Microstructure and function of human muscle systems Flashcards
What are the five tissue types?
-Epithelium(sheets of cells)
-Connective tissue(Support and strength)
-Muscle tissues
-Neural tissues(CNS and nerves)
What are the different classes of muscles?
- Striated(Striped)
a. Skeletal
b. Cardiac - Non-striated
a. Smooth muscle - Myoepithelium
a. Contraction of glands, iris of eye - Myofibroblasts
a. In healing wounds
What do skeletal muscles operate and link?
-Operates the skeleton
-Links bones and tendons
Where are smooth muscle found?
-Generally internal organs like the gut, lungs, blood vessels(which control blood pressure), uterus and bladder
What is the function of skeletal muscle and what type of control is it?
-Rapid contraction to escape danger but subject to fatigue
-Voluntary control
What is the function of cardiac muscle and what type of control is it?
-Quite rapid
-Resists fatigue
-Can contract regularly for 90+ years
-Involuntary control
What is the function of smooth muscle and what type of control is it?
-Slower contraction but very powerful
-Energy efficient
-Susceptible to very little fatigue
-Able to stretch more than skeletal and cardiac muscles
-Usually the control is involuntary
What is the structure of skeletal muscle?
- Epimysium
- Fascicles
- Perimysium
What are fascicles?
Little bundles
What is muscle surrounded by, how is it seen and what is its diameter
-Surrounded by epimysium
-Seen by eye
-Diameter of 1-20cm
What is the fascicle surrounded by, how is it seen and what is its diameter?
-Surrounded by perimysium
-Seen by eye
-1-5 mm
What is a muscle fibre(a cell) surrounded by, what is it seen by and what is its diameter?
-Surrounded by Endomysium and plasma membrane
-Seen by light microscope
-30-100 micrometers
what are myofibrils(in a cell) seen by and what is its diameter?
-Seen by light microscope and transmission electron microscopy
-1-2 micrometers
What does skeletal muscle look like under high magnification with H&E stain?
-Very long(up to 4cm)
-Giant thread-like cells with thousands of nuclei:
-Multinucleate or syncytial cells
How are skeletal muscle fibres formed?
-Skeletal muscle fibres are formed by thousands of precursor cells in the embryo(myoblasts) fusing together