Medical Emergencies Flashcards
What is a medical emergency?
a situation in which the condition or status of a patient suddenly changes requiring immediate medical attention.
What is an emergency crash cart?
A wheeled container of equipment and drugs needed to handle typical life threatening emergencies.
What are crash cart contents?
Equipment (i.e. Ambu bag, tourniquet, ET tubes, gloves, stethoscope, suction catheters, syringes, needles, Trach tubes)
Drugs (i.e. Benadryl, Heparin, Dilantin, Cathartics)
Solutions (i.e. alcohol, saline)
What drug class is benadryle?
Antihistamine which is used to treat allergic reactions
What is the chemical name for benadryl?
What drug class is heparin?
Anticoagulant which inhibits blood clotting
What drug class is dilantin?
Anticonvulsant which prevents or controls seizures
What drug class are cathartics?
Laxative which promotes defecation and the elimination of feces from the colon
What is the drug name for cathartics?
Bisacodyl (Dulcolax)
What is shock?
a failure of the circulating system to support vital body functions.
What are the types of shock?
Hypovolemic, Septic, Cardiogenic, Neurogenic, Vasogenic, and Anaphylactic
What is Hypovolemic shock?
Abnormally low volume of circulating blood throughout the body.
May be due to internal (bleeding of the GI tract or other internal bleeding) or external bleeding (from cuts or injury). Immediate response – stop bleeding if possible.
What is Septic shock?
A severe systemic infection, a consequence of poor practice of medical and surgical asepsis.
Septic shock is a serious, abnormal condition that occurs when an overwhelming infection leads to low blood pressure and low blood flow. Vital organs, such as the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver may not function properly or may fail.
What is Cardiogenic shock?
Failure of the heart to pump an adequate amount of blood to vital organs.
Cardiogenic shock is disease state where the heart is damaged enough that it is unable to supply sufficient blood to the body.
What is neurogenic shock?
Shock results from damaged nerve tissue.
May be the result for a spinal cord injury, sever pain, neurological damage, extreme psychological stress or the effects of spinal anesthesia.