Feminism Flashcards
What is first wave feminsm? Give some examples
- Focused on women’s rights to vote example suffragettes
- Mostly dominated by white women
- 1800s -1920s
What is second wave feminism ? Give some examples.
” The personal is political “ hannish
- this is a time after the world wars where women showed there worth as a reserved army of labour - ansley and wanted to fight for more rights ie social and sexual , reproductive liberation
- Arguing that emphasis on beauty was objectifying and holding women back
Explain third wave feminism in the 1990s
This is a more sophisticated type of feminsm that looks at how beauty is not an oppressive instrument but rather embraced it
- spice girls
- reclaim in words like slut and bitch - riot grrrls
Explain fourth wave feminism 2011 .
- Hashtag activism I.e. the me to movement
- The wave has been seen to mobilize and organise through social media
Explain liberal feminism.
Liberal feminist are concerned with civil rights and liberties and freedom of the individual believing that all humans should be equal
- Reformist - believing that change should happen gradually and carefully
- Cultural changes - for example the belief that women are less rational and incapable of making important decisions and encourages confinment to domesticated roles
Does legislation actually bring around real change.
No, for example the equality act , doesn’t really change peoples ideas and not enforced ie equal pay act women are still significantly underpaid
What is Oakley’s key ideas ?
- The distinguishing between sex and gender
- gendered socialisation
Explain Oakley’s ideas
Distinction between sex and gender
- Sex refers to biological differences between men and women which is fixed
- Gender is socially constructed differences between the masculine and the feminine which is socially constructed
Gendered socialisation and eductation are key areas in need of chnage accoridng to liberal feminists
What is an optimistic theory and what type of feminism is this theory ?
- Optimistic theory is the idea that change is occurring , reducing which is contributing to a fairer society
- Liberal feminist are also known as this
What theory does liberal feminists critique?
Functionalist views - specifically on ideas of instrumental and expressive roles which are known as biological roles of women -0 lib fems challenge this approach
What is an evaluation of liberal feminist views ?
- They have been criticised for being overly optimistic regarding laws as having the potential to fix predjuces and change attitudes
- walby argues that they offer no explanation for overall structure of gender inequalities
- marx fem and radical feminist argues that there needs to be broader changes need to be made
What is an evaluation of liberal feminist views ?
- They have been criticised for being overly optimistic regarding laws as having the potential to fix predjuces and change attitudes
- walby argues that they offer no explanation for overall structure of gender inequalities
- marx fem and radical feminist argues that there needs to be broader changes need to be made
When did radical feminist emerge ?
- In the 1970s
- They believe that patriarchy is universal
Which theorist is a radical feminsts ?
What does Brownmiller argue ?
- Brownmiller argues that the root of women’s oppression lies ins sexual violence which makes women fear men thus maintaining patriarchy
What is meant by the personal is political ?
This means that patriarchy is direct and personal , the idea that oppression takes place in the public sphere of the workpace , media , politics etc
- Radical feminists such as millet argues that relationships between men and women are rife with sexual politics
Who argues that relationships between men and women are a rife withsexual politics ?
What else do radical feminist draw attention to?
- Radical fems draw attention to the nature of sexuality being a biological urge and thus outside the scope of sociology
- relationships are about satisfying men’s desires which is why women are constrained/ forced by men to be in narrow and heterosexual relationships which is the only socially acceptable form of sexuality accoridn to rich
Is Richs view on sexuality outdated ?
yes , sexuality is a lot kore fluid and there are more types of relationships that are open to women and much more socially acceptable
what is the significance of sarah evered ?
women reacted very negatively suggesting that it is hard to trsut law enforc,ment and men in positions of power
- femicide census - the profiles of women that are killed by men
What are some evaluations to radical feminists ?