Microscopy Flashcards
Parameters of UC-3500
Specific gravity
Principle of UC 3500
Reflectance Photometry with CMOS sensor
Parameters of UF 5000
Epithelial cells
for diabetic nephropathy end stage; for microalbumin-creatinine ratio
DCA Vantage Analyzer
Principle of DCA Vantage Analyzer
Principle of Clinitek Advantus
Reflectance photometry
Detects bleeding in the digestive tract which has no other signs or symptoms. It is more specific to finding blood coming from the lower gastrointestinal tract than the FOBT.
Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)
Coloured chromatographic immunoassay for the semi-quantitative detection of Human calprotectin (hCp) in stoolsamples that may reflect gastrointestinal inflammation caused by several pathologies (inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, and some enteropathies)
Fecal Calprotectin Semi-quantitative
Urinary crystals seen in Acidic Urine pH
Uric acid
Amorphous urates
Calcium Oxalate
Rhombic, four-sided flat plates
(whetstones), wedges, rosette
uric acid
Yellow-brown granules
o Refrigeration: pink sediment
amorphous urates
Refrigeration: white sediment
amorphous phosphate
Dihydrate: octahedral envelope
o Monohydrate: dumbbell-shaped
(ethylene glycol “antifreeze” poisoning)
calcium oxalate
Thin prisim in rosette form
calcium phosphate
Aka “Ammonium Magnesium Phosphate”
o Coffin lid
triple phosphate
Thorny apples
o Most often encountered in old specimen
ammonium biurate
Dumbbell or spherical shape
calcium carbonate
Principle of UF 5000
Flow Cytometry with Hydrodynamic Focusing
test done in DCA Vantage
Urine Microalbumin-Creatinine Ratio
tests done in Clinitek Advantus
Urine Rgt Strip Testing
Urine Free Hemoglobin
Urine Myoglobin
Serum Ketone
colored chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of H.pylori in stool samples.
H.pylori stool antigen
colored chromatographic immunoassay for the semi-quantitative detection of human calprotectin (hCp)
Fecal Calprotectin Semi-Quantitative
colored chromatographic immunoassay for semi-quantitative determination of human hemoglobin (hHb) known as stool samples
Fecal occult blood (FOBT) semi-quantitative
rapid, qualitative method for detecting occult blood in tool which may be indicative of asymptomatic GI diseases such as colorectal cancer, polyps or colitis
Hemascreen Fecal Occult Blood (FOBT) Qualitative
Rapid, qualitative two site sandwich immunoassay utilizing whole blood for the detection of P.falciparum specific histidine rich protein
Parascreen: Malaria Antigen Test kit
Test kits used for FIT
Insure one
Hemoccult ICT
Pregnancy test kits
Wondfo: 4 drops; 3 mins
Rightsign: 3 drops; 3 mins
Pregnancy test kits
Wondfo: 4 drops; 3 mins
Rightsign: 3 drops; 3 mins