Methodology key concepts Flashcards
What is an independent variable
The independent variables are what the researcher varies to see how they effect the dependent variable.
What is a dependent variable ?
Dependent variable is the object under study in an experiment.
What is a field diary ?
Field diary – A notebook in which a researcher records observation during the research process. One of the key tools of Participant Observation.
What does going native mean ? What is lost if this happens ?
Going native – where a researcher becomes biased or sympathetic towards the group he is studying, such that he or she loses their objectivity.
What is the Hawthorne effect ?
Hawthorne effect – where respondents alter their behaviour because they know they are being observed. This is one of the biggest disadvantages of overt laboratory and field experiments.
What is a Hypothesis
Hypothesis – a theory or explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation
What is meant by Ethnography ?
Ethnography – an in-depth study of the way of life of a group of people in their natural setting.
What is the theory of interpretivism ?
approach to social research which tries to understand human action through the eyes of those acting. Interpretivists want to know the meanings actors give to their own actions
What is interview bias
Interviewer bias – where the values and beliefs of the researcher influence the responses of the interviewee
What is a pilot study ?
ot study – a test study carried out before the main research study and on a smaller scale, this uncovers potential problem
What is meant by primary data ?
Primary data – data collected first hand by the researcher herself. Include social surveys (normally using questionnaire), interviews, experiments and observations.
What is qualitative data ?
Qualitative data – refers to information that appears in written, visual or audio form, such as transcripts of interviews, newspapers and web sites
What is quantitative data ?
Quantitative data – refers to information that appears in numerical form, or in the form of statistics.
What is a Rapport ?
Rapport – a close and harmonious relationship between researcher and respondents,
What does it mean when research is reliable ?
Reliability – if research is reliable, it means if someone else repeats the same research
What does it mean when research is valid ?
Validity – research is valid if it provides a true picture of what is really ‘out there’ in the world
What does verstehen mean ?
understand in a deep way’ – in order to achieve ‘Verstehen’ a researcher aims to understand another person’s experience by putting themselves in the other person’s shoes.
What does sampling mean
Sampling – the process of selection a section of the population to take part in social research.
What is the theory of positivism
an approach to social research which aims to be as close to the natural sciences as possible. Positivists emphasise the use of quantitative data in order to remain detached from the research process and to uncover social trends and correlations