media theoretical explanations Flashcards
the media is part of the superstructure – it suppports the ruling class ideology that is controlled by the bourgeoisie
marxism - Miliband (1969)
ruling class use the media to control society by creating a false picture of reality
- opium of the masses
- the media projects its preferred view of social groups to the public
false class consciousness
deluding the working class into thinking capitalism is fair and inevitable
marxism - power and ownership
owners of media come from middle/upper class
- they present personal views and interests which favour the ruling class ideology
marxism evaluations
- ignores other forms of inequality
- conspiratorial view of the role of media owners as a united group
- increasing numbers of female and ethnic minority journalists who spread positive representations
Postmodernists - social class is an invalid indicator of inequality
media strengthens the ruling class hegemony
- journalists tend to be middle class an white males
- 50+% of these journalists attended independant schools
neo marxism - hall (1981)
media operates with 3 stereotypical black people
1. the native
2. the clown
3. the slave
neo marxism- glasgow media group - themes
immigrants are illegal and here for money
media exaggerate number of immigrants
exaggerate the burden put on welfare and job market
seen as a threat to population
immigration ‘control’
limited media coverage
neo marxist evaluations
- ignores significant improvements
- increasing amount of media available allows variations
- professionals from varied backgrounds
the representations shown in the media are a ‘window to the world’
- they are a realistic representation
pluralism - diversity and choice
- varying views within the media
- representations reflect society
- tv channels serve the interests of Asian audiences
pluralism - supply and demand
media professionals are governed by the market
- representations reflect changes in society
pluralism - whale
the broad shape and nature of the press is determined by no one but its readers
pluralism - skilled professionals
they have the responsibility to represent balance
- audiences recognise that they are being manipulated
pluralism - news of the world 2011
phone hacking
- hacking into celebrities phones
- missing girls phones to delete voicemails so the parents could send more,, parents thought the girl was alive but she was dead
pluralism - fourth estate - williams (2010)
gives access to information that is an essential part of democracy, people participate in political and cultural life
pluralism - fourth estate role
performs a checking service to ensure representatives uphold oaths
the Leveson enquiry
a report set up in the wake of the revelation that the phone belonging to a missing girl had been hacked by the news of the world
pluralism evaluations
Marxism: the media creates the public needs
- media professionals come from narrow social backgrounds and have narrow minds which limits ability for representation
pluralism - barnett and weymour
desire for profits leads to less diversity as they produce popular content
men are rational breadwiners and women are emotional homemakers
mulvey (1975)
male gaze - passive female object of a gaze from active male
liberal feminism
optimistic on greater quality in representations
- changes in media lag behind actual changes
- greater numbers of women are media professionals which contributes to change but balance is low
lib fem - lauzen (2014)
women 15% directors, producers etc - decrease