Design Flashcards
The total land area of the project
“Total project acreage”
Total project acreage minus open space and infrastructure acreage
“Net developable area”
Number of residential units / total project acreage
“Gross density”
Number of residential units/net developable area
“Net density”
Radius for living room, furnitures must be within on this radius.
Minimum width and area for living room.
wdith 3.60m
Living room
•Distance between a sofa and coffee table: Allow ____ between the table and sofa edge to give enough leg room.
•Coffee table height: Keep the table height and seat height within _____ of each other.
4 inches
maximum distance of furniture to maintain conversation?
Side table and sofa height: In general, an end table should be approximately the same height as the _____ . This allows guests to set down or reach for drinks without straining, and it also lends a more cohesive feel to the room.
arm of your sofa or chair
minimum distance from sofa and tv?
Living room
•Allow _____ for general circulation.
Three-seat sofa
35” x 84”
900 x 2100
35” x 60”
35” x 35”
Coffee table
30” x 48”
End table
24” x 24”
Rectangular end table
24” x 28”
The work triangle
•Rules of thumb:
–Each leg of the triangle should be between _____ and _____
–The total of the three legs should be between ____ and ______
–No obstructions should intersect a leg of the triangle (cabinets, islands, etc.)
–Household traffic should not flow through the triangle.
1200mm (4 feet) and 2700mm (9 feet).
3700mm (12 feet) and 8000mm (26 feet).
A refrigerator should have at least a ____mm-wide counter either on the handle side or no more than ____mm across from the refrigerator.
•Provide a food prep area at least ____mm wide located between the sink and the ref. If this is located between the sink and the stove, it will require more travel.
Kitchen Layout
- Ideal for small apartments
- Works well with open plans
Layout: Single-line
Kitchen Layout
- Highly efficient use of space
- Not ideal if corridor is open at both ends (traffic congestion)
Layout: Galley
Kitchen Layout
- Ideal for family kitchens, flexible
- Can easily accommodate tables and chairs in the same room
Layout: L-shape
Kitchen Layout
- Requires plenty of space
- Affords large amounts of countertop and storage space
- Ideal if kitchen will be used heavily
Layout: U-shape
The dining chair
•Chairs are usually at least 450-500mm wide, and should be apart by about ___ mm.
space between chair and wall for passage only?
space between chair and wall if for passage and serving behind the chair.
Number of storeys that wind load is critical?
10 floors and above
- High-rise building, as defined by the Fire Code:
- A building in which the distance between the floor of the topmost storey and the ground level is ___meters or more.
- Building height shall be measured from the lowest level of ______ access to the floor of the highest occupiable storey.
fire department vehicle
Minimum percentage of contaminated fire smoke that could enter through an smoke proof shaft
Fire Command Center
•Buildings ___ storeys or more shall have a fire command center
•Emergency alarm communication system
•Fire detection and alarm system annunciator
•Sprinkler valve and water flow display panels
•Controls for unlocking stairway doors simultaneously
•PA system
Office building types (economic)
- Speculative: the end user is not defined
- Build-to-suit: the end user is known
Special office types
R&D (Research and Development)
•Typically a low-rise office building dedicated to research and development of various types
Medical office
•Typically mid-rise office building with an above-average floorplate, dedicated to medical-related functions
•It may require specialized equipment, including wet risers, extensive lab equipment, and waste disposal
•Typically located within the base of a larger building, but ocassionallya distinct building unto itself
•This type has a very expansive floor plate (4,000 to 8,000 sqm) and an open floor plan, used for functions requiring large open areas
•Cores are typically located at the perimeter of the space
Three Components of office building?
Floor Plate
Lease spans
•The _____ is the distance from the edge of the core to the exterior wall.
lease span
- Typical lease spans include:
- 10m: small, multiple-tenant floors
- 12m: most common
- 14m: desirable for tenants requiring large floor areas
- General criteria:
- One elevator per ____ sqm. of building area
- Capacity to handle ___% of total building population in 5 minutes or less
Office circulation
•Main aisles (aisles leading to main exits): ____
•Intermediate aisles: ____ wide
•Secondary aisles (aisles between desks): ____ wide
1500mm wide
•Ratio of rentable space to total space
•Average efficiency: ___%
•Maximum possible: ___%approx.
Minimum area for workstation with frequent visitor
2.30m x 1.50m
Minimum dimension for U shaped Workstation
2.40 x 1.50m
Minimum Dimension for a executive desk with frequent visitors.
1.70m x 2.70m
•Shops which can be entered from the supermarket or from a separate outside entrance. They typically remain open even after the supermarket closes for the day.
•Fast food
•Liquor stores
•Convenience stores
Satellite shops
Typically, aisles are ___ meters wide, and shelf islands are ___ meter wide minimum
•This means that columns spaced at a minimum of 3.20 meters will produce the best layout
•Note: shelving can be cut to fit around columns
- 00
- 20
Refrigerators are often located at___
•Top shelf should not be taller than ___ meters, permitting an angle of view not more than 15 degrees above the horizontal
Supernarket Shelving
Easy to reach zone starts at ___mm above the floor, which is the minimum height of the bottom shelf
Typical Clear Heights for Malls
3.00m to 4.20m
Multilevel malls
•To achieve this equality of desirability, customer appeal, and rent balance, it is essential that all levels have:
Equal access from parking
No mall deadend without dept store
adequate vertical transpo
maximum visibility of all floors
Amenities/common features
- Seating groups and benches for resting. However:
- Some planners believe that it is better to provide more coffee stands both for better control and to increase income.
- For some areas, it may also be advantageous to minmize benches to discourage loitering by undesirable elements
These are stores in mals that have the greatest servicing requirement
Generally speaking,
department stores,
restaurants, and
Parking at Mall
•Parking lanes or driveways ideally should be oriented ________, to allow shoppers to walk directly to the entrance without threading through parked cars.
perpendicular to the mall entrance
Lifeblood of shopping center
Foot Traffic
- Tenants or places in the mall that draw a lot of foot traffic towards it
- Department store
- Food courts
- Cinemas
- Parking
- Major tenant stores
Ideal Location of Mall Magnets
Opposite Ends of the plan (to induce foot traffic across)
at Dead Ends (to maximize dull dead ends)
At least one magnet per floor
Diagnosable illness whose cause and symptoms can be directly attributed to a specific pollutant source within a building
Building-Related Illness (BRI)
•energy efficiency rating for room air conditioners that lists how many Btu per hour are used for each watt of power it draws
Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER)
•amount of electric lighting, usually measured in watts per square foot, being used to illuminate a given space
Lighting Power Density (LPD)
•a device used to detect the distance, absence, or presence of an object by using a light transmitter, often infrared and a photoelectric receiver
Photoelectric Sensor
•Areas where one or more individuals normally spend time (more than one hour per person per day on average) seated or standing as they work, study, or perform other focused activities inside a building
Regularly Occupied Space
•An industrial structure designed to remove biological or chemical waste products from water, thereby permitting the treated water to be used for other purposes
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
•Building whose occupants experience acute health and/or comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent therein, but where no specific illness or cause can be identified
Sick Building Syndrome
•a measure of a material’s ability to reflect heat with white or light colors having high reflectance and dark or black surfaces with low or little reflectance thereby having higher temperatures
Solar Reflectance Index (SRI)
describes how well a building element conducts heat, measuring the rate of heat transfer through a building element over a given area, under standardized conditions
•combination of urea and formaldehyde used in some glues and adhesives, particularly in composite wood products, emitting formaldehyde at room temperature, which is a toxic and possibly carcinogenic gas
Urea Formaldehyde
•employs frequency inverter technology which regulates input voltage and frequency throughout the journey, drawing much less current during acceleration and deceleration
Variable-Voltage and Variable-Frequency (VVVF)
Buildings account for ___ of national energy consumption, according to the Department of Energy.
Glass Properties
•Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): heat transmitted through glass divided by radiation incident on glass
•The value is between 0 and 1
•The higher the value, the ____ is transmitted
more heat
Maximum SHGC and Minimum VLT for Window to Wall Ratio or 90% (eg. 90m2 gross window area over 100m2 wall area)
SHGC = .24max
VLT = .35min
(meaning the higher the ratio of WWR is the lower the SHGC required and means the higher the WWR the lower heat gain the building should have and higher Light Transmitance is should have)
Metal roof surfaces shall either be painted white or have a minimum SRI of __
Buildings shall be provided with roof insulation so that the average thermal resistance value (R-Value) of the roof is at least ___
Escalators / Moving Ramps / Walkways shall be fitted with automated controls to reduce to a slower speed when no activity has been detected for a maximum period of _____ minutes and duration may be adjusted depending on the demand.
one and a half (1-1/2)
The escalator / moving ramp / walkway shall automatically be put on a standby mode when no activity has been detected for a maximum period of ____ minutes and duration may be adjusted depending on the demand.
five (5)
___% fire reserve over and above the average daily demand supply.
percent (20%)
REquired height to introduce overhead tank
10 Storey and above
Rainwater Harvesting
•Minimum storage tanks size (in cu.m) shall be calculated by _________
dividing the building footprint area by 75
MRF shall be fully enclosed and easily accessible from within the building and from the outside for easy collection of waste.
Solid waste containers shall be provided for at least four (4) types of wastes:
- -compostable (biodegradable)
- -non-recyclable (to be disposed off in the landfill)
- -recyclable (paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, wood, etc.)
- -special waste
Open Space Utilization
•A minimum of_____ of the required Unpaved Surface Area (USA), as required in Rule VII and VIII of the NBC, shall be vegetated with indigenous and adaptable species.
fifty percent (50%)
____) is one of the leading causes of respiratory illnesses in building occupants. RA 9211, the Tobacco Regulations Act, restricts tobacco smoking in public spaces and the prescription of designated smoking areas inside buildings.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS
Minimum smoking distance from outside to inside air intake.
Ideally, in City Hall planning, how many stories should you provide elevator services?
taller than 2 floors (meaning 3 floors and above)
City Hall Design
Number of seats for conference room?
12 seats
A building utilized principally to house classrooms and laboratories.
“Academic building”
The education intended to meet basic learning needs which lay the foundation on which subsequent learning can be based.
It encompasses early childhood, elementary and high school education as well as alternative learning systems for out-of-school youth/adult learners and includes education for those with special needs.
“Basic education”
This includes those buildings with 25% of the total number of structural members as ruptured and whose rehabilitation cost is determined to be 50% or more of the cost of a similar new building to replace it.
Condemned building
Any building or structure which has fallen to partial ruin or decay due to neglect or misuse
“Dilapidated building”
The small and often standardized accessory parts used in a building, such as electrical switches and convenience outlets, doorknobs, and the like.
That level of education below kindergarten for children who are at least 3 years but not more than 4 years old. Maximum of 15 children per class.
A building constructed of 80% masonry, structural steel, or reinforced concrete hollow blocks (CHB), usually with an economic life of 35 or more years. Roofs may be of either GI sheets or bricks, although trusses may be of wood.
“Permanent building”
50% Concrete, masonry, or steel
50% light materials
20 years warranty
Semi Permanent Buildings
80% Light materials
5 years warranty
Temporary School Building
When the repair cost is more than ___%of its fair market value, the property is no longer economically repairable.
A lifelong process of learning by which every person acquires and accumulates knowledge, skills, attitudes, and insights from daily experiences at home, at work, at play and from life itself.
“Informal education”
A school that offers a complete basic education in one school site and has unified instructional programs.
“Integrated school”
recommended lamps for classrooms
40watts flourescent
minimum illumination of a classroom?
10fc (107 lux)
maximum distance of teacher and student?
requried footcandle for Sewing Activities
Color coding of deped?
Beige: Interior walls, exterior walls, ceiling, columns
Green: Doors, roof
Minimum distance of school for questionable character of function of adjacent buildings (eg VideokeBar, Movie house)
Distance of pupils from their residence to school
2km - 3km
Maximum PSO for School as per DepEd
A basketball court which shall be a flat, hard, (not grass) surface measuring ___ x ___meters
26 x 14
•A standard track oval with a distance of ____ meters.
Minimum distance between buildings.
DepEd Sizing of Classroom
Classroom -____ sq. m. per place
- 40
Typical module of classroom
7m x 9m
The proper height of the chalkboard from the floor to its top-edge is determined by multiplying the mean standing height of the class by the constant ___
Total height of shelves shall not exceed ____ feet in elementary school libraries
•The usual dimensions of a shelf are 7/8 inch thick, 8 inches deep, and 3 feet long; however, some shelves 10 to 12 inches wide are needed for large illustrated books.
School Canteen
Service counter shall not be over ___ high
30 inches high
Elementary Arm Chair
Writing Board Height:
Seat Slat (grade I to VI):
Stool Height and Diameter:
360mm - 380mm
600mm x 300dia
Ideal distance to see performer’s facial expression
Drama audience in a theter shall have a distance to maintain vision for gestures.
The stage should be
about ____ below the
eye level of the patrons in
the front row.
Ideal strategy in a theater for sound insulation?
Box in a box (see Peter’s ppt)
Basic theater forms
- Proscenium
- Arena
- Open stage or thrust
is a type of food service location in which
there is little or no waiting staff table service.
● A cafeteria
_____ restaurants are
characterized both by the fast food
cuisine and by the minimal table
service they provide.
● emphasize
speed of service, convenience, and
low prices.
Fast food
● These are restaurants where more
of the food is prepared at the
restaurant than is the case at fast
food chains.
● They are primarily chain
restaurants, such as Pancake
House and Army Navy. In the US,
Chipotle is a good example.
Fast casual
Casual dining
● A ______ restaurant is a
restaurant that serves moderatelypriced
food in a casual atmosphere.
● Except for buffet-style restaurants,
provide table service.
casual dining
______ restaurants are full
service restaurants with specific
dedicated meal courses.
● Décor of such restaurants
features higher-quality materials,
with an eye towards the
“atmosphere” desired by the
Fine dining
● Fine dining
Restaurant space allotment:
60% Dining
40% Kitchen
PD 1096
Mercantile, commercial kitchens:
Mercantile, Support Space:
- 60 sqm / person
- 30sqm / person (same in Firecode)
Typical tray sizes for cafeteria:
10 x 14 inches
■ 12 x 16 inches
■ 14 x 18 inches
Table Booth size:
1200mm x 1800mm
Diagonally-arranged tables utilize space better than
orthogonally-arranged ones
Commercial Kitchen
This design is ideal for a
restaurant that mostly produces
large quantities of the same type
of food, like pizzas or
The kitchen is laid out according
to the order of use, and the
pieces of equipment are
generally arranged linearly.
Commercial Kitchen Layout
, the kitchen
equipment is arranged according
to what is most comfortable and
efficient for the chef and kitchen
workers and is usually less
Commercial Kitchen Layout
kitchen is divided into different
zones or blocks.
Generally, there are blocks for:
● Food preparation
● Cooking
● Refrigeration and storage
● Sanitation and
● Kitchen-to-server transition
In a zone-style configuration,
Primary purpose of Museum
Safeguarding its collection
● Hence, the two most important functional requirements
○ Physical security
○ Maintaining constant temperature and relative humidity
Museum Design
The plan should be organized based on the ff. basic zones:
○ Public/non-collections (eg. Museum Lobby)
○ Public/collections (Exhibit Areas/Gallery)
○ Private/non-collections (Collection Loading Dock)
○ Private/collections (Offices, Mechanical Rooms)
○ Collections storage (Storage, security, computer roomms)
Museum Design
For efficient security, a ___ entrance and exit for all
visitors is ideal
Museum Design
A minimum height of
___ meters is common
for display walls
Museum Design
The area with the highest
security level in most
Collection Storage