberg
Intelligence Analytique = évalué par les test QI
Intelligence Créative = capacité d’adaptation et de produire de nouvelles idées — good for new situations
Intelligence Pratique = Application sur la vie quotidienne —application sur des situations réelles
C’est quoi la théorie de Gardner
Établit la théorie des intelligences multiples (8 avec 4 sources centrales)
- people have different learning styles - proves that this theory is used in todays time
Intelligences est acquise ou innées ??
Both - used with twin studies
Environnement culturel influence l’intelligence tout comme l’intelligence est un aspect génétique
Intelligence et l’age
@ 20 = les cellules cerebrales diminue
@ 80 = 5% less of the brain’s original weight (we lose 5% of our brain)
The frontal lobe in which took the most time to develop will also decrease with time
Le raisonnement social s’améliore
**La reconnaissance reste stable
Mémoire de rappel diminue (remembering things in our head)
Mémoire prospective ou temporelle diminue aussi (think of Jacqueline and her agenda)