Mehl. GI. Intussususception 03-06 (2) Flashcards
Intussusception. Definition? what gut?
telescoping of the bowel into itself
in jejunum or ileum of small bowel
Intussusception. age?
almost always under 2 y/o
3 months-2 years
Intussusception. differentiation with midgut volvulus. no Q cia
Intussusception. Cause?
idiopathic, but can be triggered by viral infection or rotavirus vaccination, where mesenteric lymphadenopathy can act as a ,,leading point’’ for the telescoping.
Underlying Meckel diverticulum is also common lead point.
Intussusception. in ultra rare situations can occur in elderly with colon cancer
Intussusception. classic presentation?
Classic presentation is intermittent/colicky abdominal pain, where the kid will have episodes of drawing the legs to the chest or squatting, with blood in the stool +/-
bilious vomiting.
Intussusception. Abdominal exam?
Intussusception can present with an abdominal mass, which can be described as “sausage-shape.” This will usually occur in the RLQ.
Intussusception. What Dx? what is seen?
Intussusception shows a target sign or sausage-mass on ultrasound.
Intussusception. when diagnosed with UG, what next step?
Enema is both diagnostic and therapeutic.
Usmle doesnt care what enema. most commonly use air-enema.
one 2CK had ,,air enema with UG”.