Memory Items Flashcards
Maximum Take-off /Landing Tailwind Component
15 Knots
Turbulent air penetration speed
290 KTS/0.78 MACH whichever is lower.
Do not operate HF radios during
REFUELING operations
Do not use FLCH on final approach below
1000 feet AFE.
RVSM Altimeter Cross Check Limits
The maximum allowable in-flight difference between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operations is 200 feet.
The maximum allowable on-the-ground differences between Captain and First
Officer altitude displays for RVSM operation are:
Max Difference - Captain /FO
SL - 40
5,000 - 45
10,000 - 50
Max Difference Between Captain/FO/Field Elevation
Avoid weather radar operation
in a hangar, or within 50 feet of fueling operations or a fuel spill. Avoid weather radar operation when personnel are within the area normally enclosed by the aircraft NOSE RADOME
Do not operate cargo doors
in wind more than 40 knots.
Do not leave cargo doors open
in winds more than 65 knots.
After takeoff, the autopilot must not be engaged below
200 feet AGL.
Maximum allowable wind speeds for autoland operations when the reported landing weather minima require the conduct of a CAT II or CAT III ILS approach:
Headwind 25 knots
Crosswind 15 knots
Tailwind 15 knots
Maximum allowable wind speeds for autoland operations when the reported landing weather minima are at or above that required for the conduct of a CAT I ILS approach:
Headwind 25 knots
Crosswind 30 knots
Tailwind 15 knots
Flight crew shall not blank the engine vibration display during
5 minutes ON, followed by
ONE-HALF MINUTE off per minute on.
Starter Re-engagement Speed
0% N2 – Recommended
0-20% N2 – Normal
Note: Re-engagement is not recommended above 20% N2 except in case of fire.
Re-engagement above 30% N2 may result in starter gearbox damages.
The maximum altitude for flap extension is
20,000 ft.