"Medical Physiology Diffusion of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Huaiyu Hu" GABY Flashcards
Henry’s law states that when a liquid and gas phase are in __1__ at a given temperature, the concentration of gas in solution is __2__ proportional to the partial pressure of the gas
- equilibrium
2. directly
At equilibrium, the ___ of the gas is identical in the gas and liquid phases
partial pressure
Henry’s law
Describes the equilibrium between gaseous and liquid phases
What does the following equation represent?
Henry’s law
[C] –> gas concentration in solution
a –> solubility coefficient
P –> partial pressure of gas
The values of the solubility coefficient depend on:
(1) the specific gas
(2) the liquid in which the gas is dissolved
(3) temperature
The concentration of a gas dissolved in blood is expressed in ___, or as ___ that would be in equilibrium with the solution in accordance with Henry’s law if a gas phase were present
vol% (or molar); the partial pressure in mm Hg of gas
Since the partial pressure of oxygen in alveolar gas (PA02) is __1__ than in pulmonary artery blood (PVO2), and since PAC02 is __2__ than PVCO2, these gases are transferred by __3__ across the alveolar-capillary membrane
- greater
- less
- diffusion
Fick’s law
Describes the rate of movement of gas between two compartments containing gases of differing partial pressures
In solutions chemical potentials are determined by the __1__; in gases chemical potentials are determined by __2__
- concentration of molecules
2. partial pressures
In the lung, diffusion occurs across the ___ membrane
The ___ barrier separates the alveolar gas from the liquid blood
alveolar-capillary membrane
What does the following equation represent?
V=(A/T)•D•(PA -PC)
Fick’s law
V –> the flow (ml/min) of a gas
A –> the alveolar surface area available for diffusion (about 50 - 100 m2)
T –> the thickness of the alveolar membrane ( the difference in partial pressure (mm Hg) of the gas between the alveoli
and the pulmonary capillary blood
D –> the diffusion coefficient (cm2/min/mm Hg) of the gas
The diffusion coefficient of a gas (D) is proportional to its __1__ and inversely proportional to the square root of its __2__
(1) solubility
(2) molecular weight
Why do patients develop hypoxemia before arterial hypercapnia when impairment to diffusion occurs?
Because carbon dioxide diffuses about 20 times more rapidly than oxygen across the alveolar-capillary membrane
Red blood cells in their plasma spend about ___ sec in the pulmonary capillaries at resting cardiac outputs
0.75 - 1.2
At time zero, the partial pressure is that of __1__; at 0.75 sec the partial pressure is that of __2__
(1) mixed venous blood
(2) end- capillary blood
Alveolar partial pressure is different for each gas and depends on:
(1) the inspired gas composition
(2) the rates of inspiration and expiration
(3) the rate of removal of the gas by capillary blood
Perfusion-limited uptake
illustrated by N20
- rapid equilibration
- uptake from lung can be increased by increasing cardiac output –> reduces amount of time the blood stays in the capillary after equilibration of alveolar partial pressure with its capillaries
Diffusion-limited uptake
illustrated by CO
*higher affinity for Hb –> prevents equilibration of partial pressure between alveolar gas and capillary plasma
Uptake of oxygen from the lung by the blood is ___ limited
Why would an individual with a diffusion problem would have exercise-induced hypoxemia?
Because transit time in the pulmonary capillaries is reduced by 2/3 to 0.25.
Why would an individual with a diffusion problem (compared to a healthy person) will be even more hypoxemic?
At high altitude, the partial pressure of inspired oxygen is reduced –> decreasing the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar gas
A normal individual will equilibrate their end-capillary blood with alveolar gas
In an individual with a diffusion problem the end- capillary partial pressure of oxygen will be even lower than the alveolar partial pressure of oxygen
Why is DLCO rather than DLO2 measured at steady state?
Because binding of CO to hemoglobin maintains a virtually zero PCO in pulmonary capillaries when a nonlethal alveolar PCO is used, thus maintaining the partial pressure gradient between alveoli and capillaries
What equation relates DL02 and DLCO?
Factors that influence DLCO
Body position
-DLCO greater when supine than upright
-increases DLCO
Lung diseases and dysfunction that decrease DLCO
- loss of lung tissue from surgery
- mismatch of ventilation to perfusion
- pulmonary hypertension with edema