Intense Pulsed Light Flashcards
What is IPL used for?
-permanent hair removal ( photo-epilation)
-treatment signs of aging
- pigment spots (photo-depigmentation)
- rejuvenation (photo-rejuvenation)
Has shown positive effect in acne, rosacea & capillary malformations
What are the dominant colors?
-Red 600nm-700nm hair reduction
- Yellow 500nm-600nm skin rejuvenation & pigmentation
-Green 500nm vascular pigmentation & pigmentation
-Blue 400nm Acne treatment
What is chromophore?
A group of atoms, containing one or more double bonds & forming with the rest of the molecule a sequence of conjugated double bonds.
What is hemoglobin?
A respiratory pigment ( of the molecular family of metalloproteins, here containing iron) present mainly in the blood of vertebrates, within their red blood cells, as well as in the tissues of certain invertebrates
- function is to transport oxygen from the respiratory system ( lungs, gills) to the rest of the body.
What is a photon?
Is the quantum of energy associated with electromagnetic waves ( ranging from radio waves to gamma rays through visible light), which has certain characteristics of elementary particle.
What is thermolysis?
Consists of all the systems put into play by homeothermic organisms to dissipate excess heat & maintain & stabilize the internal temperature.
What is a Visible spectrum?
Is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is perceptible by humans. Spectrum is broken down into monochromatic radiation by the passage of light through a dispersing device.
What is a wavelength ?
A physical quantity homogeneous to a length, characteristic of a monochromatic wave in a homogeneous medium, defined as the distance separating two consecutive maxima of the amplitude.
What is IPL?
- it uses wide range of wavelengths of light to produce a single white flash.
- can treat a large area of skin in a shorter time than laser therapy.
What skin issues does IPL treat?
- acne
- birthmarks
- rosacea
-hair removal
-spider veins
-stretch marks
-sun damaged skin
2 factors that play a large part in how IPL works are?
-Fitzpatrick skin typing
- parameters
How many years is it recommended to maintain hair removal with IPL?
7-10 years
What is a photo rejuvenation/ skin rejuvenation?
-IPL passes through the epidermis, it eliminates collagen cells, which are responsible for the aging of the skin.
- causes the production of good collagen & elastin which are necessary to restore the skin’s suppleness & firmness
Photo capillary
-Vascular pigmentation includes superficial veins, broken blood vessels & broken capillaries
-once vessel is treated you will notice whitening, graying, darkening of the purple or blackening of the vessel.
-dark collection may last up to 3-4 days
-3-7 days after Rx vessel will be broken down & absorbed naturally.
Does IPL treat varicose veins?
Acne treatment
- Active acne
- ideal for cystic acne, large pustules, severely inflamed skin & stubborn active acne- during Rx you will notice deepening of lesion color, lesion sensitivity (if cystic), whitening of pigmentation
-May experience enema/ erythema (may last up to 5-10 days after Rx) - Active pustules may burst
-advise client not to squeeze, pop, push, or touch the open pustule after leaving the clinic - apply ice followed by bandage
- can do up to 2 passes on an average acne client but can do maximum 3 passes Depending on client’s stubborn acne you can increase the joules & frequency for an extra pass
- recent sunburn
- cancer patients or history of cancer is last 10 years
- disease simulated by light or heat (epilepsy)
-history of keloid scarring
-pregnancy or breastfeeding
-history of seizures
-severe dermatitis or eczema ( within Rx area)
-Active infections
-herpes 1 or 2 (within the Rx area)
-smoking ( delays healing process)
-removing hair by the root eg. waxing or tweezing 4 weeks prior to Rx ( hair removal only) - photosensitizing medications are best avoided
Why is the pressure on the applicator very important when performing laser hair removal?
It ensures patient comfort
Why is pressure on the applicator not recommended for pigmentation spots/telangiectasia?
It can penetrate the light deeper, past the pigmentation intended to treat
Which fitz types must wait 48hrs after 3 test spots are performed to ensure no pigmentation issues occur?
Fitz 4-6
Can IPL treat red or blond/ white hair?
No because the laser can not differentiate between the skin pigment & the pigment of the hair follicle
Why do we use a clear conductor gel?
So it doesn’t leave a color residue behind when it penetrates into the skin
Adjusting the cooling system
-Cooling system is what protects the upper layers of the epidermis & if the cooling setting is used incorrectly, it can leave burns, blisters, severe redness & damage the client’s melanin.
-Damaged melanin appears in hyperpigmentation & hypopigmentation.
- damage can recover naturally but it can take up to 10 years
Pigment cooling
-shallow pigment uses lower cooling & deeper pigment uses higher cooling
Acne cooling
•should remain at 100%
Vascular cooling ( capillaries)
• 0-100%
-lower cooling setting for Fitzpatrick types l-lll
- Fitzpatrick types lV-Vl should be treated with cooling below 60-80%
Treatment protocol of acne
Number of sessions- 10-12 depending on condition
Treatment frequency- 2 times per week, for 5 weeks. Sessions should have 3 days of downtime in between
Number of passes-3
Skin rejuvenation, pigmentation & photo - capillary
Number of treatment- 3-6 depending on condition
Frequency: once every 4-6 weeks
Number of passes- Fitzpatrick l-lV are recommended 2-3 passes. Fitzpatrick V & Vl require only 1-2 passes
Hair removal
Number of treatments- 10-14 treatments
Frequency- once every 4-6 weeks
Number of passes : up to 3 passes overlapping 20-30%
Post treatment
- a sunburn- like sensation is expected for about 2-5 hours after the treatment. If this is uncomfortable apply cold compress or ice the treated area
- your skin may be temperature sensitive for the following 2 days, so do not use very hot water or your shower or bath
- protect skin from sun
- do not exfoliate the skin for 1 week after the treatment
-your skin may be more sensitive to certain skin care
-do not pick blisters or skin crusting as it may lead to a scar