Metal Flashcards
Any of a class of elementary substances, such as gold, silver, or copper, all of which are crystaline when solid and many of which are characterized by opacity, ductility, conductivity, and a unique luster when freshly fractures.
A mass of metal cast into a convenient shape for storage or transportation before further processing.

A piece of metal ready to be drawn, pressed or machined into a finished object.
A bar of steel reduced from an ingot to dimensions suitable for further rolling.

Ingots are very large casting products, greater in size and shape than blooms, billets and slabs. Ingot generally has rectangular/square cross section, but it is not necessary that it should be uniform through out its length. (Ingot may have variable cross section.)
blooms has rectangular /square cross section.
The cross section area gof bloom is always greater
than 36 in 2 (230 cm 2)
Blooms are used as rolling material in the manufacturing process of rails , seamless pipes, etc.
Billet is also a casting product. In new era of industry, generally the billets are made with the help of machine called as CCM (continuous casting machine).
Billet has a square cross section area , but cross section area of billet should be same throught its length. The cross section area if billet is always less than 36 in2. The Billets are used in the manufacturing process of Steel Rebars.
A slab has rectangular cross section, slab has thickness lesser than bloom.
If we compare Ingot, Bloom, Billet and Slab based on their weight Then
Weight of ingot is greater than weight bloom is greater than Weight of billet is greater than weight of slab.*
A mill for rolling ingots into blooms.
Blooming Mill

A narrow, generally square, bar of steel, forged or hot-rolled from an ingot or bloom.

An oxide ocurring in a scaly from on the surface of metal when brough to a high temperature.

A loose coating of iron oxide that forms on iron or steel during hot-rolling. Mill scale increases the bond between steel and concrete in reinforced concrete or in structural steelwork encased in concrete for fire protection.
Mill Scale

To roll metal at a heat high enough to permit recrystallization.
Hot Roll
The dark, oxidized, relatively rough finish obtained by rolling metal while hot.
Hot-rolled Finish

The process or product of forcing molten metal into a metallic mold under hydraulic pressure to give it a particular shape or form.
Die Casting
The process or product of forming a material into a particular shape by pouring it into a mold in a fluid state and letting it harden.
A hollow form or matrix for giving a particular shape to something in a molten or plastic state.
To form metal by heating and hammering.
The working of a metal at a temperature high enough to permit recrystalization.
To acquire a new granular structure with new crystals because of plastic deformation, as when worked after being heated.
The controlled heating and cooling of a metal to develop certain desirable physical or mechanical properties.
Heat Treatment.
To remove internal stress from metal or glass by heating to a temperature below that of recrystalization and then gradually cooling in a liquid or air, esp. to make the material more ductile.
To rapidly cool a heated metal by immersion in water, esp. to increase its hardness.
To strengthen or toughen a metal by reheating at a lower temperature and slowly cooling the material.
The tempering of a metal at a temperature high enough to relieve residual stresses, followed by slow, uniform cooling.
Stress Relieving
Microscopic stress in a metal resulting from nonuniform thermal changes, plastic deformation, or other causes aside from external forces or applications of heat.
Residual Stress
To make the outside surface of an iron-based alloy hard by carburization and heat treatment, leaving the interior tough and ductile.
To roll metal at a temperature below that at which recrystalization occurs, so as to increase its tensile strength or improve its surface finish.

The striated finish that cold rolling or extrusion imparts to a metal surface.
Mill Finish

The process or product of forming a metal or plastic with a desired cross section by forcing it through a die with a pressure ram.
To draw metal through a set of dies to reduce its cross-sectional area without preheating, as in the fabrication of wire or tubing.
A smooth, bright finish produced by drawing metal through a die.
Drawn Finish

A steel block or plate having small conical holes through which metal or plastic is extruded or drawn for shaping.

The working of metal below the temperature at which recrystalization occurs, as in drawing, pressing, or stamping.
Cold Working
A metal containing iron as a principal element.
Ferrous Metal
(chiefly of metals) containing or consisting of iron.
A malleable, ductile, magnetic, silver-white metallic element from which pig iron and steel are made.
Iron, Fe (symbol)
To melt or fuse ore in order to separate the metal constituents.

The solid residue of coal left after destructive distillation, used as a fuel.

Crude iron that is drawn from a blast furnace and into pigs in preparation for conversion into cast iron, wrought iron, or steel.
Pig Iron

An oblong mass of metal that has been poured while still molten into a mold of sand, esp such a mass of iron from a blast furnace.

Iron Ore

A large vertical furnace for smelting iron from ore, in which combustion is intensified by a continuous blast of air through the fuel.
Blast Furnace

Slag left as a residue by the smelting of iron ore in a blast furnace.
Blast-furnace slag

The vitrified matter left as a residue from the smelting of a metallic ore.
Slag or Cinder

A hard, brittle, nonmalleable iron-based alloy containing 2% to 4.5% carbon and 0.5% to 3% silicon, cast in a sand mold and machined to make many building products.
Cast Iron

Cast iron that has been annealed by transforming the carbon content into graphite or removing it completely.
Malleable Cast Iron

Capable of being shaped or formed by hammering or by pressure from rollers.
A tough, malleable, relatively soft iron that is readily forced and welded, having a fibrous structure containing approximately 0.2% carbon and a small amount of uniformly distributed slag.
Wrought Iron

Any of various iron-based alloys having a carbon content less than of cast iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of strength, hardness, and elasticity varying according to composition and heat treatment.

Ordinary, unalloyed steel in which the residual elements, such as carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon are controlled. Any increase in carbon content increases the strength and hardness of the steel but reduces its ductility and weldability.
Carbon Steel

A nonmetallic element occurring in a pure state as diamond and graphite, or as a constituent of coal and petroleum.
Carbon, C
To unite iron or steel with carbon.
Carbon steel to which various elements, such as chromium, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, tungsten, or vanadium, have been added in a sufficient amount to obtain particular physical or chemical properties.
Alloy Steel

A low-carbon steel containing from 0.15% to 0.25% carbon.
Mild Steel, Soft Steel
A carbon steel containing from 0.25% to 0.45% carbon.
Medium Steel
A high-carbon steel containing from 0.45% to 0.85% carbon.
Hard Steel
A high-carbon steel containing 0.85% to 1.8% carbon.
Spring Steel
An alloy steel containing a minimum of 12% chromium, sometimes with nickel, manganese, or molybdenum as additional alloying elements, so as to be highly resistant to corrosion.
Stainless Steel

Any of a group of low-carbon steels containing less than 2% alloys in a chemical composition specifically developed for increased strenth, ductility, and resistance to corrosion.
High-strength low-alloy steel
A high-strength, low-alloy steel that forms an oxide coating when exposed to rain or moisture in the atmosphere, which adheres firmly to the base metal and protects it from further corrosion. Structures using weathering steel should be detailed to prevent the small amount of oxide carried off by rainwater from staining adjoining materials.
Weathering Steel
A substance composed of two or more metals, or of a metal and a nonmetal, intimately mixed, as by fusing or electrodeposition.
The principal metal of an alloy or piece underlying a coating of another metal.
Base Metal
The reddish brittle coating formed on the surface of iron esp. when exposed to moisture and air, consisting essentially of hydrated ferric oxide formed by oxidation.

The process or result of combining with oxygen to form an oxide.
A binary compound of oxygen with another element.
A metal, such as gold, silver, and mercury that resists oxidation when heated in air, and solution by inorganic acids.
Noble Metal

The gradual deterioration of metal by chemical action, as when exposed to weather, moisture, or other corroding agents.

An accelerated corrosive action that takes place when dissimilar metals are in contact in the presence of an electrolyte.
Galvanic Corrosion

A list of metals arranged in order from least noble to most noble. The farther apart two metals are on the list, the more susceptible the least noble one is to corrosive deterioration.
Galvanic Series
The protection of ferrous metals against electrolysis by the attachment of sacrificial anodes.
Cathodic Protection, Electrolytic Protection

An anode that is attached to a metal object subject to electrolysis and is decomposed instead of the object.
Sacrificial Anode

The process or product of bonding one metal to another, usually to protect the inner metal form corrosion.
An acid or other chemical solution in which a metal object is dipped to remove oxide scale or other adhering substances.

To coat steel with an anticorrosive phosphate solution in preparation for the application of paint, enamel, or lacquer.

To coat a metal, esp aluminum or magnesium with a hard, noncorrosive film by electrolytic or chemical action.

To coat or plate a metal surface with a compound of chromium for corrosion resistance.
Chrome, Chrome Plate

A lustrous, hard, brittle metallic element used in alloy steels for hardness and corrosion resistance, and for electroplating other metals.

To coat metal, esp iron or steel, with zinc esp to immerse in molten zinc to produce a coating of zinc-iron alloy.

THe protective coating of ferrous metal by dipping in a bath of molten zinc.
Hot-Dip Galvanizing

Iron coated wit hzinc to prevent rust.
Galvanized Iron

A ductile, crystalline, bluish-white metallic element, used for galvanizing iron and steel and in making other alloys.
Zinc or Zn

Thin iron or steel sheet plated with tin for protection against oxidation.

A lustrous, low-melting, bluish-white metallic element, that is malleable and ductile at ordinary temperatures and used in plating and in making alloys and soft solders.
Tin or Sn

To plate with an adherent metallic coating by electrolysis, usually to increase the hardness, improve the durability, or enhance the appearance of the base metal.

The producing of chemical changes by the passage of an electric current through an electrolyte, with subsequent migration of positively and negatively charged ions to the negative and positive electrodes.

A hot-rolled structural steel section having an H-shape with wide parallel flanges, designated by the prefix W followed by the size and weight of the member.
W-shape, Wide flange

A hot-rolled structural steel shape similar to but not classified as a W-shape, designated by the prefix M followed by the size and weight of the member.
A hot-rolled structural steel section similar to a W-shape but having flanges and web of equan thickness and typically used as a load-bearing pile, designated by the prefix HP followed by the size and weight of the member.
A hot-rolled structural steel section having an I-shape with sloped inner flange surfaces, designated by the prefix S followed by the size and weight of the member.
S-shape, American Standard Beam
A hot-rolled structural steel section having a rectangular C-shape with sloped inner flange surfaces, designated by the prefix C followed by the size and weight of the member.
American Standard Channel
A hot-rolled structural steel section similar to a C-shape but designated by the prefix MC followed by the size and weight of the member.
Miscellaneous Channel
A hot-rolled structural steel section having an L-shape, designated by the prefix L followed by the length of each leg and their thickness.
Angle or Angle Iron

An angle iron having legs of equal length.
Equal Leg angle
An angle iron having legs of unequal length.
Unequal leg angle.
A structural member consisting of a pair of angles joined back to back. The parallel legs may be in contact or slightly separated.
Double Angle
A structural steel section cut from a W-, S-, or M-shape and having a T-shape. It is designated by the prefix WT, ST, or MT, depending on the section from which it is cut, followed by the size and weight of the member.
Structural Tee
A rolled metal bar having a T-shaped cross section.
Tee, T-bar
A rolled metal bar having a Z-shaped cross section with internal right angles.
Zee, Z-bar
A long, solid piece of metal, esp one having a square, rectangular, or other simple cross-sectional shape.
A heavy rope made of or containing wire strands twisted around a central core.
Wire Rope
The number of openings per inch in wire cloth.
A galvanized steel wire cloth with a mesh between .25 and .5inches (6.5 to 12.7mm).
hardware Cloth

A fabric of woven metallic wire, used in screens, sieves, or the like.
Wire Cloth

A gauge calibrated for determining the diameter of wire or thickness of sheet metal, consisting of a steel plate with a series of standard-sized nothches around the edge.
Wire Gauge

Any of various standards for designating the thickness or diameter of athin object, such as the thickness of sheet metal or the diameter of a wire or screw.
Gauge or Gage
Cold-rolled sheet steel before pickling or cleaning, used for coating with zinc, tin, or terne metal.

Sheet metal slotted and stretched into a stiff, open mesh or lattice, used esp as lath.
Expanded Metal

Sheet metal drawn or rolled into parallel ridges and furrows for additional mechanical strength.
Corrugate MEtal

Metal in thin sheets or plates, used in the manufacture of ductwork, flashing and roofing.
Sheet Metal

A steel or cast-iron plate having a wafflelike pattern.
Checkered plate

A thin, flat sheet or piece of metal, esp one of uniform thickness.

The dimater of a circle having a circumference equal to the perimeter of a noncircular tube.
Equivalent Round
A structural steel pipe having a wall thickness greater than that of extra-strong pipe, designated as pipe (nominal inside diameter) XX-Strong.
Double-Extra-strong pipe
A structural steel pipe having increased wall thickness for greater strength, designated as Pipe (nominal inside diameter) X-Strong.
Extra-strong pipe
A structural steel pipe of standard weight and wall thicnness, designated as Pipe (nomical inside diameter) Std.
Standard Pipe
A hollow structural steel shape of square, rectangular, or circular cross section. It is designated by the prefix TS followed by the side dimensions or diameter and the wall thickness.
Structural Tubing
A broad ridge or pair of ridges projecting at a right angle from the edge of a structural shape in order to strengthen or stiffen it.
An integral part of a beam that forms a flat, rigid connection between two broader, parallel parts, such as the flanhes of a structural shape.
A rolled or extruded metal beam having a cross section resembling the capital letter I.

Steel that is hot rolled or cold formed in a variety of standard shapes and fabricated for use as load-bearing members or elements.
Structural Steel

A beam consisting of a single or built-up structural steel section.
Steel Beam

A lightweight, fabricated steel joist having an open web. A K-series joist has a web consisting of a single bent bar, running in a zigzag pattern between the upper and lower chords. LH- and DLH-series joists have heavier web and chord members for increased loads and spans.
Open-Web Steel Joist, Bar Joist

A trussed girder for supporting open-web steel joists.
Joist Girder
A plate fastened to the flanges of a plate girder to increase its section modulus in area subject to high bending stresses.
Cover Plate
One of the angles forming the top or bottom flange of a plate girder.
Flange Angle
A steel plate forming the web of a plate girder.
Web Plate
A plate fastened to the web of a plate girder to increase its resistance to shearing stresses.
Shear Plate
A steel girder built up from plates or shapes that are welded or riveted together.
Plate Girder
One of a pair of vertical angles fastened to each side of a web plate to stiffen it against buckling.
Stiffener Angle
A stiffener angle for the web of a plate girder, placed at a point of support or under a concentrated load.
Bearing Stiffener
A stiffener angle for the web of a plate girder, placed between bearing stiffeners for increased resistance to diagonal compressive stresses.
Intermediate Stiffener
A steel beam built up from shapes and having a hollow, rectangular cross section.
Box Girder
A steel beam fabricated by dividing the web of a wide-flange section with a lengthwise zigzag cutl, then welding both halves together at the peaks, thus increasing its depth without increasing its weight.
Castellated Beam

A short angle for joining structural members meeting at right angles.
Angle Clip, Angle cleat
A shear-resisting steel connection made by welding or bolting the web of a beam to the supporting column or girder with two angles.
Framed Connection
A short angle for supporting a beam in a shear-resisting connection.
Seat Angle
A shear-resisting steel connection made by welding or bolting the flanges of a beam to the supporting column with a seat angle below and a stabilizing angle above.
Seated Connection
A seated connection stiffened to resist large beam reactions, usually by means of a vertical plate or pair of angles directly below the horizontal component of the seat angle.
Stiffened seated connection
A steel connection made so as to develop a specified resisting moment, usually by means of plates welded or bolted to the beam flanges and the supporting column.
Moment Connection
A column consisting of a single or built-up structural steel section. The allowable compressive load on a steel column depends not only on the area of the cross section but also on its shape. The slenderness ratio for primary column should generally not exceed 120. For bracing and other secondary members, the slenderness ratio should not exceed 200.
Steel Column
A steel palte fixed atop a column to provide a bearing surface for a crossing beam or girder.
Cap Plate
A steel plate or shim used in splicing steel columns with different flange thickness.
Filler Plate
A steel plate alighning and uniting the flanges of two steel sections at a column splice. Horizontal surfaces in contact must be milled to provide full bearing areas. To avoid conflicting with beam and girder connections, a column splice is usually made 2 to 3 feet (610 - 914mm) above a floor level.
Splice Plate
A bolt made of high-strength low-alloy steel for making structural steel connections.
High-strength Bolt
A high-strength bolt tightened with a calibrated torsion wrench and providing the clamping force necessary for the surfaces of the connected members to transfer load between them by friction.
High-Tension Bolt
A high-tension bolt having a splied end that twists off when the required torque has been reached.
Tension-Control Bolt
A horizontal steel plate providing a full bearing area for a smaller column section being joined to a larger section.
Butt Plate
A steel plate for transmitting and distributing a column load to the supporting foundation material.
Base Plate
To ram a stiff, high-strength, low-shrinkage concrete or grout mix into a confined space, as under a bearing plate, to transmit a compressive load.
A section of structural steel pipe used as a vertical support.
Pipe Column
Trademark for a brand of steel pipe column usually filled with concrete.
Lally Column

A steel column fabricated from a number of structural steel shapes, such as W-shapes, channels, angles, and plates. The arrangement of elements and cross-sectional shape of a built-up steel column is not only a response to contructional and aesthetic conditions, but must also provide the largest possible radius of gyration in response to buckling conditions.
Built-up Column
A built-up steel column consisting of a single or multiple shafts rigidly connected by lacing or cover plates.
Box Column
Any member of members uniting the angles or flanges of a composite steel column, girder, or strut.
Any metal containing little or no iron.
Nonferrous Metal
The principal ore of aluminum, consisting of 45% to 60$ aluminum oxide, ferric oxide, and various other impurities.
A natural or synthetic oxide of aluminum used in aluminum production, ceramics and electrical insulation.
Alumina, Aluminum Oxide
A ductile, malleable, silver-white metallic element that is used in forming many hard, light alloys, often anodized for better corrosion resistance, color, and surface hardness.
Aluminum, AI
The process generally employed to refine alumina from bauxite.
Bayer Process

The process of bringing to the metallic state by removing nonmetallic constituents, such as the electrolytic process used in refining aluminum from alumina.
A greenish film or encrustation produced by oxidation on the surface of old bronze and copper and often admired for its ornamental value.

An aluminum alloy capable of gaining strength by heat treatment.
Heat-treatable alloy
An aluminu alloy capable of gaining strength by cold-working.
Non-heat-treatable alloy, Common Alloy
An aluminum product clad with an aluminum alloy that is anodic to the core alloy, thus protecting it physically and electrolytically against corrosion.

A light, strong alloy of aluminum, copper, manganese, and magnesium.

A brittle. crystalline, silvery white metallic element used chiefly in alloys.
Antimony, Sb

A white, ductile element resembling tin, used in plating and marking certain alloys.
Cadmium, Cd

A very hard material made of carbon and one or more heavy metals, such as tungsten carbide, used for cutting edges and dies.

A light, ductile, silver white metallic element used in lightweight alloys.
Magnesium, Mg

A hard, silvery white, malleable and ductile metallic element, used in steel and cast-iron alloys and in electroplating metals that require corrosion resistance.
Nickel, Ni

A nonmetallic element having amorphous or crystalline forms, used esp in electronic devices and to strengthen low-alloy steels.
Silicon, Si

A heavy, brittle, gray-white metallic element having a high melting point and used in electrical elements and for hardening alloys.
Tungsten, W

A malleable, ductile, grayish metallic element used for hardening alloys.
Vanadium, V

An alloy of 97% copper with 3% silicon.
Silicon Bronze

An alloy of about 90% copper, 5% zinc, 3% lead, and 2% tin.
Gold Bronze

A hard, corrosion resistant alloy of about 80% copper, 10%tin, 9% antimony and 1% phosphorus.
Phosphor Bronze

Any of various alloys containing a high percentage of copper with from 5% to 11% aluminum and varying amounts of iron, nickel and manganese.
Aluminum Bronze, Albronze

An alloy of about 90% copper and 10% zinc.
Commercial Bronze
An alloy of from 77% to 86% copper with the balance zinc.
Red Brass

An alloy of about 75% copper, 2% aluminum, small amounts of other elements, with the balance zinc.
Aluminum Brass

An alloy of about 65% copper and 35% zinc.
Common Brass
An alloy of about 60% copper and 40% zinc.
Naval Brass
An alloy of about 57% copper, 40% zinc, 2.75%lead and 0..25% tin
Architectural bronze

An alloy of from 55% copper, 40% zinc and up to 3.5% manganese.
Manganese bronze
An alloy of from 55% to 61% copper with from 39% to 45% zinc.
Muntz metal, alpha-beta brass

A heavy, soft, malleable, bluish-gray metallic element used in solder and radiation shielding.
Lead, Pb
An alloy of about 80% lead and 20% tin, used for plating.
Terne Metal

Steel plate coated with terne metal for use as a roofing material.