Adolescence week 6 chapter 8 Flashcards
changes in physiology, anatomy
and physical functioning that
develop a person into a mature
adult biologically and prepare
the body for sexual reproduction
sex hormones that have especially
high levels in females from
puberty onwards; they are mostly
responsible for female primary
and secondary sex characteristics
sex hormones that have especially
high levels in males from puberty
onwards; they are mostly
responsible for male primary and
secondary sex characteristics
the oestrogen most important in
pubertal development among girls
the androgen most important in
pubertal development among boys
production of eggs (ova) and
sperm and the development of
the sex organs
primary sex characteristics
bodily changes of puberty not
directly related to reproduction
secondary sex characteristics
first menstrual period
beginning of development of
sperm in boys’ testicles at puberty
During middle childhood, the proportion of fat in the body gradually increases, and once a
threshold level is reached, a series of chemical events is triggered beginning in the _____
There are two classes of sex hormones, the _____ and
the ____.
oestrogens, androgens
With respect to pubertal development, the most important oestrogen is ____and the most important androgen is testosterone
oestradiol, testosterone
By the mid-teens, oestradiol production is about _ times as high in females as it was before
puberty, but only about twice as high in males
In contrast, testosterone
production in males is about __ times as high by the mid-teens as it was before puberty, but in
females it is only about 4 times as high
what Two kinds of changes take place in the body in response to increased sex hormones during
Primary sex characteristics & Secondary sex characteristics
The development of ova and sperm takes place quite differently. Females are born with all the eggs they will ever have, and they have about _____ eggs in their ovaries at
the time they reach puberty
Females release about ___ ova in the course of their reproductive lives
There are between ___ and ___ million sperm inthe typical male ejaculation
100 and 300
In addition to the hormonal changes and development of primary and secondary sex characteristics,
there are important _____ changes taking place during adolescence
Now scientists have learned
that a sharp increase in synaptic connections occurs around the time puberty begins (10–12
years), a process called ____
overproduction or exuberance
Overproduction of synaptic connections occurs in
many parts of the brain during adolescence but is especially concentrated in the ____
frontal lobes
between the ages of 12 and 20, the average brain loses___ of its volume
through synaptic pruning
Research using fMRI methods shows that ___ is especially rapid in adolescents with high intelligence
synaptic pruning
last structure of the brain to stop
growing, not completing its phase of overproduction and pruning until the mid-20s
change in the characteristics of
a population over time
secular trend
formal custom developed in many cultures to mark the departure from childhood and the entrance into adolescence
puberty ritual
eating disorder characterised by
intentional self-starvation
anorexia nervosa
eating disorder characterised by
episodes of binge eating
followed by purging (self
induced vomiting)