memory codes Flashcards
craik and tucking results:
sentence judgments (semantic) were best followed by rhyming judgments (phonemic processing) and then capital letters (structural processing)
questions about a ____ ____ resulted in better memory
word’s meaning
recognition is still much better after semantic processing demonstrating that:
the level of processing is the best determinant of retention
circular logic:
logical fallacy in which the reasoner begins with what they’re trying to end with
is it easy to elaborate material at the ___ level and difficult to construct elaborations at the ____ or ____ level
semantic; structural or phonemic
a more complex sentence frames produce a more:
elaborate memory code
the more elaborate code was ineffective:
if the word did not fit in the sentence
precise elaboration:
generation of additional material closely related to remembered material
imprecise elaboration:
generation of additional material unrelated to remembered material
elaboration is ___ always effective in recall
primary distinctiveness
when shown a list of common words and all the words are printed in black ink except for one word that is printed in red ink
release from proactive interference is an example of:
improving recall by making items distinct from other items in the immediate context
secondary distinctiveness:
relative to information in our long term memory. ex a word is distinctive if it has unusual ordering of letters
emotional distinctiveness:
events producing strong emotional responses are sometimes remembered well
memory traces differ not only in their durability but also:
in the kind of info they contain