gender representations Flashcards
femininity - role of media
the role of the media is to portray women in traditional ways such as wives, mothers, consumers or sexual objects
tuchman 1978
symbolic annihilation: women are not or under represented in the media
fawcett society 2008
30% of main characters from CBBC were women
- 60:40 ratio men to women for speaking parts
Ferguson 1983
‘him, home and looking good for him’
‘cult of femininity’ - women are encouraged to judge themselves based on how good a wife or mother they are
Mulvey (1975) - male gaze
an analysis into feminine magazines found that they push ideals of male gaze
McRobbie (1982)
analysis into women’s magazines
- women’s main goals were based on their value to boys in items such as marriage and romance
wolf (1990)
advertising body ideals and consumer culture
glascock (2001)
portrays strong independent women EG lara croft
westwood (1999)
transgressive female roles going beyond gendered expectations
Gill (2008)
change from passive to active in advertising, they portray powerful women who are not passive precipitants
gauntlett (2008) - change and continuity
shift from 1990s away from traditional gender roles
friends - male and female characteristics accepting more modern characteristics
- trends towards equality have reached a plateau, ratio between men and women hasn’t changed
more representation of the ‘new man’ or ‘metrosexual man’ where they are expressing emotions
new man: taking roles in the home and family
retributive masculinity: re-asserting traditional masculine roles
EG David beck ham
Easthorpe (1990)
masculine myth: men are portrayed to be strong, aggressive and violent on the basis of biology
hegemonic masculinity: a main idea that masculine ideas are based on violence and strength
children now (1999)
young boys saw male representations as
- shown at work
- focused on girls
- violent and emotionless
- leaders
change in masculinity - mort
the meterosexual man: rises in male fashion products and magazines that promote men to be caring and emotive
the new man: getting involved in femininity and ‘feminine’ roles
EVALUATION - colliers (1992)
media is contradictory as they still promote traditional portrayals of men