Media Language Flashcards
Extreme close up
contains one part of a character’s face
A mid-shot
contains a complete view of the character
Extreme long shot
contains a large amount of landscape
Eye-level camera
angles in which the camera incorporates a character’s eyes
Bird’s eye
shot directly from above
High angle
angled down towards the subject having a diminishing effect
Target audience
the people at whom the media text is aimed
Layout and design
The way in which a page has been designed to attract the target audience
Brand identity
the association the audience make with a brand
Audience positioning
the way media productions place audiences literally or metaphorically. Example - audiences may be positioned with a particular character
the words that accompany an image
how media producers create appeal to audiences to encourage them to consume the product
the way in which a media text is constructed in order to represent a version of reality
how the combination of images in the frame creates meaning
Media Conglomerate
A company that owns other companies across a range of media platforms
the topics, language, and meanings behind the media text
an entire series of a film for example
Gate Keepers
people responsible for deciding the most appropriate stories to appear in newspapers
the dominance of one group over another
beliefs and values of a media organisation
te belief in the superiority of one’s ethnic group or culture
media productions are delivered to audiences
Horizontal integration
media conglomerate made up of different companies that produce and sell similar products
Vertical integration
own all or most of that chain of production and distribution for the product
Diegetic sound
The sound that comes from the fictional world
Encoding and decoding
media producers encode and consumers decode
where one text makes reference to another
The props, costumes, objects, and backgrounds associated with a genre
Audience segmentation
where a target audience is divided up due to the diversity
the process of audience/users sending and sharing media content
expand the potential of a market
to own or control delivery systems
Window of the world
texts showing the present reality. For example, news programmes are showing the audience the ‘real’ world
story given the most prominence on the front of a newspaper
Cover lines
suggest the content to the reader, often teasers and rhetorical questions
House style
the aspect that makes a magazine recognisable to its readers
Cultural capital
media tastes and preferences of an audience - linked to class/background
words that accompany an image
the main or one of the main stories in the edition
Non-diegetic sound
sound added in during editing, a voiceover and music etc…
Cross-platform marketing
a text that is distributed and exhibited across a range of media formats
Political bias
where a newspaper may show support for a political party
Binary opposites
texts incorporate juxtaposing values
Patriarchal culture
a society or culture that is male-dominated
Opinion leaders
people in society who affect the way in which others interpret a particular media text
Niche audience
a relatively small audience with specialised interests
Active audience
actively engage in selecting media products
Passive audience
passively accept the messages that producers communicate
Viral marketing
advertising is done through less conventional ways like through social media and the internet