Grow in ambient air, which contains 21% O2 and small amount (0.03%) of CO2
Cannot grow in the presence of O2 and the atmosphere in anaerobe jars
Grow under reduced O2 and increased CO2
Requires increased concentration of CO2 and approximately 15% O2
Allow room (unsterilized) air to pass into the cabinet and around the material within, sterilizing only the air to be exhausted
Class I BSC
Self contained and 70% of the air is recirculated
Air is discharged outside the building. It is selected if radioisotopes, toxic chemicals or carcinogens will be used
Air coming into and going out of the cabinet is filter sterilized and the infectious material within is handled with rubber gloves that are attached and sealed to the cabinet
Class III
Classification of organisms according to hazard/ biosafety levels where no known potential for infecting the healthy people and are well defined and characterized
Classification of organisms according to hazard/ biosafety levels where most commonly being sought in clinical specimens and used in diagnostic, teaching and other laboratories
Classification of organisms according to hazard/ biosafety levels where recommended for the handling of material suspected of harboring organisms unlikely to be encountered ina routine clinical laboratory and for such organisms as M. Tuberculosis, C. Burnetii, the mold stages of systemis fungi and formsome other organisms when grown in quantities greater than that found in patient specimen
Classification of organisms according to hazard/ biosafety levels where exotic agents are considered high risk and cause life threatening disease
Chain of infection
Infectious organism / pathogen
Reservoir portal of exit
Mode of transmission
Portal of entry
Susceptible host
Safest method to ensure that no infective materials remain in samples or containers when disposed
Used to sterilize biohazardous trash and heat-stable objects
Used to sterilize items such as glassware, oil, petrolatum or powders
Dry heat oven
Method of choice for antibiotic solutions, toxic chemicals, radioisotopes, vaccines and carbohydrates which are all heat sensitive
Used for sterilizing disposables such as plastic syringes, catheters, or gloves before use
Ionizing radiotion
Most common chemical sterilant
Ethylene dioxide
Use of glutaraldehydeor peracetic acid
Cold sterilization
Mechanical action of rubbing the hands together and soaping undeneath fingernails
Most important part of handwashing
Round, smooth, convex, some strains are beta hemolytic; most colonies appear black or very dark purple; cultures smell of ammonium cyanide
Chromobacterium violaceum
Cause granulomatous disease in animals and have been associated with soft tissue infection in humans following animal bites
Actinobacillus spp.
Recovered from mixed populations of organisms and identified using the ethanol shock sore technique
Clostridium spp.
Serpentine pattern of growth
M. Tuberculosis
Diagnosis of leprosy is based on distinct clinical manifestation, such as hypopigmented skin lesions and peripheral nerve involvement in conjunction with a smear that tests positive for afb
M. Leprae
After ingestion of milk from infected cows, organism my penetrate the gastrointestinal mucosa or invade the lymphatic tissue of the oropharynx
M. Bovis
Causes an inflammatory bowel disease (known as Johne’s disease) iqn attle, sheep and goats. It also has been isolated fro, the bowel mucosa of patients with Crohn’s disease a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of humans
M. avium subp. Paratuberculosis
Mot common cause of aseptic meningitis, an inflammation of the brain parenchyma, and have been isolated from more than 40# of patients with this disease
Defective measles virus infection of CNS
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Detection of HSV / VZV
TZANCK smear
Maginfication for detection of microfilaria
Low magnification
Magnification for plasmodia and trypanosoma
Oil immersions
Causes Loeffler’s syndrome: transient pulmonary infiltration: day today clearing in 3 - 14 days; associated with marked peripheral eosinophilia
Ascaris Lumbricoides
Worm has a characteristic, thick cuticle and a large uterus that fills the body cavity and contains rhabditoid larvae
Dracunculus medinensis
Adult female worm has a distinctive morphologic appearance with spiral, winding, BARBER POLE appearing uterus
Parastongylus cantonensis
May be associated with vertical transmission and congenital infections
Ancylostoma duodenale
Most common identified species of filarial worms that infect humans
Wucheriria bancrofti
Resembles egg of S. Haematobium, but acid fast positive
Schistosoma intercalatum
To optimize recovery of S. Haematobium in urine what time it should be collected
Between noon and 2pm
Tapeworm specialized structure for attachment
Presence of RBCs is the onlg characteristic that allows differentiation between pathogenic E. Histolytica and non pathogenic E. Dispar
Entamoeba dispar
Basket nucleus
Iodamoeba butschlii
Gay bowel syndrome
Giardia lamblia
Organism found most commonly in the crypts in the duodenum
Giardia lamblia
Still considered the gold standard for diagnosis of malaria
Examination of thick and thin films
Oocysts recovered from a sheather’s sugar floatation
Recovery of s. Stercoralis from stool
Baermann funnel technique
Ecofriendly stool fixative
Polyvinyl alcohol
Test for cyclospora cayetanensis
Autofluorescnece, modified acid fast
Weak decolorizee, coccidia
Modified acid fast stain
10x dye content, microsporidia
Modified trichrome stain
Gown, mask/respirator, goggle/faceshield, gloves
Gloves, googles,/face shield, gown, mask/ respirator