Martin luther and John Calvin Flashcards
What did Martin Luther study in university and when did Martin Luther decide to become a monk
He studied law in university but in 1505 after being caught in a thunder storm he decided to become a monk.
Was Martin Luther happy as a monk
No he thought he was a terrible sinner
What did Martin Luther teach and where
He taught theology at the university of wittenburg
Did Martin Luther agree with the churches thought on how you get to heaven
He believed their beliefs were wrong. The church siad you got to heaven if you had good faith and did good deeds. Martin Luther thought you only got into heaven for your faith and this belief became known as ‘Justification Of Faith Alone’
Give some of Martin Luther’s teachings
Bible source of all teachings
Justification of faith alone
The prince in each state was the head of the church
Communion service in German was the main weekly religious event
There are two sacraments baptism and Eucharist
Priests can marry
Priests are not higher than any other Christian. All Christians are equal
Who did Pope Leo X order to dell indulgences in wittenburg where Martin Luther was based
Martin Luther publicly disagreed with the selling of indulgences
And Pope Leo X sent John Tetzel to sell them in Wittenburg to pay for the building of St Peters Basillica.
What did Martin Luther do when John Tetzel started selling indulgences
Martin Luther in 1517 sent s letter this bishop hoping he would act against it. He included 95 theses or arguments against the selling of indulgences.
He supposedly nailed these to the door of a church in wittenburg
Explain the reaction of the pope to Martin Luther’s 95 theses
In 1520 Pope Leo X wrote a Papal Bull( holy letter) condemning Luther. If Luther did not take back his teachings in 60 days he would be excommunicated as a heretic
Explain heretic
Someone who disagrees with the church
How was Martin Luther permitted to go to the Diet Of Worms
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V wanted Luther investigated but Luthers Friend Fredrick the Wise who was one of seven electors who choses the Holy Emperor so Charles had to Proceed carefully. Fredrick protected Luther and Charles said Luther could go unharmed.
What happened to Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms
Luther refused to take back his teachings and was condemned as an outlaw by the Edict of Worms. This meant anybody who killed Luther would not be arrested. Charles let his word and Luther returned safely back to Saxony.
Who came to Martin Luther rescue?
Fredrick the Wise hid Martin Luther away in a castle in Wartburg. Luther stayed here until everybody calmed down and it was safe to go back outside.
What did Martin Luther do while at the castle in Wartburg
He translated the full New Testament of the bible into German and later translated the Old Testament. He believed it was important for people to understand and read the bible in their own language.
Why did Martin Luther’s followers become known as Protestants
In 1529 Charles V tried to ban Luther’s ideas and a number of princes protested. Followers than became known as Protestants.
Who did Martin Luther marry and when
In 1525 Martin Luther married Catherine Von Bora a former nun and they had six children.
How did Martin Lither make Money in his later life
He was not rich and rented out rooms in his house to make money
In his later life what did Martin Luther do in regards to religion and his teachings
He continued to preach and write pamphlets and he also wrote a few hymns.
Explain how Martin Luther died
He died of a heart attack and his last few years he had poor health and became bad tempered. He died in 1546
What were the teachings of John Calvin
You are Predestined to go to heaven or hell before you are born.
The elect go to heaven
The damned go to hell
There is two Sacraments baptism and Eucharist
Ordinary people should run the church not popes or princes
Explain the positions in John Calvins church
Pastors- administered the sacraments of baptism and Eucharist also preached mass
Doctors- looked after church teachings (doctrine)
Elders- made sure people lived holy lives
Deacons - cared for poor and sick.
Where and when was John Calvin Born
He was born in Noyon, France on July 10th 1509
Give a small background to John Calvin
His father was a lawyer in the church and when John went to university he was converted to Luther’s teachings
Why did John Calvin go to Switzerland
King Francis I was persecuting Protestants so he fled to Switzerland
When and why did John Calvin visit Geneva twice
He went to Geneva in 1536 wanting to spread his ideas but his ideas were not popular so he left. He lived in Strasbourg for three years and in 1541 was invited back to Geneva, oak control of the city and put his religion and beliefs into practice
What did Geneva become known as because of John Calvin
City Of God
What was the church John Calvin founded known as
The Presbyterian or reformed church
Explain pulpit
A raised platform from which the pastor gave his sermon
Describe the difference between John Calvins church and the Catholic Churches discipline
The Presbyterian church was extremely plain with no decorations. John Calvins church was very strict. Dancing gambling and plays were forbidden and Shnday, the Day of rest was a day nobody was to work on. If people disobeyed these rules they were fined, imprisioned or sometimes killed.
How did Calvins ideas come to Scotland
John Knox brought the ideas from Switzerland to Scotland where they proved extremely popular.