Chapter 14 Flashcards
cest quoi la definition de anormalité
What is the pour and contre l’etiquette des troubles
- langage commun
- ca nous aide à trouver les ressources, à identifier la maladie
- ca donne une idée sur la prévalence
- Prophétie
-créer l’incertitude/peur
-créer des stigmas par rapport à la maladie
Quelles sont les facon à réduire la stigma de maladie
- essayer de centré le langage sur la personne et non la maladie (eg. Personne avec spectre d’autisme au lieu de dire autitste)
- Chercher les forces des personnes atteintes d’un trouble psychologique
- les roles des médias (pouvant créer une perspective/stereotypes)
C’est quoi le DMS
DMS = Manuel diagnotiques et statistiques des troubles mentaux —> published in 1952
C’est quoi le but/utilisation du DMS
It helps us with diagnostic et formulation des cas
It helps us élaborate a plan de traitement
How is the DMS organized/set up ?
Schéma organisationnel du développement —> starts with introducing troubles appearing in infants then follows by troubles pour les plus vieux
There is also 19 categories of trouble psychologiques
What is the first troubles presented in DMS
Troubles Neurodévelopementaux
What are the main caracteristics of troubles neurodeveloppementaux
- Detected durant la petite enfance
- It’s an handicap dans bcp d’aspects (apprentissage, fonctionnement social, problème de comportement, émotions)
What is the type of Troubles neurodeveloppementaux and explain about it
Le TSA - Trouble du spectre de l’autisme :
- difficulty establishing social relations (difficult to detect social cues/signs)
- difficulty using langues (some are non verbal, others simply lack sarcasm, humour aka no filter)
- difficulty à inferer les sentiments et pensées des autres (théorie d’esprit)
- Difficulty with being flexible (needs predictability, routine)
Characteristics of Spectre de la schizophrénie et autres troubles psychotiques — what are the troubles covered in class ?
For the general condition…
- There’s positive symptoms: delirium (thinking that someone is watching or following them), hallucination (can go from hearing voices speaking to you to actually smelling things) , desorganisation de la pensée (jumping from one subject to another), comportements anormaux (eg. Etre figée aka catatonie)
- There’s negative symptoms: loss of emotion (affect plat), lack of language (alogie), lack of motivation ( aboulie)
In schizophrenia, we can see a combination of positive and negative symptoms within each individuals however, they all somehow affect their day to day life.
- We can also notice symptômes cognitifs that affects memory, decision making, attention
What are the symptomes in troubles depressifs caractérisés
Humeur dépressive et ou perte d’interet
This is accompanied withthe following symptomes
- change in sleep, appetite,
- suicidal thoughts
- either agitated or ralentit
- tiredness or lack of energy
- lack of concentration and indecisiveness
For depression we need a minimum of 5 symptomes
What are the differences between Bipolaire type 1 and Bipolaire type 2
Type 1:
- Humeur abnormally high or irritables to the point where it can affect their fonctionnement
There’s also upcoming symptômes:
- lack of sleep despite having alot of energy
-fuite de pensée (thinking faster than their verbal)
- extremely high self esteem to the point where they sound crazy
- lack of judgement for their actions (aka putting themselves at risk)
- easily distracted
Type 2 (hypomanie):
- similar to type 1 however it does not cause that dysfonctionnement when theyre in that manie phase. (No psychotic symptomes)
Both have a depressif state.
An episode lasts a week of type 1 and 4 days for type two at minimum
What is the difference between anxiety and peur
Peur is danger immediate
Anxiety is future danger
What is the example of anxiety provided
Agoraphobie- fear of open spaces or places where its difficult to escape
What is obsessions and compulsions
Obsessions are thoughts of something that we dont necessarily desire thinking about, it constantly comes back to our mind
Compulsions are actions that helps us combattre against those obsessions ´´heal’´ they are usually a response to the obsessions
What is a type of Troubles obsessionnels et compulsifs
Thesaurisation pathologique
-accumulation excessive
-Difficulty getting rid of things