Mehl. GI. Meckel 03-06 (2) Flashcards
Outpouching near the terminal ileum.
What diverticulum?
True diverticulum. Contains all layers of bowel (mucosa, submucosa, muscule).
Caused by incomplete obliteration of vitelline (omphalomesenteric) duct.
Highest Yield point????
it can contain heterotopic gastric or pancreatic mucosa, resulting in bleeding and blood in the stool.
Another important point is that Meckel need not be pediatrics. This notion of rule of 2s (i.e., 2 feet from terminal ileum, 2 types of heterotopic tissue, age 2) is garbage with respect to age for USMLE.
There are Qs where it shows up in adults and students get them wrong saying, “Wait, I thought it was supposed to be kids?!” No. USMLE will happily give you a 19-year-old with Meckel.
How is diagnosed?
Diagnosed with Meckel (Tc99) scan, which localizes to terminal ileum.
Tx if asymptomatic?
can be left alone.
Tx if symptomatic?
Only treated surgically if symptomatic with bleeding.