Medical Geography Flashcards
What do medical geographers study?
Medical geographers study why diseases are where they are and the spatial patterns of health-related topics.
- Spatial patterns of diseases
- Disease diffusion
- Access to healthcare
- Health and disease in developed & developing countries
Why is health issues and disease prevalent in developing countries?
- Sanitation problems in rapidly urbanizing area
- Use of pit latrines, no sewage system
- Contaminated groundwater
How does HIV/AIDS affect countries?
Affects nearly every facet of life – economy, culture, medicine, law, families, and more
What country in africa has the highest concentration of AIDS?
Sub-Saharan Africa = Region worst affected by epidemic
- Has ~10% of world’s population, but 2/3 of people living with HIV
- Low access to treatment = high death rate
What diseases are a bigger problem in the US (Chronic diseases or infectious diseases?)
Chronic diseases. We have vaccines and treatments for infectious diseases.
What is the spatial and temporal patterns of obesity for the US?
Top states for obesity in 2010 were in the south/east
How is ebola spread?
It’s spread through DIRECT contact with infected bodily fluids. Into an open cut or mucous membranes.
What are some precautions for ebola?
- Contact tracing of infected person + isolation
- Barriers between healthcare workers and patients
- Careful burial procedures
What is R0?
The number of people that one sick person will infect (on average)?
What is the maximum Ro values for:
- Hepatitis C
- Ebola
- Mumps
- Measles
- 2
- 2
- 4
- 4
- 10
- 18
Why is the current outbreak of Ebola important?
- First to have occurred in urban areas
- First to cross international borders
- Major loss of local healthcare workers
What outbreaks in two African countries will be over soon?
Senegal and Nigeria - no new cases in over 21 days (max incubation period of Ebola virus)
For the current outbreak of Ebola as of Sept 30, 2014, what are the number of cases/ deaths for:
Sierra Leone
Guinea: 1199/ 739
Sierra Leone: 2437/ 623
Liberia: 3834/ 2069
Has the ebola virus gotten into non-african countries?
US Cases:
- Dallas, TX (locally diagnosed, but IMPORTED) – patient died on Oct 8
- Nebraska (diagnosed in Liberia – may have been infected while spraying down a vehicle in which a patient died)
Case in Spain (locally acquired – nurse’s assistant who treated patients in Spain)
Whats more dangerous, malaria or ebola?
Malaria: 1
- 700 deaths per day; 627,000 deaths per year.
- 90% in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- 77% in children under the age of 5.