Membrane transport Flashcards
What are two properties that influence whether a particle can permeate the plasma membrane without assistance?
Solubility of the particle in lipid.
Size of the particle.
What is required for movement across a membrane?
Pathway and a driving force is required for movement across a membrane (applies for assisted or unassisted).
What are the two different types of driving forces?
Active (requires the cell to expend energy (ATP) to produce movement).
What is unassisted membrane transport?
Molecules and ions that can penetrate the membrane are passively driven across the membrane by 2 forces:
- Diffusion down a concentration gradient, &/or
- Movement along an electrical gradient.
What is net diffusion?
Net diffusion is where diffusion from area A to area B minus diffusion area B to area A.
How does diffusion through a membrane occur?
If a substance can permeate the membrane, diffusion occurs.
If the membrane is impermeable to a substance, no diffusion occurs.
What is Fick’s Law of Diffusion?
Several factors in addition to concentration gradient influence the rate of net of diffusion across the membrane and collectively make up.
Fick’s Law of Diffusion:
- The magnitude of the concentration gradient
- The surface area of the membrane across which diffusion is taking place
- The lipid solubility of the substance
- The molecular weight of the substance
- The distance through which diffusion must take place.
What are the factors influencing the rate of net diffusion of a substance across a membrane (Fick’s Law of Diffusion)?
Increase concentration gradient of substance increases the effect on rate of net diffusion.
Increase surface area of membrane increases effect on rate of net diffusion.
Increase lipid solubility increases effect on rate of net diffusion.
Increase molecular weight of substance decreases effect on rate of net diffusion.
Increase distance (thickness) decreases effect on rate of net diffusion.
How do ions that permeate the membrane also move passively along their electrical gradient?
In addition to their concentration gradient, in movement is also affected by their electrical charge
- E.g. ions with like charges repel each other, and ions with opposite charges attract each other.
A difference in charge between 2 adjacent area generate an electrical gradient that promotes the movement of ions toward the area of opposite charge.
When an electrical gradient exists between the ICF and ECF, only ions that can permeate the membrane can move along this gradient.
Ion-specific channel proteins:
- Leak or ligand-gated.
What are electrochemical gradients and how do they work?
Both an electrical and a concentration (chemical) gradient may be acting on a particular ion at the same time.
The net effect of simultaneous electrical and concentration gradients on this ion is called an electrochemical gradient.
Electrochemical gradients contribute to the electrical properties of the plasma membrane.
What is osmosis and how is it carried out?
Osmosis is the net diffusion of water down it’s own concentration gradient through a selectively permeable membrane.
Water molecules can pass through permeate the plasma membrane more readily than would be expected from solubility in lipid.
Aquaporins (water channels).
Because solutions are always referred to in terms of concentration of solute, water moves by osmosis to the area of higher solute concentration.
What are osmolarity and tonicity.
Osmolarity is the concentration of osmotically active particles present in a solution.
- Can be calculated or measured
- Units: osmoles (Osm) of solute per litre (Osml or osmol/l)
- Body fluids: ~300 mOsm/l
Tonicity is the effect a solution has on cell volume
- Iso-, hypo- or hypertonic
- Tonicity has no units. E.g. isotonic saline (0.9% NaCl solution) is used as a vehicle for delivery of drugs intravenously.
If the normal cell volume intracellular fluid: 300 mOsm nonpenetrating solutes.
What happens to a red blood cell in 300mOsm non penetrating solutes.
200 mOsm nonpenetrating solutes.
400 mOsm nonpenetrating solutes.?
300 mOsm nonpenetrating solutes. No net movement of water; no change in cell volume. Isotonic conditions.
200 mOsm nonpenetrating solutes.
Water diffuses into cells; cells swell. Hypotonic conditions.
400 mOsm nonpenetrating solutes. water diffuses out of cells; cells shrink. Hypertonic conditions.
What are unassisted and assisted membrane transport?
Passive transport mechanisms:
- Diffusion down concentration gradients (simple diffusion)
- Movement along electrical gradients (ion channels)
- Osmosis
- All depend on lipid solubility or ability to fit through specific channels.
What about poorly lipid soluble polar molecules (e.g. glucose or amino acids)?
- Plus, often ins have to be transported across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradient.
Cells use 2 different mechanisms for selective transport:
- Carrier-mediated transport
- Vesicular transport
What is carrier mediated transport?
Substance binds onto a specific carrier which undergoes a conformational change (shape change) which transports the substance.
Three important characteristics determine the kind and amount of material transferred across the membrane. What are these?
- Each carrier is specialised to transport a specific substance or a few closely related chemical compounds.
- Cystinuria
- Transport maximum (Tm). Renal glucose re-absorption.
- E.g. An amino acid carrier can transport both Gly and Ala. The presence of both diminishes the rate of transfer for either.
What is the comparison of carrier-mediated transport and simple diffusion down a concentration gradient?
As the concentration of transported molecules in ECF increases, the rate of transport of molecule into cell remains the same for carrier-mediated transport down concentration gradient (facilitated diffusion).
As the concentration of transported molecules in ECF increases, the rate of transport of molecule into cell increases steadily for simple diffusion down concentration gradient.
Carrier-mediated transport takes two forms, what are these?
Carrier-mediated transport takes two forms:
- Facilitated diffusion (not requiring energy)
- Active transport (requiring energy)
What is facilitated diffusion?
Facilitated diffusion uses a carrier to facilitate (assist) the transfer of a substance across the membrane “downhill” from high to low concentration.
What is active transport?
Active transport requires the carrier to expend energy to transfer a substance “uphill” against a concentration gradient.
What is the process of facilitated diffusion?
- Carrier protein takes conformation in which solute binding site is exposed to region of higher concentration.
- Solute molecule binds to carrier protein.
- Carrier protein changes conformation so that binding site is exposed to region of lower concentration.
- Transported solute is released and carrier protein returns to conformation in step 1
Active transport comes in 2 forms, what are these?
Primary active transport
Secondary active transport
What is primary active transport?
Energy is directly required to move a substance against its concentration gradient.
What is secondary active transport?
Energy is required, but it is not used directly to produce “uphill” movement.
The carrier does not split ATP - instead it moves a molecule “uphill” by using secondhand energy stored in the form of an ion concentration gradient (usually a Na+ gradient).
What is the process of simple active transport?
- Carrier protein splits ATP into ADP plus phosphate. Phosphate group binds to carrier, increasing affinity of its binding site for ion.
- Ion to be transported binds to carrier on low-concentration side.
- In response to ion binding, carrier changes conformation so that binding site is exposed to opposite side of membrane. The change in shape also reduces affinity of site for ion.
- Carrier releases ion to side of higher concentration. Phosphate group is also released.
- When binding site is free, carrier reverts to it’s original shape.
What is the Na+ - K+ ATPase (a.k.a. Na+ - K+ pump)?
More complicated primary active transporter.
Found in the plasma membrane of all cells.
Transports 3X Na+ out of the cell for every 2X K+ in.
What are 3 important roles for the Na+ - K+ pump?
- Helps establish Na+ and K+ concentration gradients cross the plasma membrane of all cells (next GRC lecture).
- Helps regulate cell volume by controlling concentration of solutes inside the cell.
- The energy used to drive the pump indirectly serves as the energy source for secondary active transport.
What is secondary active transport?
The transfer of a solute across the membrane is always coupled with the transfer of the ion that supplies the driving force (typically Na+).
Secondary active transport occurs by one of two mechanisms, what are these?
Symport (co-transport)
Antiport (exchange or counter transport)
What is symport (co-transport)?
The solute and Na+ move in the same direction
- E.g. glucose absorption at the apical membrane of enterocytes.
What are antiports (exchange or counter transport)?
The solute and Na+ move in opposite directions (Na+ into, solute out of the cell).
- E.g. cells exchange Na+ and H+ by means of antiport, important in regulation of intracellular pH.
What is vesicular transport?
Requires energy for vesicle formation and movement within the cell (active).
What is exocytosis?
A secretory vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane, releasing the vesicle contents to the cell exterior. The vesicle membrane becomes part of the plasma membrane.
- A vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane, releasing its contents to the ECF.
- Secretion of enzymes, protein hormones.
- Way of adding carriers, channels or receptors to the plasma membrane (E.g. GLUT4 and insulin).
What is endocytosis?
Materials from the cell exterior are enclosed in a segment of the plasma membrane that pockets inward and pinches off as an endocytic vesicle.
- “Pinching off” of membrane to engulf substance.
What are the 2 mechanisms of carrier-mediated membrane transport?
Facilitated diffusion (not requiring energy). Active transport (requires energy).
Active transport can be one of two things, what are these?
Primary - ATP (e.g. Na+ - K+ ATPase)
Secondary - ion coupled (Na+)
- Secondary transporters can be symporters (co-transporters) or antiporters (exchangers).