Medieval Europe Flashcards
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North Atlantic drift
The movement of warm and cold water around the Atlantic ocean.
The quarters and workplaces for monks and nuns.
King of the Franks during the 700’s-800’s. Conquered most of Western Europe.
Holy Roman empire
Empire in Rome, Italy. One of the most well-known empires. Ceaser. Took over a lot of Europe. Christians.
A system of working in Europe where people would give people jobs and places to live in exchange for money from what they make working.
A system of working in Europe where farmers would farm than give money to people in charge of these big castles and then the farmers would live there.
The Battle of Hastings/William the conqueror
Battle to determine new king. Old king, Edward was killed late in battle. William the Conqueror became new king.
The office of the pope
A person who reigns over a kingdom or empire.
Magna Carta
Written in 1215 to make a cohesive set of laws. Still modeled as a basis for laws today.
The crusades
A series of Christian expeditions to attempt to “win back” the holy lands.
Pope Urban II
The guy who started the crusades.
Sultan of Egypt, he helped beat the Christians in the 3rd crusade and turn Israel Muslim again.
Richard I
Leader of the Christians in the 3rd crusade.
Bubonic plague
Plague that killed millions during the 1300s. Started with bacteria and rats. The economy had a hard time readjusting after, because it killed over half of the world at the time.
The Hundred Year war
Series of conflicts between England and France over the span of about 100 years over land that both had owned at some point.
Joan of Arc
Medieval peasant who claimed to have been spoken to by God. She led the armies and helped France win the hundred-year war. She got burned at the stake.
Henry V
Helped England while he ruled during the Hundred-year war.
War of Christians attempting to reclaim the Iberian peninsula from Muslims. Christians won.
Queen Isabella
Catholic queen of Spain. Made Spain alot better.
King Ferdinand
Husband of Isabella. Helped her with everything.
When the Catholic church would charge people with heresy. (They did that alot)
Iberian Peninsula
Spain and Portugal