Middle childhood week 5 chapter 7 Flashcards
measure of the ratio of weight to height
body mass index (BMI)
Middle childhood is the
time of life when people
are most likely to be slim T or F?
Are boys stronger than girls in middle chilhood?
hearing in middle childhood usually ___ due the tube in the middle ear maturing and is now longer and narrower
visual condition of being unable to see distant objects clearly; also known as being nearsighted
vision usually gets better in middle childhood. T or F?
rates of myopia is highest in ____ countries
__% of children in developed countries need glasses by end of middle childhood
Increasing myelination of the ____ connecting the two hemispheres of the brain accelerates reaction time in middle childhood for both gross motor and fine motor tasks
corpus callosum
the ability to solve cognitive problems without becoming
distracted and to adjust one’s strategy as the nature of a problem changes
executive function
Health authorities recommend ___ minutes of physical activity a day for children, which includes sport, running around, dance and active transport
physical activity improves executive functioning. T or F?
in the course of middle childhood children learn to indicate _____depth by overlapping
objects and making near objects larger than distant ones
in children, defined as having a BMI exceeding 18
in children, defined as having a BMI exceeding 21
chronic illness of the lungs characterised by wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath
Rates of asthma are highest in ____ and are increasing worldwide
middle childhood
Asthma is the most common chronic condition for children in Australia, affecting __% of those under age 14
in Piaget’s theory, the cognitive stage in which children become capable of using mental operations (primary school aged.)
concrete operations
ability to arrange things in a logical order, such as shortest to longest, thinnest to thickest, or
lightest to darkest
ability to focus attention on
relevant information and
disregard what is irrelevant
selective attention
memory strategies, such as
rehearsal, organisation and
mnemonic that involves
repeating the same information
over and over
mnemonic that involves placing
things mentally into meaningful
mnemonic that involves
transforming bits of information
in a way that connects them and
hence makes them easier to
understanding of how memory
capacity for acquiring knowledge,
reasoning and solving problems
score of mental ability as
assessed by intelligence tests,
calculated relative to the
performance of other people of
the same age
intelligence quotient (IQ)
in a distribution of data, the
score that is precisely in the
middle, with half the distribution
lying above and half below
typical distribution of
characteristics of a population,
resembling a bell curve in which
most cases fall near the middle
and the proportions decrease at
the low and high extremes
normal distribution
level of cognitive abilities of
people who score 70 or below
on IQ tests
intellectual disability
in IQ test performance, people
who score 130 or above
steep rise in the median IQ
score in Western countries
during the 20th century, named
after James Flynn, who first
identified it
Flynn effect
Gardner’s theory that there are
eight distinct types of
Is musical a
theory of multiple
Sternberg’s theory that there are
three distinct but related forms
of intelligence
triarchic theory of
Around age 7, children make an important cognitive advance towards becoming more systematic,
organised and logical thinkers. Piaget termed the cognitive stage from age 7 to 11 what?
According to Piaget, the advances of concrete operations are evident in new abilities
for performing tasks of ___, ____and____
conservation, classification and seriation
the third achievement of concrete operations emphasised by Piaget, is the ability
to arrange things in a logical order
The most widely used intelligence tests are the?
The Wechsler intelligence tests
capable of using two or more
in the understanding of
language, skills that reflect
awareness of the underlying
structure of language
metalinguistic skills
method of teaching reading that
advocates breaking down words
into their component sounds,
called phonics, then putting the
phonics together into words
phonics approach
method of teaching reading in
which the emphasis is on the
meaning of written language in
whole passages, rather than
breaking down words into their
smallest components
whole-language approach
research method that involves
having people wear beepers or
have access to a mobile device
or hand-held computer, usually
for a period of 1 week; when
they are alerted at random times
during the day, they record a
variety of characteristics of their
experience at that moment
Experience Sampling
Method (ESM)
considered the golden age emotionally of development
middle childhood
emotional state of experiencing
two contradictory emotions at
person’s perception and
evaluation of him- or hersel
a person’s overall sense of worth and wellbeing
how people view themselves in
relation to others with regard to
status, abilities or achievements
social comparison
most children and adolescents, ____is the strongest contributor to overall self
physical appearance
general term used to describe
people who do not retain the
gender identity they were
assigned at birth
general term used to describe
people who biologically are not
unambiguously male or female
general term used to describe
people who retain the gender
identity they were given at birth
relationship between parents and children in which parents provide broad guidelines for behaviour
but children are capable of a substantial amount of independent, self-directed behaviour
pattern in relations between parents and children in which children’s disobedient behaviour evokes
harsh responses from parents, which in turn makes children even more resistant to parental
control, evoking even harsher responses
coercive cycle
4 catagories of social status in middle childhood.
popular, rejected, neglected and controversial
social information processing (SIP)
in social encounters, evaluations of others’ intentions, motivations and behaviour
Erikson’s middle childhood stage, in which the alternatives are to learn to work effectively with
cultural materials or, if adults are too critical, develop a sense of being incapable of working
industry versus inferiority
estimated that about ___million children aged 5–11 are
employed worldwide, which is about 9% of the total population of children in that age group