Medical Flashcards
Describe HYPOthermia
the lowering of the bodys core temperature to a level where normal brain and body function are impaired
What are the signs someone is suffering from Hypothermia
- They will have the fumbles, mumbles, and tumbles
- uncontrolled shivering
- increase heart rate
What is normal body temp, and at what core temp will impairment begin
98.6 is normal, and 97 deg impairment begins
How do you avoid hypothermia
carry and use rain gear - stay DRY
avoid cotton fabrics
stay well hydrated
snack often
How to treat a patient with hypothermia
-remove from exposure
-create or seek shelter
-get patient out of wet clothing and into dry clothing
-utilize heat backs
-boil water and place in water bottles and pack around
patients crotch, neck and armpits
-insulate and package in “burrito wrap”
Describe the burrito wrap for warming up patients
-first lay out a waterproof - windproof outer layer
-add lots of insulation - ensolite pad, sleeping bag etc
-place patient inside. place water bottles/heating pads
in with patient
-place medical monitoring equipment in
-double insulate foot area and head
-wrap securely with webbing or rope
What is frostbite?
It is a localized cooling and /or freezing of tissue caused by the shunting of blood away from the cold areas of the body
describe superficial frostbite
1st deg “frostnip” numb,soft,cold,pallor
2nd degree - numb,soft,cold,pallor,pain on thawing, and formation of clear fluid filled or blood filled bleb
describe deep frostbite
3rd degree - numb,cold,white and rock hard. Massive blebs form when thawed, extreme pain during thawing
how do you treat superficial frostbite
- field warm using skin to skin contact
- never massage, rub, or use an extreme heat source
- if bleb forms, protect patient and evacuate
- beware of re-freezing - will cause greater damage
How do you treat Deep Frostbite
- protect area and evacuate
- DO NOT field re-warm
What is heat exhaustion?
- a medical condition cause by elevated body temperatures
- circulation to the brain and vital organs become inadequate
What are the three major heat related illnesses
In order fro mild to severe
- heat cramps
- heat exhaustion
- heat stroke
what are some signs/symptoms of heat exhaustion
- headache
- cool and clammy skin
- dizziness
- fatigue
- nausea
- thirst
- rapid pulse and respiratory rate
What is heatstroke?
heatstroke happens when the bodys core temp rises to approximately 105deg or higher
What are the signs and symptoms of heat stroke
-most reliable symptom is an altered mental state: irritability, combativeness, delusions, incoherent speech
-Rapid Pulse and respiratory rate
-flushed, hot skin
loss of coordination
How do you treat heat exhaustion
- find cool shady area
- rest with feet up
- remove excess clothing
- drink lots of fluid with electrolytes
- apply water on head and skin and clothing can promote cooling via evaporative cooling
How do you treat heat exhaustion
- move patient to shade ASAP
- cool patients head ad body by packing in ice or splashing water and fanning vigorously to promote evaporative cooling
- remove excess clothing
- if possible, place ice packs at the patient neck, groin, and armpits