What is metabolism?
The sum of all the chemical reactions in organisms.
Enzyme reactions can be? 2 words
Do catabolic reactions result in breakdown or production?
AB —-> A + B e.g. respiration
Do anabolic reactions result in breakdown or production?
A + B —-> AB e.g. photosynthesis
Energy and catabolic reactions
Catabolic reactions release energy
Energy and anabolic reactions
Anabolic reactions require energy
How do living organisms obtain their energy?
The sun or food (solar energy or chemical energy)
What are enzymes?
They are biological catalysts, proteins in nature, that alter the rate of a reaction without being used up in the reaction.
What do biological catalysts do other than speed up the rate of reaction?
They lower the activation energy of the reaction.
What are proteins produced by and where?
By ribosomes in living cells.
What does specific mean in relation to enzymes?
Each enzyme is specific for a particular substrate—one enzyme per reaction.
In what direction do enzymes work?
They work in both directions-they are reversible.
What does the activity of the catalyst vary in?
pH, temperature, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, and product concentration.
What do some enzymes require?
Cofactors e.g. minerals, vitamins, and sometimes other enzymes.
What are inhibitors?
Chemicals that attach to an enzyme and destroy its shape e.g.
antibiotics or heavy metals (bacteria and mercury)
Amylase is a ______ enzyme and breaks down _____ into _____
catabolic, starch, maltose
Can you describe the mechanism of enzyme action?
Substrate combines with the ACTIVE SITE of an enzyme.
INDUCED FIT THEORY: When the substrate joins the enzyme, it changes the shape of the active site slightly to make a better fit for the substrate.
A temporary ENZYME-SUBSTRATE COMPLEX is produced.
The bonds in the substrate are altered so that the substrate changes into the product(s).
Products leave the site. The active site returns to its original shape and can now accept a new substrate.
What is reaction rate?
The amount of product formed per unit or the amount of substrate used up per unit time.
Factors affecting the rate of enzyme action are…
Substrate concentration
Enzyme concentration
How does temp. affect the rate of enzyme action?
The activity of a catalyst varies with temperature. At low temperature, the molecules move slowly and collide infrequently so a low rate of reaction.
At higher temperatures there are more frequent collisions causing a high rate of reaction.
If the temperature is above a optimum temp. the active site is changed ans the enzyme becames denatured.
How does pH affect the rate of enzyme action?
Enzymes work best at their optimum pH e.g. pepsin = 2 and most human enzymes = 7.
When heated above what temperature do most enzymes lose their 3D shape?
60 degrees Celsius.
What is a denatured enzyme?
A denatured enzyme has lost its shape permanently and can no longer carry out it’s function.
What is biotechnology?
The use of organisms or their enzymes to produce commercial products.
What is bioprocessing?
The use of enzyme-controlled reactions to produce a product.
What are immobilized enzymes?
Enzymes that are attached to each other, to insoluble supports or enclosed within a gel.
How can you immobilise enzymes
Sodium alginate is used to trap an enzyme in gel.
What are the 3 advantages of enzyme immobilization?
Enzyme is more efficient
Enzyme is more stable
Pure product
2 applications of immobilized enzymes.
Lactase is used to convert lactose into glucose and galactose
Glucose isomerase is used to convert glucose to fructose
ATP is like a _____ battery
ADP is like a _____ battery
NADH is used in
NADPH is used in
Can you describe what you did in the test to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of catalase activity?
1) Added celery, water, and pH 9 buffer to graduated cylinder.
2) Added hydrogen peroxide to boiling tube.
3) Put the cylinder and boiling tube in a ice-cold water bath until desired temperature was reached.
4) Added hydrogen peroxide into graduated cylinder.
5) Noted the volume in the graduated cylinder immediately and recorded it.
6) Read the volume again after two minutes and recorded it.
7) Calculated the height of the foam (enzyme activity).
8) Repeated procedure for other temperatures.
9) Recorded results for them.
When immobilising an enzyme name the gel substance you used to trap the enzyme.
Sodium alginate.
When immobilising an enzyme name the substance you used to make the gel insoluble.
Calcium chloride
Explain the term optimum activity.
The enzyme is working at it’s best rate.
What happens to enzyme activity when outside optimum pH?
Reduced activity.
Identify the cell organelle where enzymes are produced:
Immobilisation of an enzyme test:
1) Beaker - 0.4g sodium alginate to 10ml distilled water + stir.
2) Separate beaker - 2g yeast to 10ml distilled water + stir.
3) Large beaker - dissolve calcium chloride in water.
4) Yeast suspension + alginate solution
5) Draw liquid - 20ml syringe
6) Height 10cm - drop mixture into calcium chloride - leave to harden.
7) Filter hardened beads through sieve + rinse with water.
8) Mix 2g yeast + 10ml distilled water - place in one of the separating funnels.
9) Pour beads into the second funnel
10) Dissolve 1g sucrose in 100ml distilled water. Pour 50ml into each funnel.
11) Test the products - beakers with glucose strips.
12) Repeat test every 2 minutes until glucose appears in both beakers
13) Run off remaining product and compare turbidity.
Effect of pH on the rate of catalase activity:
1) Finely chop celery. Weigh 5g of the chopped celery
2) Add 20ml of buffer 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 (as a control), one drop of washing liquid and 5g of celery into graduated cylinder.
3) Add 2ml of hydrogen peroxide to a boiling tube.
4) Both water bath at 25 degrees
5) Add hydrogen peroxide to the graduated cylinder and record volume immediately.
6) Wait two minutes, check volume again and record it