Microbiology: Virology-1 Flashcards
What does a naked icosahedral virus have?
hexagon shape, nucleocapid (outer part) and nucleic acid in the middle
What does a enveloped icosahedral virus have?
Envelope: Lipid bilayer with surface proteins in them
then a capsid with nucleic acids in the middle
hexagon shape
What does an enveloped helical virus have?
circular in shape
envelope: lipid bilayer with surface proteins in it
matrix or core protein surrounding nucleic acid and nucleocapsid protein
Viral tropism for specific tissues is dependent on what?
Viral encoded envelope glycoproteins
The exchange of genes between 2 chromosomes by crossing over within regions of significant base sequence homology
What causes influenzae pandemics?
High-frequency recominbation
When viruses with segmented genomes exchange segments.
Reassortment ex. influenza virus
When 1 of 2 viruses that infect the cell has a mutation that results in a nonfunctional protein. The nonmutated virus complements the mutated one by making it a functional protein.
When does phenotype mixing occur?
With simultaneous infection of a cell with 2 viruses. Genome of virus A can be partially or completely coated (forming pseudovirion) with the surface protein from virus B. Type B protein coat determines the infectivity of the phenotypicially mixed virus. The progeny from the infection have a type A coat that is encoded by its type A genetic material!
What are live attenuated vaccines?
induce humoral and cell-mediated immunity but have reverted to virulence on rare ocasions
Killed vaccines do what?
Induce only humoral immunity, but are stable - don’t revert
Do you need a booster for live attenuated viral vaccines?
Who can’t get live attenuated vaccines?
ICH or close relatives - because they can revert and infect the patient
What are live attenuated viral vaccines?
“Live! See small yellow chickens get vaccinated with Sabin’s and MMR”
Smallpox, yellow fever, chicken pox (VZV), Sabin’s polio virus, MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
What is the only live attenuated viral vaccine that you can give to HIV positive patients?
What viral vaccines are killed?
“RIP Always”
Rabies, Influenza, Salk Polio, HAV
What are Recombinant vaccines?
HBV (antigen = recombinant HBsAg), HPV (types 6, 11, 16, and 18)
All of the DNA viruses are what?
- Double stranded DNA except Parvoviridae
2. Linear except papilloma, olyoma, and hepadnaviruses (circular)
All of the RNA viruses are what?
Single stranded RNA except Reoviridae (it is double stranded)
What viral genomes are infectious?
purified nucleic acids of most dsDNA (except poxvirus and HBV) and positive strand ssRNA (mRNA) viruses are infectious
What naked viral genomes are not infectious?
Naked nucleic acids of negative strand ssRNA and dsRNA viruses are not infectious. They require enzymes contained in the complete virion
What are viruses ploidy?
All viruses are haploid (with one copy of DNA and one copy of RNA) except retroviruses, which have 2 identical ssRNA molecules (diploid)
Where do DNA viruses replicate?
In the nucleus except (poxvirus)
Where do RNA viruses replicate?
In the cytoplasm (except influenza and retroviruses)
What type of viruses won’t have phospholipids on the outside?
naked viruses
Which viruses are naked?
"Naked CPR and PAPP smear" Calicivirus Picornavirus Reovirus Parvovirus Adenovirus Papilloma Polyoma
Where do enveloped viruses get their envelopes from?
The plasma membrane when they exit a cell. Exceptions are herpesvirus, which acquire envelopes from nuclear membrane
Which virus gets its envelope from the nuclear membrane?
DNA enveloped viruses
Herpesviruses (HSV types 1 and 2, VZV, CMV, EBV), HBV, smallpox virus
DNA nucleocapsid viruses
Adenovirus, papillomaviruses, parvovirus
RNA enveloped virus
Influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, RSV, measles virus, mumps virus, rubella virus, rabies virus, HTLV, HIV
RNA nucleocapsid (naked) virus?
Enteroviruses (poliovirus, coxsackievirus, echovirus, HAV), rhinovirus, reovirus (rotavirus)
All DNA viruses
HHAPPPPy Hepadna Herpes Adeno Pox Parvo Papilloma Polyoma
All DNA viruses are dsDNA except
parvo (ssDNA)
All DNA viruses are linear except
papilloma and polyoma (circular, supercoiled) and hepadna (circular, incomplete)
All DNA viruses are icsahedral except
pox (complex)
All DNA viruses replicate in the nucleus except
pox (carries own DNA dependent RNA polymerase)
What are the different herpesviruses? What are their characteristics?
HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV (HHV-3), EBV (HHV-4), CMV (HHV-5), HHV-6, HHV-7, HHV-8
dsDNA with an envelope
what causes oral (and some genital) lesions, keratoconjunctivitis?
dsDNA, with an envelope
What does HSV-2 cause? What is its characterisitcs?
genital (and some oral) lesions
dsDNA with an evelope
VZV - characteristics and what does ti cause?
chickenpox, shingles, zoster
dsDNA (linear), with an envelope
dsDNA (linear), with an envelope
infection in ICH, especially in transplant recipients, congenital defects
dsDNA (linear), with an envelope causes roseola (exanthem subitum)
dsDNA (linear), with an envelope
clinically insignificant
dsDNA (linear) with an evelope
causes Kaposi’s sarcoma - associated with herpesvirus (KSHV)
common in HIV patients
Who commonly gets HHV-8 and how?
HIV patients from sexual contact
What is it and what causes it? High fevers for several days that can cause seizures, followed by a diffuse macular rash
Roseola - caused by HHV-6
*they don’t know how it is spread
What does Hepadnavirus cause? What are it’s characterisitcs?
HBV (hepatitis B): acute or chronic hepatitis, vaccine available, not a retrovirus but has reverse transcriptase
dsDNA (partial circular), with an envelope
What is not a retrovirus but has transcriptase?
HBV (Hepatitis B virus) Hepadnavirus
dsDNA (partial circular), with an evelope
What does Adenovirus cause? What is its characteristics?
dsDNA (linear), does not have an envelope
causes febrile pharyngitis - sore throat
Pneumonia, and Conjunctivitis - “pink eye” (watery)
What causes febrile pharyngitis - sore throat, pneumonia, and conjunctivitis (watery pink eye)
Adenovirus - dsDNA (linear) with an envelope
What viral family causes B19 virus?
Parvovirus - ssDNA linear (-), with no envelope
What is the smallest DNA virus?
Parvovirus - causes B19 ssDNA linear (-), with no envelope
What does B19 virus cause?
- aplastic anemia in sickle cells patients
- “slapped cheeks” rash - erythema infectiosum (fifth’s disease) *rash spares nasolabial folds - lace like rash on trunk and extremities
- RBC destruction in fetus leads to
hydrops fetalis and death
Papillomavirus characteristics and what does it cause?
dsDNA (circular), with no envelope
causes HPV
What can HPV cause?
genital warts, CIN, cervical cancer
What does Polyomavirus cause? What is its characteristics?
dsDNA (circular), with no envelope
cause JC virus - progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) (headaches, vision loss, memory problems, clumsiness, aphasia) in HIV patients
What are the two families that are considered papovavirus?
Papillomavirus, Polyomavirus
What is the largest DNA virus - what is its characteristics and what does it cause?
Poxvirus - dsDNA (linear), with an envelope
causes smallpox - now eradicated, could be used in germ warfare, vaccina (cowpox) - milkmaid’s bilsters, and molluscum contagiosum (
Most common cause of sporatic enchephalitis in the US what is the characteristics of the disease?
dsDNA (linear), with an envelop virus part of herpesvirus family
What can HSV-1 cause?
gingivostomatitis, keratoconjunctivitis, temporal lobe encephalitis, herpes labialis
What is the route of transmission of HSV-1?
Respiratory secretions, saliva
What does HSV-2 cause? How is it transmitted?
Herpes genitalis, neonatal herpes
transmitted via sexual contact, perinatal
What does VZV cause? How is it transmitted?
chickenpox, shingles (varicella-zoster), encephalitis, pneumonia
transmitted in respiratory secretions
What virus remains dormant in trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia?
VZV - Herpesvirus dsDNA (linear) with an envelope
What does EBV cause? How is it spread?
Infectious mononucelosis, Burkitt’s lymphoma, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma
transmission: respiratory secretions, saliva
What does CMV cause? How is it transmitted?
congenital infection, mononucelosis (negative monospot), pneumonia, infected cells have Owl’s eye appearance
transmitted: congenital, tarnsvusion, sexual contact, saliva, urine, transplant
What does HHV-6 cause? How is it transmitted?
Roseola: high fevers for several days that can cause seizures, followed by a diffuse macular rash
transmision: not determined
How do you identify HSV?
Tzank test: a smear of an opened skin vesicle to determine multinucleated giant cells. Used to assay HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV
intranuclear Cowdry A inclusions seen in what?
dsDNA (linear), with an envelope
What are the 1 most common causes of focal brain lesions in HIV positive patient?
Toxoplasmosis and CNS lymphoma
What does mononuclosis infect?
B cells!
fever, hepatosplenomegley, pharyngitis, and lymphadenpathy
Mono - EBV
lymphadenpathy in posterior cervical nodes +hepatosplenomegly
What is the peak incidence of mono?
15-20 year olds - most common during peak kissing years (the kissing disease)
What type of T cells do you see in mono?
Abnormal circulating cytotoxic T cells (atypical lymphocytes)
What cancers are EBV associated with?
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Burkitts lymphoma (kids in africa), nasopharyngeal carcinoma
What has a negative monospot test?
What has a positive monospot test?
What does a positive monospot test mean?
Heterophil antibodies detected by aggluination of sheep RBC
heterophil (means the antibodies react across species lines)
*mix patients serum and sheep RBC - if agglutination occurs - test is positive!
What viruses are in the family reovirus? What are the characteristics?
Reovirus (colorado tick fever) and Rotavrius (#1 cause of fatal diarrhea in children)
dsRNA (linear 10-12 segments) with no envelope, icosahedral (double)
What viruses are in the family picornaviruses? What are the characteristics?
Echovirus (aseptic meningitis)
Rhinovirus (common cold)
Coxsackievirus - aseptic meningitis, herpangina - febrile pharyngitis, hand, foot, and mouth disease, myocarditis
HAV - acute viral hepatitis
ssRNA (linear), icosahedral with no envelope
What viruses are in the family Hepevirus? What are the characterisitcs?
ssRNA (linear), icosahedral with no envelope
What viruses are in the family Caliciviruses? What are the characterisitics?
Norwalk virus - viral gastroenteritis
ssRNA, linear, icosahedral, with no envelope
What viruses are in the family flaviviruses? What are the characterisitcs?
HCV yellow fever dengue St. Louis encephalitis West nile virus ssRNA, linear, icosahedral with a capsule
What are the viruses in the family togaviruses? What are the characterisitcs?
Rubella (german measles), Eastern equine encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis
ssRNA linear, icosahedral, with an envelope
What are the viruses in the family retrovirus? What are the characteristics?
HIV, HTLV (T-cell leukemia)
they have reverse transcriptase
ssRNA, linear, icosahedral and with an envelope
What are the viruses in the family coronaviruses? What are the characteristics?
coronavirus - common cold and SARS
ssRNA, linear, helical with a capsule
What are the viruses in the family Orthomyxoviruses? What are the characteristics?
Influenza virus ssRNA linear (-), 8 segments, helial with an envelope
What are the viruses in the family paramyxoviruses? What are the characteristics?
PaRaMyxovirus Parainfluenzae (croup) RSV (bronchiolitis in babies; rx. ribavirin) Rubeola (measles) Mumps ssRNA, linear (-) (nonsegmented) helical with an envelope
What viruses are in the Rhabdovirus family? What are the characteristics?
ssRNA, linear (-), helical with an envelope
What are the viruses in the family Filoviruses? What are the characteristics?
Ebola/Marburg - hemorrhagic fever (often fatal)
ssRNA (-) linear, helical with an envelope
What are the viruses in the family Arenaviruses? What are the characteristics?
LCMV - lymphocytic choriomenigitis virus
Lassa Fever encephalitis - spread by mice
ssRNA (-) circular 2 segments, helical with an envelope
What are the viruses in the family Bunyaviruses? What are the characteristics?
California encephalitis Sandfly/Rift Valley fevers Crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever Hantavirus - hemorrhaic fever, pneumonia ssRNA circular (-) 3 segments, helical with an envelope
What are the viruses in the family Deltavirus? What are the characteristics?
ssRNA (-) circular, helical with an envelope
What are the arboviruses?
yellow fever, dengue, St. Louis encephalitis, West nile virus, eastern equine encephalitis, western equine encephalitis, california encephalitis, Crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever
What are the negative stranded RNA viruses? What must they have?
*must transcribe negative strand to positive. Virion brings its own RNA dependent RNA polymerase "Always Bring Polymerase Or Fail Replication" Arenaviruses Bunyaviruses Paramyxovirus Orthomyxovirus Filoviruses Rhabdoviruses \+ Delta virus
What viruses are segmented?
Only RNA viruses "BOAR" Bunyaviruses Orthomyxoviruses Arenaviruses Reoviruses
What virus consists of 8 segments of negative stranded RNA?
*segments can undergo reassortment, causing antigenic shifts that lead to worldwide pandemics of the flu
What are the picornaviruses?
PERCH poliovirus Echovirus Rhinovirus Coxsackievirus HAV
What virus is the RNA translated into 1 large polypeptide that is cleaved by proteases into functional viral proteins?
Picornavirus (PERCH)
Causes aseptic meningitis
Picornaviruses (except HAV and rhinovirus)
Most common cause of the common cold, >100 serotypes
rhinovirus - part of picornavirus family
ssRNA (+), linear, w/o an envelope
Virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitos? What is its reservoir?
Yellow fever virus - a flavivirus
monkey or human reservoir
Virus that causes high fever, black vomitus, and juandice? What can you see in the liver?
Councilman bodies (acidophlic inclusions) - yellow fever virus - in the flavivirus family
What is the most important global cause of infantile gasteroenteritis?
Rotavirus - in the reovirus family segmented dsRNA
*major cause of actue diarrhea in the US during the winter especially in daycares and kindergartens
What happens in rotavirus?
villous destruction with atrophy leads to decreased Na+ absorption and thus decreased water absorption - loose both Na+ and water
What family does the influenza virus belong to?
Orthomyxoviruses: enveloped, ssRNA with segmented genome
What antigens does the influenza virus contain?
Hemagglutinin (promotes viral entry)
Neuraminidase (promotes progeny viron release) antigens
People with this virus are at risk for fatal bacterial superinfection?
People with influenza virus - orthomyxovirus family
What virus has rapid genetic changes?
Influenza - part of orthomyxovirus family
Genetic shift is what and what does it cause?
Reassortment of viral genome (when human flu A virus reassembles with swine flu A virus)
causes PANDEMICS! Most deadly!
Genetic drift is what and what does it cause?
minor (antigenic) changes based on random mutation
How do you protect against influenza?
killed vaccine - available for elderly, healthcare workers each fall
Cause of German (3-day measles)? What are symptoms?
Rubella virus - part of togavirus family
fever, lymphadenopathy, arthralgias, fine truncal rash
croup - seal-like barking cough - part of paramyxovirus family
what does paramyxovirus family include? What do they all contain?
parainfluenza, RSV, mumps, measles
*all contain surface (F) protein, which causes respiratory epithelial cells to fuse and form multinucleated cells
What is used in RSV to neutralize F protein?
Koplik spots seen in what condition?
Rubeola (measles) a Paramyxovirus
Red spots with blue-white canter on buccal mucosa
Koplik spots - measles (rubeola) a paramyxovirus
SSPE, encephalits, giant cell pneumonia are all possible sequelae of what disease?
rubeola (measles) part of paramyxovirus family
SSPE forms years later
encephalitis 1:2000
giant cell pneumonia in ICH
things seen in measles?
3 C’s
Cough, Conjunctivitis, Coryza
*koplik spots!
don’t confuse with roseola (HHV-6)
Parotitis, Orchcitis, aseptic meningitis
Mumps - a paramyxovirus
can cause sterility
Negri bodies
rabies - rhabdovirus
cytoplasmic inclusions in neurons
bullet-shaped capsid, long incubation
the long incubation allows for immunization after exposure
progression of rabies?
fever, malise - agitation, photophobia, hydrophoia - paralysis, coma - death
How does rabies get into the neurons?
travels up CNS by migrating in retrograde fashion up nerve axons
What most common carries rabies in US?
bat, raccoon, and skunk - in the US
dog bites more common in other countries
How do you prevent rabies?
killed vaccine!
How are arboviruses transmitted?
by arthropods (mosquitos, ticks) dengue fever, yellow fever variant of dengue: hemorrhagic shock syndrome (from SE asia)
arbovirues include
flavivirus, togavirus, bunyavirus
“Fever Transmitted by Bites”
What are the viruses that cause lots of spots?
Rubella: togavirus: 3-day german Rubeola: paramyxovirus: measles
Roseola: Herpesvrius (HHV-6). high fevers followed by diffuse maculopapular rash
Varicella: Herpesvirus: chickenpox
Variola: Poxvirus: smallpox (no longer present outside of labs)
Hepatitis viruses are what? Symptoms for Hepatitis?
All RNA viruses except Hepatitis B
fever, jaundice, elevated AST and ALT
What Hepatitis viruses are transmitted fecal-orally?
Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B
What Hep virus has no carries? What is its incubation period?
Hep A - short incubation period (3 weeks)
RNA picornavirus
Hepatitis virus that is DNA. How is it transmitted?
Hep B (DNA Hepadnavirus) transmitted: pareneral, sexual, maternal-fetal routes
How long is the incubation for Hep B? What enzymes does it have?
long (3 months)
enzymes: RNA polymerase transcribes RNA from DNA template, Reverse transcriptase transcribes DNA from RNA. the virion enzyme is a DNA dependent DNA polymerase
Hep virus that is an RNA flavivirus? How is it transmitted?
Hepatitis C
Transmitted: in the blood - resembles HBV in its course and severity
Post transfusion Hep and Hep in IV drug users?
Hep C
What Hepatitis can only coinfect or superinfect with Hep B?
Hep D - requires HBsAg as its envelope
superinfection if worse!
Hep E
RNA hepevirus - transmitted enterically and causes water-borne epidemics - resmebles HAV in course, severity and incubation
What Hep has a high mortality rate in pregnant women?
Hep E!
Hep B and C do what?
predispose a patient to chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma
Why do A and E cause GI problems?
naked viruses do not rely on an envelope, they are not destroyed in the gut
If someone is IgG HAVAb positive what does that mean?
Indicates prior infection; protective against reinfection
If someone is IgM HAVAb positive
Indicates active Hep A infection
Antigen on surface of HBV; continued presence indicates carrier state
Antibody to HBV - provides immunity to Hep B
antigen to core of HBV
positive during window peroid
IgM: indicate recent disease
IgG: chronic disease
If high: high infectivity
Antibody to e antigen; low transmissbility
viral hepatitis
alcoholic hepatitis
HBsAg +
HBsAb -
HBcAb +
acute Hep B disease
HBsAg -
HBsAb -
HBcAb +
window phase
HBsAg -
HBsAb +
HBcAb +
complete recovery
HBsAg +
HBsAb -
HBcAb +
chronic carrier
HBsAg -
HBsAb +
HBcAb -