audience effects of media Flashcards
direct effects
immediate and seamless inflictions on societies
hypodermic society - Packard (1957)
media is like a syringe that injects messages into the audience
role of the hypodermic syringe
- directed toward advertising
- the audience is passive and unable to resist the media messages
Newson (1984)
children exposed to media violence has desensitizing effect where they see is as a norm or desirable behavior
EG james bulger
exposure to violence created by a drip drip effect amongst young people
bandura - children imitation (1961)
bobo doll experiment: children shown clip of an adult hitting a large inflated doll - children taken to lab with the same doll and those who had seen the clip imitated the adults violent behavior
anderson (2003) - music
violent song lyrics on attitudes and emotions of 500 college students
- increased aggressive thoughts of hostility following exposure to violent music
hall (2011) - sexualisation
content from 1959-2009 increased in sexual content
- teaches men to be sexually aggressive and women provide sexual pleasure
- lead to poor body image, depression, ed and substance abuse
Becker (2002)
TV content in Fiji
- girls living in homes with tv are 3x more likely to show symptoms of EDs
- 69% state that they had gone on diets
feminism and direct theories
link between pornography and real life sexual violence
- it trivializes rape and makes men increasingly callous to cruelty, infliction of pain to violence against people and abuse
evaluation - feshbach and singer (1971)
group that viewed non violent imaged displayed more aggression than the other group
- viewing violence can be a safe means of release
evaluation - young (2003)
effects of media violence depends on the narrative within which violence is permissible
- sensitizing effects as it provides awareness it is wrong
indirect effects
they dont infiltrate as fast into audiences
two step flow
effect of the media comes through interaction between people, they are influenced by someone else to reject, modify or accept a message
katz and lazarfeld (1955)
opinion leader takes in a message and transmits them onto their social connections
cultural effects theory
media effects the attitudes and behavior of different social groups depending on cultural background
drip drip theory
media influence on audience isn’t immediate but occurs over a long period of time
evaluation of indirect theories
- it is difficult to measure the effect of media alone in norms, values and attitudes and is difficult to isolate impacts of media
- the analysis tends to look ore at the issue from the pov of the media impacting on the audience, research has since shifted to the way in which the audience receives media messages
uses and gratifications
what audiences do with the media
- they have more choices in the using the media to satisy their needs
zillmann (1987)
shoes influence of mood on media choice
- boredom will provoke exciting content but stress encourages calming content
- different needs are associated with individual personalities, stages of maturation, backgrounds and social roles
Mcquail (1987) - uses for media content
information: news, seeking advice, satisfying curiosity
personal identity: reinforcement of personal values, identifying with valued others
integration and social interaction: finding a basis for conversation, substitute for real life companionship
entertainment: escaping or being diverted from problems, relaxing
use and gratification evaluation
not enough research on how media audience gratify themselves by using media content
- different social groups may use media content in different ways
uses and gratifications - postmodernism
individuals have specific needs and the function of media is to provide plurality of media choices in order to meet taste
hall (1973) - coding/decoding
media messages such as news are coded in ways that support the power structure of society