Microbiology Techniques Flashcards
Recognize the varied purposes for culture media used in the clinical microbiology laboratory.
Promote survival, growth, and/or reproduction of microorganisms
Increase antigen production
Allow for selective growth
Identification of various biochemical end products
Other biological characteristics (pigment, spores, hemolysis, etc.)
**Define the following terms as they apply to media and list examples of each, as discussed in class: defined
** quiz question
Ideal for all media
Known amounts of pure chemical substances
Predictable and Reproducible
**Define the following terms as they apply to media and list examples of each, as discussed in class: primary isolation (nonselective)
** quiz question
Primary Isolation
Referred to as “non-selective” or “nutrient media”
Supports a large number of organisms
i.e. Trypticase Soy, Sheep Blood Agar
**Define the following terms as they apply to media and list examples of each, as discussed in class: selective
** quiz question
Selective Isolation
Contains inhibitors to hinder the growth of some organisms
i.e. CAN
**Define the following terms as they apply to media and list examples of each, as discussed in class: differential
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Indicators allow recognition of certain biochemical reactions
i.e. MAC
**Define the following terms as they apply to media and list examples of each, as discussed in class: enrichment
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Promote growth of some organisms
Used for the isolation of fastidious organisms
Often incubated in C02 incubator
i.e. CHOC
**Define the following terms as they apply to media and list examples of each, as discussed in class: maintenance
** quiz question
Allows survival of organisms for extended period of time
Match different selective agents with the type of organism (GPC, GNR, etc.) inhibited by the agent.
Dyes – Brilliant Green, Eosin, Methylene Blue, Basic Fuchsin – mainly inhibits GP organisms
Match different selective agents with the type of organism (GPC, GNR, etc.) inhibited by the agent.
Heavy Metals?
Heavy Metals – Bismuth: inhibits GP and most GN organisms (exception: Salmonella)
Antimicrobials – no further details are needed at this point
Match different selective agents with the type of organism (GPC, GNR, etc.) inhibited by the agent.
Other Chemicals?
Other Chemicals
Citrate: inhibits GP
Sodium deoxycholate: inhibits GP
Phenylethyl alcohol: inhibits GN
Azide: inhibits GN
NaCl: inhibitory to most organisms except Staphylococcus
Describe how the choice of media is made for the setup of different specimens.
Type of clinical specimen (sterile vs. usual flora)
Always include primary isolation media
Areas with flora usually require use of selective and differential media
Enrichment media often added on specimens from normally sterile areas
Nature of clinical condition
Results of preliminary exam of specimen
Interpret hemolytic reactions on SBA.
Gamma – the organism does not possess hemolytic enzyme; therefore, no destruction of RBCs
Beta – complete lysis of the RBCs which leads to a clearing of the auger plate where the organism is
Alpha – partial lysis of the RBCs, appears darken with a green-gray color of the auger plate where the organism
**Identify the purpose and type of medium (differential, selective, etc.) for each of the following: (Example: MAC is selective for GNRs and differential for lactose fermentation)
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SBA (SAP, BAP) Primary (non-selective) media – best medium for colony morphology, used to determine hemolysis
**Identify the purpose and type of medium (differential, selective, etc.) for each of the following: (Example: MAC is selective for GNRs and differential for lactose fermentation)
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Colistin Nalidixic Acid Agar (CNA) Selective for GP
**Identify the purpose and type of medium (differential, selective, etc.) for each of the following:
** quiz question
MacConkey Agar (MAC) Selective for GNRs and differential for lactose fermentation
**Identify the purpose and type of medium (differential, selective, etc.) for each of the following: (Example: MAC is selective for GNRs and differential for lactose fermentation)
Chocolate (CHOC)
** quiz question
Chocolate Agar (CHOC) Enrichment – SBA heated to lyse RBCs to provide hemoglobin and other enrichments