Microbial Growth Control 2 Flashcards
- on living tissues to prevent infection
- disinfect inanimate objects
- drug/ chemical agent that kills bacteria
- drug/ chemical agent that inhibits growth & reproduction of
4 variables of disinfection
- Antiseptic
- Disinfectant
- Bactericidal
- Bacteriostatic
concentration, time, temp, ph
1. refers to two water-soluble chemical
Ethyl alcohol (60-95%) & Isopropyl alcohol
- used as disinfectant & sterilant in both its liquid and gaseous states,
but highly discouraged due to carcinogenic properties
- __ formalin in water — dilute to _____ = effective
- ____ can inactivate bacteria - Higgh-level disinfectant & chemical sterilant
- germicidal
- sporicidal
- Formaldehyde
- 37% formalin in water — dilute to 5% formaldehyde = effective
- 0.2-0.4% - Glutaraldehyde
- 2% glutaraldehyde for 10 mins
- 2% glutaraldehyde for 3-10hrs
1. can be used both as antiseptics and disinfectant
- example
2. Chlorine is in the form of
- avail as liquid
- available as solid
- when chlorine mixed with water, forms
- CDC recommended
- for waterntreatkehr acc to CDC
- for water treatment acc to PNSDW
- Iodophores
- Povidone-iodine - Hypochlorites
- Sodium hypochlorite
- Calcium hypochlorite
- hypochlorous acid
- 1:10 dilution of 5.25% sol’n
- 4mg/L
- 0.3-1.5mg/L
- surfactants interact w/ lipid in cell membrane & w/ surrounding water
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
- membrane disruption
- disrupts bacterial electron transport & inhibit
membrane-bound enzymes - disrupt cell wall & inactivate enzyme
- disrupt cell wall
- Chlorhexidine Gluconate
- Hexachlorophene
- Parachlorometaxylenol
- Triclosan
Gaseous Disinfectant
- for sterilization of heat-sensitive equipment; however, it is explosive
- concentration - for pharmaceutical sterilization
- used as sterilizer
- mechanism
- Ethylene Oxide
- 450-700mg/L of chamber space at 55-600C for 2hrs - Periacetic acid
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- strong oxidizer
Heavy metals
- *1% for eyedrop sol’n used as prophylactic
treatment for newborn w/ gonocoocal conjunctivitis, - Mechanism
- Silver nitrate
- protein inactivation
stains used as inhibitors
1. gentian violet; gram staining
2. basic dye; against fungi & gram (+) bacteria
- Crystal violet
- Malachite green
1. Autoclave
2. Radiation
3. Dry heat oven
4. Ethyl oxide
- Bacillus stearothermophilus
- Bacillus pumitis
- Bacillus subtilis var. niger
- Bacillus subtilis var. globijii
Phenol Coefficient
= disinfectant is more effective than phenol
= disinfectant is less effective than phenol
= same effectiveness
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