Medical Procedures - D Flashcards
In the positioning of the electrodes, if the electrodes are placed too close together, the amplitude will be _______.
The large squared on the ECG paper are equal to ______.
0.20 sec
A “V wave” all ______ be seen in a normal EKG.
The _______ switch controls the gain or amplitude on the EKG.
When preparing for lead placement you should first care for ______.
skin preparation
Conversion of a dysrhythmia to a normal rhythm by applying electric shock to the chest is called ________.
Which of the following is not a criteria for skin preparation for lead placement?
make sure the skin is damp when applying the electrode
The electrode site should be _______.
clean, smooth, and dry
The ECG tracing measures the amount of voltage and the ______ it takes for the voltage to travel throughout the heart.
In the application of electrodes, secure the electrode by rubbing your finger around the ________ area.
When there is no variation of R-R intervals it is called _____.
absolutely regular
Ventricular depolarization produces an electrical force or vector with 2 components: (1) magnitude or force, and (2)
direction or shape
A downward or negative wave of electrocardiogram following the P wave is the ________.
Q wave
A premature ventricular contraction (PVC) where the QRS have the same configuration each time they appear is called _______.
When applying leads, apply the V1 lead ______.
the fourth intercostal space right sternal border
Which fact is true about the P wave?
duration of the P wave is not greater than 0.11 sec; height-deflection is small, not more than 3mm
When PVC’s fall on the T wave, occur in pairs, runs of 3 or more, or are multiform in nature, these conditions are called ________.
life threatening
When a vector travels away from the positive electrode, a _______ deflection results.
The combination of sensors or electrodes used for lead #1 is _______.
left arm, right arm
Concerning ECG’s, for irregular rhythms, any method of rate calculation that depends on intervals between complexes is ________.
The ________ wave represents atrial depolarization.
While the duration of the ST segment is not generally of clinical significance, it is an exceedingly important portion of the ECG because of _________.
shifts up or down from the baseline
A QRS measurement of less than _______ seconds indicates a supra ventricular pacemaker.
The are between waves is referred to as _________.
A terminal lethal dysrhythmia, a dying heart, is called _______.
When the heart rhythm is abnormal it is referred to as ________.
an arrhythmia
A rapid, irregular succession of chaotic bizarre waves; wide, irregular oscillations of the baseline is called ventricular _________.
The absence of one or more complete cardiac cycles where the rhythm is interrupted is referred to as _______.
sinus arrest
A special device called a “regulator” or “flow meter” is necessary when using ______.
Oxygen is administered to the patient by way of a _______.
catheter; cannula; tent - all of the above
The clean-catch urine specimen is also called _______.
clean-voided specimen; 24-hr urine specimen
A 24-hr urine specimen should be _______.
The fresh-fractional urine specimen is used to test urine for _______.
Another term for acetone in the urine is _______.
ketone bodies (ketones)
Which test measures both sugar and acetone in the urine?
To help classify bacteria into two groups; gram-positive and gram-negative is a special stain called _______.
gram stain
When preparing a blood smear from a skin puncture you should ______ the first drop.
wipe away
When you pull the second slide apart from the first slide, let them _______.
air dry
When preparing a blood smear, the spreader slide must be made of _______.
Which of these is crucial in making a blood sear for a differential blood count?
edges should be feathered
The glucose tolerance test is a ________ -test.
While ordering procedures may vary, generally a type and RH are ordered on all pregnant women. This normally is called a ________ screen.
Certain types of cultures, such as deep wound cultures could contain anaerobic pathogens. Which of the following conditions is required for their growth?
Absence of oxygen
To obtain a specimen for a throat culture the _______ must be swabbed.
nasopharynx and tonsillar area
A CLIA waived pregnancy test is based on the detection of which one of the following?
human chorionic gonadotropin
When performing any CLIA waived test it is important do to which of the following?
perform quality control testing with every new kit and routinely thereafter
Performing routine maintenance on laboratory equipment is critical. The maintenance plan should include which one of the following?
regularly scheduled check-ups; daily examination of equipment for frayed cords or broken parts; routine cleaning of the outside of the equipment with damp cloth - all of the above
when testing for occult blood which of the following specimens would be required?
stool sample
When providing a patient instructions on the collection of a sample for occult blood testing, which of the following statements is correct?
Dietary modifications must occur for 48 hours prior to collection of the specimen
In the medical office the most frequently performed pulmonary function test is _______.