Micturition And Defacation Flashcards
What is the ganglionic transmission in the parasympathetic and sympathic?
What are the nerves of the pelvis?
What is the guarding and micturition reflex?
What is the effect on Micturition of spinal cord injuries above sacrum vs at sacrum?
What is the enteric nervous system?
What are the 2 intramural plexii and the layers of the GIT?
What is the parasympathetic vs sympathetic enteric system?
What is the sensory enteric nervous system?
What is the defecation reflex?
Where does peristalsis occur in the colon?
What is the anatomy of the anal canal?
What are the reflex pathways?
What is the intrinsic vs extrinsic reflex?
What is the voluntary input in defecation?
Reflex vs flaccid bowel damage
What is the process of micturition?
- Filling of the urinary bladder
- Stimulation of stretch receptors
- Afferent impulses pass through the pelvic nerve and reach the spinal cord
- Efferent impulses through the pelvic nerve
- Contraction of the detrusor muscle and relaxation of the internal sphincter
- The flow of urine into the urethra and stimulation of stretch receptors
- Afferent impulses through the pelvic nerve
- Inhibition of pudendal nerve
- Relaxation of the external sphincter
- Voiding of the urine or micturition