A cultural approach to human development week 3 chapter 5 Flashcards
According to the WHO about _% of children in Asia and _% in Africa may be at risk of stunting
53, 41
By the time they reach their first birthday, the height and weight of average children in developing countries are comparable to the
bottom _ % of children in developed countries, and this pattern continues through childhood into adulthood
protein deficiency in childhood, leading to symptoms such as lethargy, irritability, thinning hair and swollen body, which may be fatal if not treated
Perhaps the most crucial micronutrient deficiency worldwide is?
In young children, a lack of iodine inhibits cognitive development,
resulting in an estimated IQ (intelligence quotient) deficiency of 10–15 points, a substantial margin. T or F
dietary ingredients essential to optimal physical growth, including iodine, iron, zinc and vitamins
A, B12, C and D
the brain has only about
______ as many neurons at age 2 as it did at birth.
one half
Early brain development is most distinguished by the
steep increase in?
synaptic density
density of synapses among neurons in the brain; peaks around age 3
synaptic density
After the peak of synaptic density, a long process of ______
synaptic pruning
Synaptic pruning will remove about _____ of synapses in the frontal cortex from early childhood to
process of reducing number of connections between neurons so that they become more efficient
synaptic pruning
device that measures the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex, allowing researchers to measure
overall activity of the cerebral cortex as well as activation of specific parts
EEG (electroencephalogram)
method of monitoring brain activity in which a person lies inside a machine that uses a magnetic
field to record changes in blood flow and oxygen use in the brain in response to different kinds of
fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)
he final two stages of sensorimotor
development are
tertiary circular reactions and mental representations
Piaget’s final stage of sensorimotor development in which toddlers first think about the range of
possibilities and then select the action most likely to achieve the desired outcome
mental representations
ability to repeat actions observed at an earlier time
deferred imitation
Vygotsky’s theory is often referred to as a______ theory
because in his view cognitive
development is always both a social and a cultural process
Two of Vygotsky’s most influential ideas are the________and ____
zone of proximal development, scaffolding
difference between skills or tasks that children can accomplish alone and those they are capable of
performing if guided by an adult or a more competent peer
zone of proximal development
in Vygotsky’s theory, self-guiding and self-directing comments children make to themselves as
they learn in the zone of proximal development
private speech