Hematology Flashcards
Natural coagulant
Marker for hematopoeitic cells
Start and end of hemoglobin synthesis in erythropoiesis
Polychromatophilic normoblast to reticulocyte
Pathway that generates ATP
Embden-Meyerhoff pathway
Generates 2-3-DPG
Rapoport-Leubering pathway
Primary cause of deaths in patients with sickle cell disease
Infectious crises
Test should be performed within 2 hrs of obtaining blood
Sugar water test
Specimen for sugar water test
Citrated whole blood
Characteristic of sideroblastic anemias but also is found in some weeks after iron therapy for iron deficiency anemia, or in a hypochromic anemia after transfusion with normal cells
Dimorphic anemia
Granulocyte precirsor with kidney shaped nucleus
Granulocyte precursor with sausage- shaped nucleus
Responsible for clot retraction
Actomyosin / thrombosthenin
Centrifugation for hematocrit
RCF of 10,000 to 15,000g for 5 minutes
Test for hemoglobin S, sodium dithionite, tubidity
Solubility test
Seen in microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA)
Resembles Alder-Reilly inclusions
Toxic granules
Resembles May-Hegglin inclusion
Dohle Bodies
Many smudge cells seen in what type of leukemia
Chrinic lymphocytic leukemia
Composition of the outer surface of platlets
Platelet alpha and dense granules, mitochondria
Organelle zone
Reduced platelet retention in paraproteinemias
Platelet retention in multiple myeloma
Used to differentiate acute myelogenous leukemia and monocytic leukemias from ALL
Used to differentiate acute kyeoogenous leukemia and monocytic leukemia from ALL
Acute Leukemia according to FAB
> or equal to 30% blasts
Acute leukemia according to WHO
> or equal to 20% blasts
D-dimer positive in DIC as soon as ___ hours after onset
4 hours
Congenital def of Factor V
Parahemophilia, autosomal recessive
Def of Factor VIII
Hemophilia A, sex linked recessive
Def of Factor IX
Hemophilia B, sex linked recessive
Def Factor XI
Hemophilia C, autosomal dominant
Derived from RBC histogram
Derived from platelet histogram
Computed values
Three part differential includes
Lympho, Mono, Granu
Five part differential includes
Lympho, mono, neutro, eo, baso
Visual detection of fibrin clot
Tilt tube technique
Electromechanical detection of fibrin clot
Fibrosystem, Fibrometer, BBL
Photo-optical detection of fibron clot
Electra, Coag-A-mate, ortho-Koagulab