General Knowledge Flashcards
What group does CAMRA owe its roots? And when was that group around?
The Kachina’s, from the 1940’s.
The CAMRA website refers to the Kachinas as the “Climbing Kachinas”.
What organization came from the Kachina’s, prior to the formation of CAMRA?
The AMC ( Arizona Mountaineering Club)
What year did CAMRA become a separate organization apart from the AMC?
What is CAMRA’s Mission Statement?
Saving lives by providing advanced technical rescue and wilderness emergency medical services “anytime, anywhere, and in any weather, as well as outstanding safety education.
CAMRA / MCSO MR consists of two separate structures, what are they?
An administrative structure and an operational structure
Under what name does the group operate under while in an operational status in the field for real world missions and official team training?
Under what name does the group operate administratively, for example - fundraising?
The CAMRA Board of Directors, made up of team members, consists of how many seats?
We need to know the positions and who holds each position at the time of the test, right?
What position is the liaison between the team and the Sheriffs office?
How do you spell the color orange
What Region of the MRA does CAMRA fit into
The Desert Region
What other groups fall into the Desert Region
Coconino County Sheriff’s SAR (regular member)
Grand Canyon National Park (exofficio member)
SARA (Southern Arizona Rescue Association) (regular member)
Tonto Rim Search & Rescue (associate member)
Not listed on but mentioned in our training (to be clarified with Phil):
Clark County NV (Las Vegas Metro PD SAR)
What level MRA membership does CAMRA have?
How often must CAMRA be tested to maintain this accreditation?
CAMRA is a Regular (fully accredited) member of the MRA.
The regulation for accreditation testing is every 5 years, however CAMRA retests every four to give time for any corrections that may need to happen.
What percentage of funding is provided through fundraising, donations and grants?
What does the team charge for its services?
What year was the MRA officially founded?
CAMRA SOG manual says 1958, says 1959 - Clarify with Phil
How many categories of membership exist with the MRA and what are they?
- Regular
- Associate
- Ex Officio
- Special
To the IRA, what kind of organization is CAMRA?
A 501(c)(3) non-profit
Who is MCSO MR’s medical director?
Dr. Stites
Who is MCSO MR’s pre-hospital coordinator?
Tracy Moroney (she’s Canadian eh)
What is MSCO MR’s base hospital?
Honor Health’s John C Lincoln Hospital, North Mountain
What radio frequency is used by CAMRA
What is the MRA Radio Frequency
What are the three colors of 1’’ tubular webbing used by CAMRA, and what are there corresponding lengths
Red - 15’
Green- 20’
What degree of incline is Flat, Non Technical terrain?
0 - 15 deg
What degree of incline is Low, Non-Technical terrain?
15-40 deg
What degree of incline is Steep, Technical terrain?
40-60 deg
What degree of incline is High, Technical terrain?
60-90 deg
What weight is considered to be our “rescue load”?
600 lbs
Who is the current president?
Justin Bern
Who is the current Vice President
Phil Orstrom
Who is the current treasurer
Joe Furedy
Who is the current secretary
Heather Zuino
Who is the current Commander
Roger Yenson
Who are the members at large
Scott Lynch
Tim Medlock
Brian Fabig
Jesse Rutherford
What is CAMRAs Purpose
To promote safety through public education
To train its members in the science and art of SAR in a variety of difficult terrain
To further through research and experimentation the development of SAR technique
To assist in time of emergency , catastrophe, of disaster and to establish plans of mutual action with SAR authority’s
To develop and maintain a code of high ethical standards among SAR personnel
To disseminate information concerning ops
To participate in joint meetings, conferences, excerises and conventions with other groups in the state
When is the rescue considered over
- when the subject has been medically evaluated
- the subject has been interviewed by law enforcement
- the subject has been interviewed by CAMRA for sufficient info to complete required reports
- All gear is stowed
- all members are out of the field and debrief is complete
what is the team philosophy on safety
- Maintain positive control of situation
- Maintain positive control of subject
- A rescue is not the time to teach/train a subject. Subject will remain on dependent systems managed by qualified rescue personnel
What are the three primary rules of safety
Rescuer safety first
Subject sec
Bystanders last
What is the operational field structure from top down
MCSO SAR coordinator Duty Ops Chief Other Ops Chiefs Rescue Specialist RT2 RT1 search Admin/Support
What is the administrative structure from top down
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Board members at large - commander is automatically One voting members
List the cache color code for Camp/ operation support
List the cache color code for Rescue Equip
List the cache color code for Medical
List the cache color code for Swift Water
Helo Ops
Alpine/cold weather
Dynamic Ropes/Climbing
What it is a team mini cache
10ea Amd alum lockers 3 yellow 30' webbing 3 green 20'webbing 3 red 15' webbing 2 double PMPs 2 Single PMPs 3 sets of system prusiks 33' 8 mil cordelette 1 Rigging Plate Scarab 2 pieces of edge pro 1 10 mil Delta Ring 300' 7/16 static 50' 7/16 static Rope bag / CMC organizer pick off harness