Medical Aesthetics Flashcards
Vital elements for the hair to remain healthy?
Amino acids, mineral salts or vitamins
What is the name of the protein that our hair is made up of?
What is cuticle?
Thin, translucent outer layer that protects the cortex
What is cortex ?
This Intermediate gives hair strength, color & texture
The central core of the cells that form the innermost layer of the skin.
What are the functions of the hair?
Protection, regulation of body temperature & facilitation of evaporation of perspiration. Also acts as sense organs.
4 phases of hair
1) Anagen phase- hair growth( longest phase lasting about 3-5 years)
2) Catagen phase- hair follicles shrink & hair growth slows down.
3) Telogen phase- hair doesn’t grow but doesn’t fall out either.
4) Exogen phase- hair sheds from scalp, often helped along by washing & brushing
What is Telogen Effluvium?
Doubling or tripling normal hair loss
What is Trichotillomania?
Psychological condition causes an irresistible urge to pull hair from your scalp or other areas of the body.
What is Alopecia Areata?
Body’s immune system attacks healthy hair follicles, causing hair loss.
What are the 3 layers of the skin ?
Epidermis, dermis & subcutaneous
What is epidermis?
The top layer of the skin. It is the thickest it has 5 layers. It is constantly shedding and replacing with new healthy cells. Home to pore which allow oil and sweat to escape.
5 layers of the epidermis
1) stratum Basale
2) stratum spinosum
3) stratum granulosum
4) stratum lucidum
5) stratum corneum
What is Stratum spinosum?
Also known as squamous cell layer. Thickest part of the epidermis. Contains newly formed keratinocytes as well as Langherhan cells that fight infection.
What is stratum granulosum?
Layer contains more keratinocytes that are gradually pushed toward the surface of the skin.
What is stratum basale?
Bottom layer also known as the basal cell layer. Has Column
shaped cells that push older cells toward the surface. Layer is made of melanocytes and Merkel cells that act as receptors touch.
What is Stratum lucidum?
Translucent layer of tissue exists only on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
What is Stratum corneum?
Top layer of the epidermis that helps the skin retain moisture & prevents unwanted substances from entering the body.
What is the dermal layer?
It is the layer between the epidermis and hypodermis.It is full of collagen & elastin fibres that gives skin strength and firmness. It
- produces sweat
- allows you to feel things
- grows hair
- produces oil
-brings blood to your skin
What is the hypodermis layer?
Also known as subcutaneous tissue layer. It is the bottom layer contains fat, nerves & large blood vessels. Acts as our temperature regulator.
What is atopic dermatitis?
Inflammatory skin disease ( dry, red , itchy patches of skin)
Hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil.
Type of skin cancer caused by exposure to excess sunlight.
Common rash found in middle aged people. Tendency to flush and have small red bumps on the centre of the face.
Auto- inflammatory skin disease. Causes red,flaky patches to appear on the skin.
Itchy skin condition caused by the human scabies mite.
Also called herpes zoster.
Painful blistering rash caused by a virus.
Lichen planus
Itchy non- infectious rash. Bumps have flat shiny tops.
5 types of scars
1) normal fine line scar
2) keloid scar
3) hypertrophic scar
4) pitted or sunken scar
5) scar contracture
What is a normal fine lined scar?
Raised line that will gradually fade and flatten over time
What is a keloid scar?
Overgrowth of tissue that will continue to grow over a healed wound.
What is a Hypertrophic scar?
Overgrowth of tissue but does not grow beyond the boundary of the original wound.
What is a pitted or sunken scar?
Caused by acne or chickenpox.
What is a Scar contracture?
Caused by burns. Skin shrinks and tightens.
How to differentiate from a normal mole to Melanoma mole?
Use the ABCDEs method.
- asymmetry
- border
4 general types of moles?
1) common mole
2) atypical mole - dysplastic Nevus
3) congenital mole - congenital nevus
4) spitz nevus
What is Fitzpatrick skin typing?
Numerical classification of human skin type based on the way skin reacts to sun along with its genetic makeup.
Type 1 & type 2 are at a higher risk compared to type 5 & type 6.
Can help predict which individuals are more at risk of burns and medical complications based on how much melanin is present in their skin.