Medical Science Flashcards
Types of Diseases
What is Health?
Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, which includes the absence of disease and infurmity (weakness of body or mind).
Types of Diseases
What are infectious diseases?
Definition, examples and where it lives.
- Pathogens are disease causing organisms
- A pathogen someone carry you can catch and can invade your body.
- There are different types of pathogens including some bacteria, fungi and viruses
- The pathogen lives in or on someones body and under the right conditions it can be transmitted from person to personso infectious diseases are also called transmittable or communicable diseases.
Types of Diseases
Examples of non-infectious diseases.
Give examples with the cause
- Nutritional- caused by overeating, undereating or an unbalanced diet
- Cancer- the multiplication of body cells at an abnormal rate
- Aging- gradual beakdown of body tissues
- Inhereted disorders- diseases passed down to offspring
- Mental health disorders- with a variety of cases including chemical deficiencies, stress or trauma
- Chemical deficiencies- result in metabolic disorders
- Environmental diseases- resulting from exposure to poisons, asbestos, fire, accidents and drugs
What are the main 6 types of pathogens?
Just examples
- Parasites
- Protozoa
- Fungi
- Prokaryote
- Virus
- Prion
Descrition, Size, Example
- Description: A non-living organism that needs living cells to reproduce
- Size: 1000x smaller than an animal cell
- E.g.: Measles, HIV, Tabacco, Mosaic Virus
Description, Size, Examples
- Description: Unicellular or multicellular organism/disease
- Size: Less than 50 4m
- E.g: Malaria
Description, Size, Example
- Description: Both a unicellular and a multicellular disease/organism
- Size: Varied largely by type
- E.g.:Athletes foor, Rose black spots
Description, Size, Example
- Description: A singlecelled organism/disease where the DNA is not stored in the nucleus
- Size: 1 4m
- E.g.: Impetigo, Leprosy, Tiberculosis
Description, Size, Examples
- Description: Diseases/Organisms that live in and need a host to survive
- Size: Varies largely by type
- E.g.: Malaria, Plasodium, Macroparasytes
Description, Size, Examples
- Description: A type of protein that triggers normlal protiens in your brain to act abnormally
- Size: 253 amino acids in length
- E.g.: CJD
Oral Thrush
Pathogen responsible, Method of transmission, Symptoms and Treatments
- PR: A fungal infection, Candida Albicans
- MoT: Kissing, nuild up of candida albicans, Smoking, Chemotherapy and Radiotherpy
- Symp: White tissue on the tounge, Loss of taste, Redness and sores, dry cracked corners of mouth
- Treat: Can go away on its own, Medication (Fluconazole, Nystatin), Sweetened yogurt
What is Malaria?
- It is a single celled parasyte called Plasmodium
- It is transsmitted by mosquitoes (the vectors)
- malaria infects the liver and red blood cells, and disputes the blood supply to vital organs
Rerponces of the Human Body
What is the 1st line of the bodies defence?
- Lachrymal glands near eye produce tears containing Isozyme to wash away dust/dirt
- Linings of the bodies openings like the nose and throaght produce mucus to help trap foreign particals
- Lymph nodes trap foreign particals and contain white blood cells
- The somach produces acid that killes microbes before they reach the intestine
- Skin is a surface barrier to most diseases
- Saliva containes substances to resist and remove microbes
Responces of the Human Body
What is Skin?
To do with the 1st line of defence
- Skin is a tought outer layer
- It is dry to prevent growth of pathogens
- It containes its own population of harmless bacteria that help prevent the multipy of other microbes
- Oil and sweat glands produce antibacterial and antifungal substances
- If the skin is cut almost immidiatly there are blood clots, to maintain a barrier until healing.
Responces of theHuman Body
Mucous Membraines
To do with the 1st line of defence
- The resparatory, digestive, reproductive and urinary tracts are covered in membraines that produce a thick layer of muucus wich trapes entering pathogens
- Pathogens are held by mucus until the are removed by coughing or sneazing
- Mucus can also contain antibodies
- Mucus also provides a moist nutritious layer for the harmless microbes (that inhibit the growth of pathogens) to live and thrive
Responces of the Human Body
What is Cilia?
To do with the 1st line of defence
- Cilia are tiny hairs that line the respratory surfaces of the trachea anf bronchial tubes
- Cilia are constantly beating in an upwards direction to move the trapped pathogens upwards to the throaght whwere it is coughed out
- The cilia are mobile- the ‘beat’ and move
Responce of the Human Body
What is the 2nd line of the bodies defence?
- Pathogens can bypass the first line of defence and make their way into your body
- This is when the second line of deefence is needed which is immune responce
- It has two key qualities, it is non-specific (cant differenciate between specific organisms), and non adaptive (produces the same responce every time and doesnt posses memory)
- Examples being Blood clotting, phagocytosis, inflamation and fever
Responce of the Human Body
What is Blood Clotting?
To do with the 2nd line of defence
- When skin is damaged, platelers are attracted to a certian area by collegen
- The platelets form a plug that is strengthened by protein fibres called fibrin
- A scab forms that stops blood escaping and pathogens entering while the skin heals
Responce of the Human Body
What is Phagocytosis?
To do with the 2nd line of defence
- There are many different types of white blood cells, each with different roles and different life spans
- One type is called a phagocyte. Their job is to kill any unwanted intruders from your body. Invading bacteria in the body releases proteins which alert phagocytes that the body is under attack.
- The phagocytes attach itself to the bacteria and ingest it by fasing their cell membrain around it. This structure is known as a phagosome
- Enzymes include the cell structure break down the bacteria into a harmless form which is then either used by the cell or ejected.
Responce of the Human Body
What are some Chemical Barriers?
To do with the 2nd line of defence
- Different chemicals are secreated in the different parts of the body to act as a barrier to the invading pathogens
- HCI- acidic conditions in the stomach that destroy pathogens (low PH)
- Alkaline & conditions- in the small intestine kill microbes (high PH)
- Urinary and vaginal openings are also acidic inhibiting the growth of pathogens
- Urin is sterile and acitic- it flishes and cleanes the uterus, bladder and urethra
- Tears contain Iysonymes- enzymes that destroy the cell wall of some bacteria, blinking washes the surfaces of the eyes
- Saliva containes Iyxozymes- it washes micro-organisms from the teeth and lining of your mouth
Responce of the Human Body
What is the 3rd line of defence?
The 3rd line of defence is the production of antibodies. Antibodies are proteins that made by the white blood cells that are specific and adaptive.
Responce of the Human Body
How are antibodies produced?
- Pathogens have antibodies on their ecterior walls
- Antibodies are y-shaped protiens
- They are oriduced by a type of white blood cell called B lymphocytes which produce many copies of a single type of antibody
- Their job is to destroy pathogens
- They target specific pathogens that have unique molecules on them know as antigens
Rersponce of the Human Body
What are memory cells?
To do with the 3rd line of defenceResponce
- Lymphocytes are produced in responce to specifis antigens in a pathogen
- Some of the lymphocytes continue to remain in the immune system. These are called memory cells
- Adaptive immunity means the body has the ability to recognise and remember specific antigens
- If the same pathogen enters the immune system for a second time, the responce is much more rapid
- This is because the existing memory cells are able to multiply rapidly, producing clones of the specific lymphocyte required to attack and destroy the pathogen before the individual exhibits symptoms.
Responce of the Human Body
What is the Inflammatory responce?
In numbering order
- Pathogen enters the wond
- Platetes release blood clotting proteins
- Most cells secrete histamines that cause vasolidation- the capillaries become more permiable and blood plasma and WBC’s move to be injured area. This makes the area red, hot and swollen.
- Neutrophils and macrophages remove pathogens by phagocytosis
- Mycrophages secrete cytokines that attract other white blood cells to the site, they also present parts of the pathogen antigens on their surface, this is importans for the 3rd line of defence
- The inflammatory responce continues until the foreign material is eliminated and the wond is healed
Responce of the Human Body
What is a fever
- A fever is an abnormally high bidy temperature associated with infection
- Feverm may help to combat infection by reducing the growth rate of pathogens, It may also increast the metabolic activity of body cells and activste heat sock proteins in order to strengthen the overall immune system responce.
- Up to a certian point fever may be benificial but over a tolerable limit it can cause damage to the bodies own enzymes
Responce of the Human Body
What is Inflammation?
- The inflammatory responce is the way which the body react when pathogens damage cells
- When tissue damage occurs a chemical calles histamine is released from the mast cells which cause local vasolidation and increased capillary perminently
- It also releases chemotactic factors which attract wondering macrophases (phagocytes) to the sight of damage to fight the infection
- While inflammation is neccicary to alloe immune cells to access infected tissue, side effects include redness, swelling, heat and pain
- Inflammation can be either short term (acute) or long term (chronic)
What is Active Immunity?
Description and the different subtypes
- Active immunity is the type of immunity you get when your immune system makes its own antibodies after being stimulated by an antigen
- Natural- When you become immune after catching a disease (you have memory B-cells and memory T-cells)
- Artificial- this is when you become immune after you have a vaccination containing a harmless dose of antigen
What is Passive Immunity?
Description and subtypes
- Passive immunity is when you get immunity from being given antibodies made by a different organism. Your body doesnt produce antibodies of its own.
- Natural- Baby gets antibodies through mother from placenta & breastmilk
- Artificial- injections continuing antibodies from someone else (e.g. through blood donations- Tetnus antibodies can be injected)
Important terms
The difference of the demics?
- Epidemic- transmittion occurs but the number of cases remaines constant
- Epidemic- The number of cases increases
- Pandemic- When epidemics occur at several continents (global pandemis)