Middle Ages- The Castle and siege Flashcards
What was a motte and Bailey castle
This was when a fort was built on top of a small hill- called a motte. Then below the motte was a big enclosure called a Bailey where the Lord and his soldiers lived
What were the battlements
The battlements were at the top of the keep. Soldiers kept guard on the battlements watching for any enemies
What are curtain walls
These are the outer walls of the castle
What are turrets
Turrets are strong towers along the walls
What was the purpose of the drawbridge
If an enemy was to approach the drawbridge would be pulled up so they couldn’t enter the castle
What was a portcullis
This was an iron grille that could be lowered in front of the castle gate
What were ramparts
These ran along the tops of the walls and were wide enough for soldiers to walk along
What was the moat
The moat was a ditch around the castle filled with water from a nearby stream.
What were latrines
What sort of activities went on in the courtyard, Bailey
The stables were here
Pigeon houses- pigeons were food and could send messages
The kitchen- it was outside because of risk of fire
The forge for the blacksmith
The well which was vital.
Why were stone castles so strong
Because at this time there was no gunpowder so castles were hard to defeat
What was a siege
When an enemy tried to gain access to the castle by surrounding the castle and stopping anyone going in or out
What was a battering ram
It was used to pound the gate of the castle
What were catapults used for
To shoot huge boulders or fireballs over the castles curtain walls
What was a ballista
Was a giant crossbow used to fire giant arrows
What were siege towers
These were like giant enclosed ladders they were used to get near and try to scale the walls
Why were tunnels dug under walls
So the curtain walls of the castle would hopefully collapse in on themselves
What were siege ladders
These were used to climb walls
Who was the most important person in the castle
The Lord
What were the stairs like in the keep
The stairs were narrow and steep and also they were spiralled but always circled to the right so that when attackers came up the stairs they would have to fight with their left hand to hold on to the bannister
What was on the Middle floor
The great Hall, and minstrels gallery
What was on The top floor
The solar Lords private apartments and the chapel
What was on the lower floor
The dungeons and the storerooms for food and drink
What were the dungeons used for
Holding soldiers who were captured during war before their trial
What was a solar
The room which the lady did embroidery and other work
How was the great hall heated
With big fires either end of the hall
What happened in the great hall
Meals and entertainment
The bailiff collected taxes from peasants
Soldiers were given orders
Criminals were tried
What was the keep
The keep was the main building in the castle where the Lord, lady and his family lived. It was a large square tower