MIDTERM 02 - Bacterial Isolation Flashcards
A common method used for the isolation of a pure culture from a mixture
Streak plate
The __________ is streaked over the agar plate to isolate colonies on at least a portion of the plate
In this method, each plate is divided into four equal sectors and each adjacent sector is streaked sequentially (Types of streaking)
Quadrant streaking
In this method, each plate is divided into three quadrants by drawing the letter T (Types of streaking)
T-streaking/Three-sector streak
In this method, the inoculum is spread from one edge to the center of the plate (Types of streaking)
Continuous streaking
In this method, the inoculum is initially streaked at one edge and spread in vertical lines above the edge (Types of streaking)
Radiant streaking
In this method, a loopful of the specimen is streaked all over the plate in a zigzag pattern in a single continuous movement (Types of streaking)
Zigzag streaking
Refers to the stepwise dilution of a substance in solution
Serial dilution
Is a technique to plate a liquid sample containing bacteria so that the bacteria are easy to count and isolate (Types of streaking)
Spread plate method
Is a technique used to determine the number of microbes/mL in a specimen
Pour plate technique
Culture made by puncturing a suitable medium with a long, straight charged wire
Stab culture
Culture that provides a uniform surface growth of the bacterium; used for bacteriophage typing
Lawn culture
Refers to a Petri dish that contains a growth medium solidified with agar
Agar plate
Refers to a test tube filled with liquid agar and is allowed to solidify at a particular angle
Agar slant
Refers to a test tube filled with liquid agar and is allowed to solidify vertically
Agar deep
Refers to a liquid medium used for the cultivation of a wide variety of organisms from clinical specimens and other materials
Nutrient broth